mac intellij 快捷键


RunInspection? command shift alt I? Analyze->Run Inspection By Name? 根据代码检查的例子,运行代码检查


AutoIndentLines? control alt I? Code->Auto-Indent Lines? 自动缩进

CommentByBlockComment? command alt SLASH? Code->Comment With Block Comment? 整段用/* */注释

CommentByLineComment? command SLASH? Code->Comment with Line Comment? 注释

CodeCompletion? control SPACE? Code->Completion? 代码自动完成

SmartTypeCompletion? control shift SPACE? Code->Completion->SmartType? 智能类型完成,不太明白

CollapseBlock? command shift PERIOD? Code->Folding? 折叠区块代码

CollapseSelection? command PERIOD? Code->Folding? 选中某一段代码后,用这个快捷键来折叠

CollapseRegion? command SUBTRACT? Code->Folding->Collapse? 选中后,折叠某个方法或类

CollapseAll? command SUBTRACT? Code->Folding->Collapse? 选中后,折叠某个方法或类

CollapseAllRegions? command shift SUBTRACT? Code->Folding->Collapse All? 折叠所有 比如折叠某个类的某个方法

CollapseRegionRecursively? command alt SUBTRACT? Code->Folding->Collapse Recursively? 循环折叠

ExpandAll? command ADD|control EQUALS? Code->Folding->Expand? 折叠当前方法

ExpandAllRegions? command shift ADD? Code->Folding->Expand All? 展开所有被折叠的地方

ExpandRegion? command ADD? Code->Folding->Expand All? 如果某个方法被折叠了,可以展开

ExpandRegionRecursively? command alt ADD? Code->Folding->Expand Recursively? 迭代展开方法

ImplementMethods? control I? Code->Implement Method...? 实现某个方法

InsertLiveTemplate? command J? Code->Insert Live Template? 插入代码模板,比如sout等

MoveLineDown? alt shift DOWN? Code->Move Line Down? 移动当前行到上一行

MoveLineUp? alt shift UP? Code->Move Line Up? 移动当前行到下一行

MoveStatementDown? command shift DOWN? Code->Move Statement Down? 把当前代码块,比如一个方法往下移动

MoveStatementUp? command shift UP? Code->Move Statement Up? 把当前代码块,比如一个方法往上移动

OptimizeImports? control alt O? Code->Optimize Imports? import优化

OverrideMethods? control O? Code->Override Method? 重载当前类的方法

ReformatCode? command alt L? Code->Reformat Code? 格式化代码

SurroundWith? command alt T? Code->Surround With? 选中某一段,然后可以用if之类的包含这段

Unwrap? command shift DELETE? Code->Unwrap? 删除,但是没有尝试出来

Generate? command N? Code->generate? 代码生成,包括构造函数,getter? setter

NewElement? command N? Code->Generate? 新建一个元素,比如getter setter方法,非常有用

ContextHelp? F1? ? ? 显示方法的帮助信息,比如javadoc

SurroundWithLiveTemplate? command alt J? 选中一行或一端,然后用模版来包裹


CopyPaths? command shift C? Edit->Copy Path? 拷贝当前文件的路径

CopyReference? command alt shift C? Edit->Copy Reference? 拷贝引用

$Cut? command X? Edit->Cut? 剪切

EditorDuplicate? command D? Edit->Duplicate Line? 复制当前行到下一行

FindNext? F3|command G? Edit->Find->Find Next? 找到下一个

SelectNextOccurrence? control G? Edit->Find->Find Next? 选定某些个字符后,找到下一个出现的地方

FindPrevious? command shift G? Edit->Find->Find Previous? 查找某个变量后,找到上一个出现的位置

ShowSettingsAndFindUsages? command shift alt F7? Edit->Find->Find Usage Settings? 打开find usages的设置 需要选中某个类,方法,变量才能执行

FindUsages? alt F7? Edit->Find->Find Usages? 找到类,方法或变量被使用的地方,在hierarchy中显示出来

FindUsagesInFile? command F7? Edit->Find->Find Usages in File? 给定一个方法或变量,在当前文件中找到用的地方

FindWordAtCaret? control F3? Edit->Find->Find Word at Caret

FindInPath? command shift F? Edit->Find->Find in Path? 在文件中查找

HighlightUsagesInFile? command shift F7? Edit->Find->Highlight Usages in File? 选中某个变量,然后进行查找

Replace? command R? Edit->Find->Replace? 替换

ReplaceInPath? command shift R? Edit->Find->Replace in Path? 根据文件的路径,替换文件中的内容,可以做到全局替换

SelectAllOccurrences? command control G? Edit->Find->Select All Occurrences? 选定某些个字符后,在当前文件中,找到所有该字符 并高亮显示

