For external API call, the remote server may contain no ‘Access-Control-...
typescript syntax es6 syntax redux or mobx ecosystem of node.js
今日真是无聊。除了把DIGICASE的API弄好,再也无事可干,觉得对不起工钱是其次,关键是没学到东西. 感觉自己有新知识强迫症,如果一天没什么...
all time in django are timezone-sensitive(AKA. offeset-aware)so if you c...
It is not that easy as we usually think of.In fact, it could cause chain...
stackoverflow answers: model.objects.values()actually queryset.values() ...
override save_model() in admin.py
Alt+Contrl+I = fix indentation
no django migrate on gitlab ci if running on develop.because there is no...