The GDP is one way of MEASURING the size of an economy
L5-U3-P3 英语流利说 5-3-3 懂你英语 Level5 Unit3 Part3L5-U3-P3-1 Listening : Living Conditions 1 Living Conditions 1 Living conditions around...
The GDP is one way of MEASURING the size of an economy
L5-U3-P3 英语流利说 5-3-3 懂你英语 Level5 Unit3 Part3L5-U3-P3-1 Listening : Living Conditions 1 Living Conditions 1 Living conditions around...
以下是Zeda_BAE整理的懂你学习笔记。 如您喜欢,请点个小喜欢,您的支持是我最大的动力。 祝您猪年大吉,春节快乐~!身体健康~!阖家幸福~! ? 懂你英语 Level 1...
L4-U2-P4-1 Listening :Al Capone 1 Al Capone 1 AI Capone was one of the most famous crim...
In a flowchart, a decision point shows WHAT happens when a decision is made.
英语流利说Level4 Unit2 Part3 Vocabulary:Graphs & Charts & Legal TermsGraphs & Charts A bar graph uses rectangularbars of different lengths to show and compa...
Level3 Unit1 Part1 Listening:An Unusual Day & Bus Schedule Level3 Unit1 Part1 Vocabular...
A spark can ignite a mixture of gases and release energy for good OR destructive purposes.(好像是or不是and)
英语流利说 Level4 Unit2 Part2 Vocabulary: Disasters&ReligionsDisasters Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the earth. When the earth shakes...