这个项目是为这些和学术研究相比,对运动更感兴趣的学生而设计。 This program is designed for students who are more sport...
1)翻译下面的句子: 这家债台高筑的公司开始把目光聚焦到海外业务。 The debt-ridden firm is starting to shift its focus t...
1)翻译下面的句子: 抖音是以年轻人为主的短视频应用程序,它声称有 2.5 亿每日活跃用户。 Douyin is a youth-oriented short video a...
1)翻译下面的句子: 注重健康的中国父母更愿意买进口婴儿奶粉。 Health-conscious parents in China are more inclined to ...
1)翻译下面的句子: 天津虽然紧邻北京,但它的经济好像并未因此而获益。 Despite its proximity to Beijing, the capital city,...
1)翻译下面的句子:早知道我应该对她更多一点耐心。 With hindsight, I should have been a bit more patient with he...
天津虽然紧邻北京,但它的经济好像并未因此而获益。 Despite its proximity to Beijing, the capital city, Tianjin do...
一二线城市之间的贫富差距正在不断加大。 There is a growing/widening gulf between first-tier cities and sec...
当地居民在地震中展示出了无比的坚强。 Local residents showed remarkable resilience during the earthquake....
这个国家的经济一度落后,不过现在已经开始迎头赶上了。 Once a laggard, the economy of this country is starting to c...
如果这次司法考试如果不及格,就会影响到她的职业前景。 Failing the law exam could potentially jeopardize her profes...
很多中国互联网公司开始扩展海外业务,寻求新的增长点。 Many Chinese Internet companies have begun new operations in...
他的观点发生了 180° 大转弯,决定和前妻复婚。 He has made a U-turn and decided to remarry his divorced wife...
不是每个人都满足于现状。 Not everyone is satisfied with the status quo. 2)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,想象在什么语境...
手机厂商之间激烈的竞争使得智能手机越来越便宜了。 The intense rivalry among smartphone makers has brought down t...
每年暑假都会有全国各地的游客涌入北京。 Every summer Beijing sees a massive influx of tourists from around ...
美国大学让全世界羡慕不已。 American universities are the envy of the earth. 或 American universities ...
经济危机爆发后,投资面貌发生了巨大变化。 The investment landscape has been changed tremendously since the o...
“只有偏执狂才能生存”是硅谷最著名的口号之一。 “Only the paranoid survive” is one of the most well-known mantr...