
240 发简信
  • Day 14

    单词 1. 原句:Last week we had a paper due in Science and Mrs. Breckman said ...

  • Day 9

    单词 1.原句:Most people don't seem to appreciate a person as honest as me. 释...

  • Day 8

    单词 1. 原句:Sure enough, the next day Rowley came to school wearing the sam...

  • Day 7

    单词 1. 原句: Roy is done chewing a kid out , he sends them off with a pat o...

  • Day 6

    单词 1. 原句: I had an extra chocolate-chip cookie in my lunch bag, and I ma...

  • Day 5

    单词 1. 原句: After all those years of getting pushed around by Rodrick,I wa...

  • Day 4

    单词 1. 原句: Dad stuffed a bunch of pillows under the blanket on his side o...

  • Day 2

    单词 1. 原句: So if I get in a pinch, it's nice to know I can count on Alex ...

  • Day 3

    单词 1. 原句: So if I ever tell on him for anything, he'll spill my secret t...