
240 发简信
  • 让人顿悟的“熵增理论”

    令人胆寒,让人顿悟的“熵增理论” 生命是什么? 生命的敌人是什么? 人类的未来会怎样? 为什么时间有方向? 若想造出人工智能生命,需要具备什么能...

  • What is OPC UA?

    视频连接OPC UA in 60 Seconds(720p) What is OPC UA? OPCUA is a multiplatform ...

  • 为什么成功的人都在凌晨4点起床呢

    有道-励志集-视频 Why are successful people waking up at 4:00am. 为什么成功的人都在凌晨4点起床...

  • Ch01-09 挑衣服

    What do you want to wear? 你想要穿什么呢? Choose what you want to wear. 挑一件你想穿的...

  • Ch01-08 爸爸去上班

    Daddy is going to work. 爸爸要去上班了。 Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye. 爸爸要出门了,说...

  • Ch01-07 上厕所

    I have to pee. 我要去尿尿。 I have to poop. 我要去便便。 I'm about to poop. 我快要啦出来了。...

  • Ch01-06 用餐习惯和礼节

    Don't be picky with your food. 不要挑食。 Don't walk around while you eat. 吃饭...

  • Ch01-05 吃早餐

    It's time for breakfast. 该吃早餐了。 Come and eat your breakfast. 来吃早餐吧。 Sit ...

  • Ch01-04 刷牙

    You should brush your teeth three times a day. 一天要刷三次牙。 Brush your teeth...

Time is human's magic. 时间是人类的魔法。

I set up an English practice group, you can? practice reading here , just a word, or a song is ok, hope you'll join us