I burst through the doors, the smell of iodine and peroxidehits me, but all I have time...
I burst through the doors, the smell of iodine and peroxidehits me, but all I have time...
一辆接一辆塞满了学生的公交车从眼前驶过,耳边响起熟悉的行李箱轮子摩擦地面的声音。 整个大学城瞬间多了些烟火气,商业街也喧嚣热闹了起来。 开学季又来了,新学期又开始了。 塞满家...
一、方法不对,学了也没用 有人问我: 欧阳天天,阅读英文原版书时碰到生词怎么办?需要停下来查生词吗?我给出的建议是:如果生词并不影响你对文章主旨的把握,那就不要停下来,做标记...
Part one 1. invitation n. 邀请 eg:The invitations are out.请帖已发出。 2. chaise n. 一种轻马车(通常有车蓬...
part one 表示说话的词语 1,"Resign?" Wood thundered.怒喝 大声喊出2,"— tell yer that's how it is at Ho...