Too many people take things for granted, afraid of change...
质疑,学习的开始在我看来,质疑才是学习的开始。 如果一个人从来没有质疑过,可能他从来没有学习过。 我们从小到大被给与了很多教导,多数情况下,我们都被要求按照特定的形式去做特定的事情,时间久了...
Before I left home for work, I turned off the air-conditioner in Dora's bedroom, in ord...
(Story continued...) The mother bird finally had three eggs which turned into three ten...
作为父母,您想让自己的孩子成功吗? 面对这个问题,我相信每位家长给出的答案都是肯定的。 很多人说,我现在就在努力做着这件事情。我努力工作赚钱,给孩子挑好的学校,参加各种课外培...
Professor 徐世伟 (who authors the book 《不要假装读大学》) said, 'When I was young, I was an diffid...
The other day, we were talking about masks some people had to wear... Once you had on a...
The sad story of a young lad who has no interest in English but still learns it; who sh...
阅读对一个人到底有多重要? 如果说教导孩子学会终身学习是教育的终极目标,那阅读就是开启这扇门的钥匙。只要一个人有了阅读能力,能够阅读大量书籍,那么他的理解能力,写作能力,思考...
????????Good job!
如何培养孩子阅读习惯 ?| 故事篇阅读对一个人到底有多重要? 如果说教导孩子学会终身学习是教育的终极目标,那阅读就是开启这扇门的钥匙。只要一个人有了阅读能力,能够阅读大量书籍,那么他的理解能力,写作能力,思考...
My friend's son said, 'What education have My parents given me? I think now and again, ...
The tender young buds, Hope of tomorrow, Are the easy targets Of loathsome bugs... I ni...
Gaokao is in progress right now... This is a notoriously life-changing test that involv...
Today is the big day - daunting Gaokao, Which I attended many many years ago... The mem...
“God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all s...
经常听人说:这年头工作不好找...... 以前当我听到这些话的时候,总觉得压力特别大,毕竟有一天,我也要找工作呀。 一方面,用人单位、人才市场多重职位空缺;另外一方面,新闻上...
In the afternoon, I first made my students hear a weird story about a dream (nightmare)...
I heard the siren ringing... You heard the siren ringing... S/he also heard the siren r...