ShowUsages? command alt F7? Edit->Find->Show Usages? 在当前editor,显示类,方法或变量被使用的地方

UnselectPreviousOccurrence? control shift G? Edit->Find->Unselect Occurrence? 通过Select Next Occurrence找到一些内容后,不选定这些内容

EditorIndentSelection? TAB? Edit->Indent Selection? 把选中的内容进行缩进

$Paste? command V? Edit->Paste? 粘贴

EditorPasteSimple? command alt shift V? Edit->Paste Simple? 简单粘贴,不做分析

$Redo? command shift Z|alt shift BACK_SPACE? Edit->Redo? 重复上一个动作

$Undo? command Z? Edit->Undo? 撤销上一次修改

Find? command F? 查找

Editor Actions

EditorBackSpace? BACK_SPACE? Editor Actions->Backspace? 删除

EditorChooseLookupItem? ENTER? Editor Actions->Choose Lookup Item

EditorCutLineEnd? control K? Editor Actions->Cut up to Line End? 剪切光标之后的到行尾的内容

$Delete? DELETE? Editor Actions->Delete? 删除

EditorDelete? DELETE? Editor Actions->Delete

EditorDeleteLine? command BACK_SPACE? Editor Actions->Delete Line? 删除本行

EditorDeleteToWordEnd? alt DELETE? Editor Actions->Delete to Word End? 删除光标后的字符到字符串的结尾

EditorDeleteToWordStart? alt BACK_SPACE? Editor Actions->Delete to Word Start? 删除到字母开始的地方

EditorDown? DOWN? Editor Actions->Down? 光标往下移动一行

EditorDownWithSelection? shift DOWN? Editor Actions->Down with Selection? 往下选择

EditorLeft? LEFT? Editor Actions->Left? 编辑器左移

EditorLeftWithSelection? shift LEFT? Editor Actions->Left with Selection? 选择光标左边的字符

EditorCodeBlockEnd? command alt CLOSE_BRACKET? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Code Block End? 移动光标到代码块的结尾,比如移动到方法的最后一个}处

EditorCodeBlockEndWithSelection? command alt shift CLOSE_BRACKET? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection? 移动鼠标到代码块的结束处,并全选

EditorCodeBlockStartWithSelection? command alt shift OPEN_BRACKET? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection? 移动光标到代码块的结尾,比如移动到方法的最后一个}处,并全选内容

EditorLineEnd? command RIGHT? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line End? 光标移动到行尾

EditorLineEndWithSelection? shift END? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line End With Selection? 光标移动到行尾,并全选

EditorLineStart? command LEFT? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line Start? 移动光标到行开头,很有用

EditorLineStartWithSelection? command shift LEFT? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line Start with Selection? 光标向左移动到行开始处,并全选

EditorPreviousWord? alt LEFT? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Previous Word? 移动光标到上一个单词

EditorTextEnd? command END? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Text End? 移动光标到文件的最后面

EditorTextEndWithSelection? command shift END? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Text End with Selection? 选中从光标开始之后的内容

EditorTextStartWithSelection? command shift HOME? Editor Actions->Move Caret to Text Start with Selection? 选中从光标之前的所有内容

EditorMoveToPageBottom? command PAGE_DOWN? Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Bottom? 移动光标到文件底部

EditorMoveToPageBottomWithSelection? command shift PAGE_DOWN? Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Bottom With Selection? 移动光标到文件底部,并选择

EditorMoveToPageTop? command PAGE_UP? Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Top? 移动光标到文件顶部

EditorMoveToPageTopWithSelection? command shift PAGE_UP? Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Top With Selection? 移动光标到文件顶部 并选择

NextTemplateVariable? TAB|ENTER? Editor Actions->Next Template Variable? 下一个模板

EditorPageDown? PAGE_DOWN? Editor Actions->Page Down? 往下翻一页

EditorRight? RIGHT? Editor Actions->Right? 向右移动

EditorRightWithSelection? shift RIGHT? Editor Actions->Right With Selection? 光标往右,并选中

EditorUnSelectWord? alt DOWN? Editor Actions->Shrink Selection? 缩小已经选中的

EditorSplitLine? command ENTER? Editor Actions->Split Line? 貌似和普通的回车没有太大区别

EditorStartNewLine? shift ENTER? Editor Actions->Start New Line? 在本行之后开始一个新行,很有用的键

EditorStartNewLineBefore? command alt ENTER? Editor Actions->Start New Line Before Current? 在本行之前开始一个新行

EditorToggleCase? command shift U? Editor Actions->Toggle Case? 不知道

EditorUnindentSelection? shift TAB? Editor Actions->Unindent Line or Selection? 取消行或选定内容的缩进

