小说: 伤心咖啡馆之歌 怦然心动 步步惊心 桐华 大漠谣 桐华 云中歌 桐华 曾许诺 桐华 被时光掩埋的秘密 桐华 那些回不去的年少时光 桐华 华胥引 唐七公子 东宫 匪我思...
自从结婚以后,一直被生活推着走,浑浑噩噩,疲于奔命,忘了以前所谓的梦想,也离自己想要成为的人越来越远。 最近疫情严重,闲来无事,想想自己以后想要怎么过。 首先就是要体面的过,...
这两天电脑不知道怎么回事,怎么都打不开,看美剧学英语系列先停一下,因为手机打那么多字太难了…… 现在已经是晚上10点45分了,赵宏飞还是要带妮妮出去外面玩,我已经不知道该说些...
-Carlos: A dinner party. Honey, I may be working late. The Dillman proposal's a complet...
(BREE looks at the clock, which reads 5:35 am. She gets out of bed, and goes downstairs...
(TOM is asleep on the couch. A red cloth comes down to tickle his face and he starts, w...
(We hear a doorbell ring. SUSAN runs to the door with a towel wrapped around her body.)...
(背景:Susan暗恋Mike,又不好意思开口,和她女儿Julie的谈话。) (SUSAN stands at the kitchen counter, filling a ...
(背景:Bree有点强迫症,看到她的婚姻咨询师DR. GOLDFINE西服的扣子快掉了,忍不了了,一定要把它缝上才安心。) (DR. GOLDFINE is leaning ...
[SOLIS HOUSE - BEDROOM -- NIGHT --- LATER] (背景:Carlos再一次应酬到很晚才回家。) (The bedroom door op...
Mary Alice Voiceover:After talking for hours, my friends still hadn’t agreed on what to...