Yes—the springtimes needed you. Often a star was waiting for you to notice it. A wave r...
The Need to Read By Will Schwalbe We need to read and to be readers now more than ever....
山花子?珐琅手工杯垫记 作者 |青颜(中国) 彩绘千江活水青。风波浪起自由行。 提笔成图掐金线,诞初形。 调色全凭砂粉重,还须点翠指尖轻。 华夏匠心和技艺,又传承。
From the words of the poet men take what meanings please them; yet their last meaning p...
It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as fo...
The Clouds consign their treasures to the fields, And, softly shaking on the dimpled po...
Learning stuff was less important than learning about oneself. Exploration is not just ...
Well, I guess we all learned something tonight about love and friendship, about taking ...
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for ...
【庆春泽】蠡湖早春(依韵无解司令) 作者|青颜(中国) 春至江南迎客。高木乱山图,美人丝脉。 燃一簇红梅,岸边芦荻。叙事春秋,并非比花色。 鸱夷所恨无力。虽自保于前,西施还失...
【庆春泽】蠡湖早春(依韵无解司令) 作者|青颜(中国) 春至江南迎客。高木乱山图,美人丝脉。 燃一簇红梅,岸边芦荻。叙事春秋,并非比花色。 鸱夷所恨无力。虽自保于前,西施还失...