EditorUpWithSelection? shift UP? Editor Actions->Up with Selection? 选中光标向上的部分

PrevParameter? shift TAB? Editor Actions->shift TAB

EditorJoinLines? control shift J? Editor Join Lines? 下一行与本行放在同一行中

$SelectAll? command A? Editor->Select All? 全选

NextParameter? TAB? Editor->TAB

EditorScrollDown? control DOWN

EditorToggleColumnMode? shift meta 8|shift meta MULTIPLY|shift meta 8

EditorToggleInsertState? INSERT

ExpandAllToLevel1? command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY

ExpandAllToLevel2? command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY

ExpandAllToLevel3? command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY

ExpandAllToLevel4? command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY

ExpandAllToLevel5? command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY

ExpandLiveTemplateByTab? TAB

ExpandToLevel1? command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY

ExpandToLevel2? command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY

ExpandToLevel3? command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY

ExpandToLevel4? command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY

ExpandToLevel5? command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY

EditorPreviousWordWithSelection? alt shift LEFT? 选中左边的word

EditorTextStart? command HOME? 回到文件的第一行,非常有用

EditorPageDownWithSelection? shift PAGE_DOWN? 光标往下移动,并选中

EditorPageUpWithSelection? shift PAGE_UP? 光标往上移动,并选中


Exit? command Q? File->Exit? 退出

SaveAll? command S? File->Save All? 保存全部

FileChooser.TogglePathShowing? command P

GotoCustomRegion? command alt PERIOD

GotoAction? command shift A? Help->Find Action? 可以根据快捷键,找到相应快捷键,比如输入refactor

HippieBackwardCompletion? alt shift SLASH

HippieCompletion? alt SLASH

ShowSettings? command COMMA? Intellij IDEA->preferences? 打开idea的设置

JumpToLastChange? command shift BACK_SPACE


MethodDown? control DOWN? ? ? 不知道

MethodUp? control UP

EditorNextWord? alt RIGHT? Move Caret to Next Word? 移动光标到下一个单词

EditorNextWordWithSelection? alt shift RIGHT? Move caret to Next Word with Selection? 移动到下一个词,并全选

Synchronize? command alt Y? File->Synchronize 同步文件


Back? command OPEN_BRACKET? Navigate->Back? 回退

NextOccurence? command alt DOWN? Navigate->Bookmarks->Next Occurence? 下一个书签

ShowBookmarks? command F3? Navigate->Bookmarks->Show Bookmarks? 显示书签

ToggleBookmark? F3? Navigate->Bookmarks->Toggle Bookmark? 加书签

ToggleBookmarkWithMnemonic? alt F3? Navigate->Bookmarks->Toggle Bookmark With Mnemoic? 打有标示的标签

CallHierarchy? control alt H? Navigate->Call Hierarchy? 选中某个方法后,打开该方法的调用链

GotoClass? command O? Navigate->Class? 打开某个类

GotoDeclaration? command B? Navigate->Declaration? 调到变量或方法声明处

GotoFile? command shift O? Navigate->File? 打开一个文件

ShowFilePath? command alt F12? Navigate->File Path? 显示文件路径

FileStructurePopup? command F12? Navigate->File Structure? 打开文件的结构 如果是class文件,显示变量,方法;也可以xml文件的结构

Forward? command CLOSE_BRACKET|meta alt RIGHT? Navigate->Forward? 前进 不是太明白

GotoImplementation? command alt B? Navigate->Implementations(s)? 调到该方法的实现处

ShowNavBar? command UP|alt HOME? Navigate->Jump to Navigation Bar? 调到导航条

GotoLine? command L? Navigate->Line? 跳到某一行

MethodHierarchy? command shift H? Navigate->Method Hierarchy? 不知道 方法结构,貌似不起作用

GotoNextError? F2? Navigate->Next Highlighted Error? 光标移到下一个错误

GotoPreviousError? shift F2? Navigate->Previous Highlighted Error? 跳到上一个错误处

PreviousOccurence? command alt UP? Navigate->Previous Occurence? 不知道

GotoRelated? command meta UP? Navigate->Related Symbol? 不知道

SelectIn? alt F1? Navigate->Select In? 可以进入Project View File Structure

GotoSuperMethod? control U? Navigate->Super Method? 跳到父类方法

GotoSymbol? command alt O? Navigate->Symbol? 根据符号名打开文件

GotoTest? command shift T? Navigate->Test? 跳到测试方法,或创建一个测试方法

GotoTypeDeclaration? command shift B|control shift B? Navigate->Type Declaration? 调到变量的声明处

TypeHierarchy? control H? Navigate->Type Hierarchy? 打开类型结构图

NewElementSamePlace? control alt N


ActivateProjectToolWindow? command 1? Other->Activate Project Tool Window? 打开project window? 常用

ActivateFavoritesToolWindow? command 2? Other->Activate Favorites Tool Window? 打开favorites window

