Chapter 11 本章主要写苏东坡在杭州时期的生活状况。没有涉及仕途,只涉及一两句工作情况。苏轼与杭州确实是难以分开?!八怃蜾偾绶胶谩保鞍子晏槁胰氪钡鹊?,这些你不...
Chapter 11 本章主要写苏东坡在杭州时期的生活状况。没有涉及仕途,只涉及一两句工作情况。苏轼与杭州确实是难以分开?!八怃蜾偾绶胶谩保鞍子晏槁胰氪钡鹊?,这些你不...
He had a vision, and his wagon was
hitched to that starry vision, not of a happy, peaceful and prosperous
nation, but of a rich, strong, and powerful state, expanding its borders
north and south. God had willed that the Sung dynasty was to be
great and expansionist, like the Hans and the Tangs, and he, Wang
Anshih, was the manifest Man of Destiny. But there is not one "Man
of Destiny" who does not appear slightly pathetic in the contemplation
of future historians ——a man caught in the prison of his ambition, a
victim of his own dream, which grew and expanded and then burst
like a bubble.
Chapter 8 The Bull-headed Premier 读书笔记12.14PART 1 Sentences 1. Determination of character, we are told, is a great virtue, but a q...
今天读了6个小时以上读完第一章,慢,没法子,慢慢来。 最喜欢的细节有两个。一个是A man’s life is just like a drama and we can ju...
读完感觉这篇序言是向外国人介绍苏东坡的最好材料。苏东坡是我最喜欢的历史人物,但是这个话题比较深,一张嘴就不知道该怎样表达。作者写得非常好, 用词非常丰富,表达非常到位。参考中...