
240 发简信
  • 死亡之主2020-07-12

    时间的确是可怕,几个字符即可变沧海为桑田。时间正如那头恶魔一般,无情碾压累累白骨。 释迦摩尼清楚知道它的恐怖,他有方法可以逃脱出去。 我看着秒针...

  • May 26:有贪心领悟不会出现

    If there is greed in how you are observing,theninsight cannot arise. Whe...

  • May 25:心从不走开

    The nature of the mind is it doesn't go anywhere,it doesn't move. The mi...

  • May 24:在外面是概念

    We might say that we know something that's happened "outside of ourselve...

  • May 23:因缘和合之法

    When we see that causes and conditions giveriseto aneffect, and how that...

  • May 22:重点不是故事

    We are studying the nature of craving,aversionand delusion—their functio...

  • May 21:利益就在当下

    How much you do, how skillful you are, howmuch you are able to do, the b...

  • May 20:禅修快不了

    There is no way you can rush progress inmeditation. We can only proceed ...

  • May 19:培育心的本能

    In meditation we are not trying to seethe objects,or to see the experien...
