格式定义: 作用:该元素用来声明应用范围(整个WEB项目)内的上下文初始化参数。param-name设定上下文的参数名称。必须是唯一名称param-value 设定的参数名称...
格式定义: 作用:该元素用来声明应用范围(整个WEB项目)内的上下文初始化参数。param-name设定上下文的参数名称。必须是唯一名称param-value 设定的参数名称...
Servlet 3.0 新特性概述 Servlet 3.0 作为 Java EE 6 规范体系中一员,随着 Java EE 6 规范一起发布。该版本在前一版本(Servlet...
Technologies used : Spring 3.2.8.RELEASE Spring Security 3.2.3.RELEASE Eclipse 4.2 JDK ...
In this first part of Actor Messaging, we'll create the Teacher Actor and instead of th...
子类和父类都__init__ 运行结果是: 如果子类有__init__则不会调用父类的__init__方法; 假如子类没有__init__方法,而父类有init方法 运行结果...
Overview Not every application requires tuning. If an application performs as well as e...
Is GC Tuning Required? The memory size has been specified using -Xms and –Xmx options. ...