今天是老公阳的第四天,老公的情况好像又加重了。本来昨天没怎么发烧的他,今天又开始害怕冷了,肯定要发高烧。他的心情也越来越不好了,总是说身体很疼。 昨天没去上班,办公司其她两个...
今天是老公阳的第四天,老公的情况好像又加重了。本来昨天没怎么发烧的他,今天又开始害怕冷了,肯定要发高烧。他的心情也越来越不好了,总是说身体很疼。 昨天没去上班,办公司其她两个...
脑中回想旧时之人堂前过 树上子规声声泣血亦摧折 惊艳了芳菲也锁住了萤火 心念之处无法说破 春时之景残阳烈火梅花折 描绘出思绪万千微妙的起落 惜时亦惜春必然叩问着自我 而你掀起...
在出差回程的路上,心里默想着今天的文章主题,突然就想到了晕车。 坐车对有些人而言是一种享受,而对有一些人而言是一种折磨。 从小坐车都晕车,不到半个小时的车程都会呕吐,每一次坐...
春雨惊春清谷天 夏满芒夏暑相连 秋处露秋寒霜降 秋雪雪冬小大寒 首先问候一声:各位朋友,霜降快乐! 今天是霜降,秋季的最后一个节气,霜降一过,便入冬了。难怪今晨起来感觉寒气格...
May 3: 英文版 Build Something Relatively Eternal amid Empty IllusionWhen you have understo...
May 2: 英文版 All these are forms, and they are also manifestations, and external appearan...
May 1: 英文版 because you will discover that even these so-called burdens are empty and il...
April 30: 英文版 When you cannot resist the delusive enticements of this world, and your m...
April 29: 英文版 Preserve Pure Awareness, Listen to the Voice of the Inner Mind Preserve t...
April 26: 英文版 The true mind is also "the ordinary mind" in the saying"the ordinary mind...
April 25: 英文版 The Object of Cultivation Must Be Your Mind No matter what form of cultiv...
April 24: 英文版 True Maturity Is the Maturity of the Mind and Spirit For the whole societ...
April 23: 英文版 Let Good Actions Change Your Mind and Spirit When we take wisdom and pass...
April 22: 英文版 The Enlightened teacher Is a beacon for the Spirit. You must carefully ob...
April 19: 英文版 The mind of detachment is definitely not an emotional feeling. It is a mi...
伤寒论学习(2016/3/8) 每天伤寒论吗,坚持学习伤寒论原文第八天。 今天科室病人较多,忙了一下午,没太多时间看书,下班后比较累,自觉做针灸真耗气?;故堑谜胍┎⑿?,多开点...
英文版 Keep Your Eyes Open, and Stay Far Away from Evil Companions How do you tell the dif...