系列文: 背景:Android App优化, 要怎么做? Android App优化之性能分析工具 Android App优化之提升你的App启动速度之理论基础 Androi...
ps(Process status )查看进程状态的命令,该命令显示瞬间进程的状态简单用法,直接adb shell ps命令 各字段的含义: USER 进程当前用户PID ...
What are some of the most useful skills to know? The art of selling. 销售的艺术 Everyone (re...
What is the one thing some people do to get a better life? Nelson Wang, 为了更好的生活都会做的一件事 ...
What are some of the lessons one should definitely learn at their 20s? Max Lukominskyi,...
What are 5 habbits that can improve your life? Few points 说几点 1.Always remember , you a...
What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life? Joshua Otusanya Here’s a...
The author is just right for him; his style, his taste, his point of view, his mode of ...
What can I do for 10 minutes every day that will change my life? 每天做10分钟改变自己生活的事 Drew R...
What can I do to better myself in one month? Dean Yeong 1,Meditate. Focus on your breat...
What are the most effective and proven time management techniques? 最高效的已论证的时间管理技巧 Olive...
@我叫不高兴呗 继续加油哦
我怎么做才能停止平庸?How can I stop being average? Cherry Chen, I only just recently wrotea blog postrelated...
@少年降魔战八方 不至于,不要过度刷就好了
我怎么做才能停止平庸?How can I stop being average? Cherry Chen, I only just recently wrotea blog postrelated...
@躁动男青年 离开自己的舒适区,让自己进步
我怎么做才能停止平庸?How can I stop being average? Cherry Chen, I only just recently wrotea blog postrelated...