12.10 DES算法的轮函数
Promissory Note 本票 An unconditional promise in writing made by one person (the maker) t...
Definition A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing. Addressed by one pe...
2月4号写的,已录取,复试经验,排版之类的之后有时间再更新(需要保存视频的请尽早保存,也许哪天云盘不够用就得删除了) 前言: 历时半年多,初试正式告一个段落。(本人报考工科,...
Types of Loans Granted to Individuals and Families Purpose – what the borrowed funds wi...
Business loans: commercial and industrial (C&I) loans rank among the most important ass...
What is capital? Funds contributed by the owners of a financial institution Form of the...
Recent experience Future What would happen if ... there would beIf... happened(use a mo...
Transaction (Payment or Demand) Deposits An account used primarily to make payments for...
Liability Management and the Customer Relationship Doctrine The Customer Relationship D...