Establishing your own principles form 《Principles》--从《原则》中建立自己的原则By Gree...
Chapter 3 What Is Truth?真理到底是主观的、精神上的还是物理的、客观存在的?本章阐述了人们对真理的认知的起源,人的感知的不...
本章阐述了涉及到critital thinking的以下几个重要概念:大脑、心智,批判性思考者的特点,自觉,批判性思考者的行为模式,写作的价值,...
Beyond FeelingsA Guide to Critical Thinking 9 edition-----Vincent Ryan R...
Chart 5 How Good Are Your Opinions?你的观点有多少根据?To me truth is precious. . ...
chapter 3What Is Truth?真理是什么 For hundreds of years, philosophers battled...
The Inner Game of Tennis W Timothy Gallwey Jonathan Cape Thirty-two Bedf...
费德勒的20冠之旅--翻译:Green Twenty Grand Slam titles! It's an achievement that h...