
240 发简信
  • market research

    there wasn't enough research done. Some of the research might have been ...

  • changing the agenda

    Do you have the lastest meeting agenda? We'll need to make the changes t...

  • Acknowledging a Job Well Done

    We think you have done a stellar job on this project. I'd like to take t...

  • there is still something wrong with my throat.

    Do you have a few minutes to go over the details of the meeting? Yes,fir...

  • 6-9listening

    How do your products differ? We offer the same quality products as they ...

  • Changing the Agenda

    Is there any chance we can change the date? It is going to start at 8:00...

  • overview of a new product

    overview of a new product Hello there.Have you ever used an interactive ...

  • meeting a client

    2017/5/22 Meeting a client 1.I would like to see Ms Johnson. 2.I am here...