如果下载多个SRA number连续的数据,则可以用for循环
最近开始上手ChIP-seq数据分析,按照“简书 刘小泽”的流程,目前已拿到比对后的bam文件并进行了比对信息的统计,豆豆的流程非常赞,运行下来木有问题!安利给大家,如果大家...
刘小泽写于2020.5.23-24Y叔的原文在:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3CMj0xejiV-FSMC-Vxd_-w 0 ChIPseeker的...
1. 如何算剽窃? 2. 如何引用别人的工作? 3. 如何查看是否剽窃? 用引号加上一句话放到Google,是否返回含有相同句子的另一篇文章? 4. 自我剽窃 5. Auth...
1. Abstracts (ab=out, trahere=pull; "to pull out") (1) Overview of the main story (2) G...
1. The Discussion section Gives you the most freedom Gives you the most chance to put g...
1. Tips (1) Easier to write than you may realize! (2) Follows a fairly standard format ...
1. Results (1) Results 不等于 Raw Data 2. Methods and materials
1. 将写作任务分散成小目标(set small, doable goals) 2. Recommended order for writing an original MS...
Overview of the writing process 1. Prewriting (70% time) (1) Collect, synthesize, and o...
1. key points 1)1 paragraph = 1 idea2)Give away the punch line early (早点给出结论)3)Paragrap...
1. Experiment with punctuation 1)Increasing power to seperatecomma逗号, colon冒号, dash破折号,...
1. Practice examples Example 1 主语太长 passive voice hedge word: appreciable...example 1 改...
1. Verbs Use the active voice; be direct!Advantages of the active voice(1) Emphasizes a...
1. Cut the clutter, more tricks (1) Eliminate negatives (turn to positve)not honest -- ...
????在生信学习课程中插播一系列SCI文章写作课程笔记???? 1. What makes good writing? (1) Good writing communicate a...
@羊驼驼子1 没有参考基因组的话需要自己组装吧,这个小白也解决不了呀,入门还是先从简单的练起
转录组分析入门 2 —— 基本流程?? 注:此文基本全部按照 简书 刘小泽:转录组那些事儿 Part II 进行,感谢??,以下代码亲测有效,如有问题欢迎随时与我沟通。 准备工作?? 1. 登录服务器(本小白...
??安装系统为CentOS,Rstudio-server的安装需要管理员root权限。??亲测此方法简单有效~ 最后在浏览器中输入IP:8787打开,然后输入用户名和密码进入...