ActivateFindToolWindow? command 3? Other->Activate Find Tool Window? 打开find window

ActivateRunToolWindow? command 4? Other->Activate Run Tool Window? 打开运行window 如果此工程没有运行过,则打不开

ActivateDebugToolWindow? command 5? Other->Activate Debug Tool Window? 打开debug windows 如果此工程没有调试过,则打不开

ActivateTODOToolWindow? command 6? Other->Activate TODO Tool Window? 打开TODO windows

ActivateStructureToolWindow? command 7? Other->Activate structure Tool Window? 打开structure window

ActivateHierarchyToolWindow? command 8? Other->Activate Hierarchy Tool Window? 打开hierarchy window

ActivateChangesToolWindow? command 9|meta shift 9? Other->Activate changes Tool Window? 打开change window 比如Git的修改

AddToFavoritesPopup? alt shift F? Other->Add to Favorites

ExpandTreeNode? ADD? ADD

ProjectViewChangeView? alt F1? Other->Change View? 切换view

ClassNameCompletion? control alt SPACE? Other->Class Name Completion? 类名自动完成

FileChooser.GotoDesktop? command D? Other->Desktop Directory

ExportToTextFile? control O? Other->Export to Text File? 导出到文本文件中 不起作用

EditBreakpoint? command shift F8? Other->Edit? 光标在断点所在行以后,可以编辑断点,比如加入条件

GotoBookmark0? control 0? Other->Goto Bookmark 0? 跳到第0个书签处

GotoBookmark1? control 1? Other->Goto Bookmark 1? 跳到第1个书签处

GotoBookmark2? control 2? Other->Goto Bookmark 2? 跳到第2个书签处

GotoBookmark3? control 3? Other->Goto Bookmark 3? 跳到第3个书签处

GotoBookmark4? control 4? Other->Goto Bookmark 4? 跳到第4个书签处

GotoBookmark5? control 5? Other->Goto Bookmark 5? 跳到第5个书签处

GotoBookmark6? control 6? Other->Goto Bookmark 6? 跳到第6个书签处

GotoBookmark7? control 7? Other->Goto Bookmark 7? 跳到第7个书签处

GotoBookmark8? control 8? Other->Goto Bookmark 8? 跳到第8个书签处

GotoBookmark9? control 9? Other->Goto Bookmark 9? 跳到第9个书签处

CodeInspection.OnEditor? alt shift I? Other->Inspect Code With Editor Settings

EditorLookupDown? control DOWN? Other->Lookup down

EditorLookupUp? control UP? Other->Lookup up

MaintenanceAction? command alt shift SLASH? Other->Maintenance

ActivateMessagesToolWindow? command 0? Other->Messages? 打开消息窗口

FileChooser.GotoModule? command 3? Other->Module Directory

FileChooser.NewFolder? command N? Other->New Folder

Console.Open? command shift F10? Other->Open Console? 打开console

EditSourceInNewWindow? shift F4? Other->Open Source in New Window? 用新窗口打开文件

PreviousEditorTab? control shift LEFT? Other->Previous Editor Tab? 不知道 怎么用

FileChooser.GotoProject? command 2? Other->Project Directory

Refresh? command R? Other->Refresh? 这个键与替换快捷键重复了

RemoveFromFavorites? control DELETE? Other->Remove From Favorites

Rerun? command R? Other->Rerun? 再次运行

RerunTests? control command R? 再次运行测试

DuplicatesForm.SendToLeft? command 1? Other->Send to Left

DuplicatesForm.SendToRight? command 2? Other->Send to Right

ShowIntentionActions? alt ENTER? Other->Show Intention Actions? 自动完成功能,比如引入一个变量,最常用的功能之一

ShowReformatFileDialog? command shift alt L? Other->Show Reformat File Dialog? 显示格式化代码的对话框

Switcher? ctrl TAB|ctrl shift TAB? Other->Switcher? 弹出列表,可以在打开的文件列表中切换

EditorChooseLookupItemReplace? TAB? Other->TAB

ActivateTerminalToolWindow? alt F12? Other->Terminal? 打开终端

ToggleBookmark0? control shift 0? Other->Toggle Bookmark 0? 在当前打上第0个书签

ToggleBookmark1? control shift 1? Other->Toggle Bookmark 1? 在当前打上第1个书签

ToggleBookmark2? control shift 2? Other->Toggle Bookmark 2? 在当前打上第2个书签

ToggleBookmark3? control shift 3? Other->Toggle Bookmark 3? 在当前打上第3个书签

ToggleBookmark4? control shift 4? Other->Toggle Bookmark 4? 在当前打上第4个书签

ToggleBookmark5? control shift 5? Other->Toggle Bookmark 5? 在当前打上第5个书签

ToggleBookmark6? control shift 6? Other->Toggle Bookmark 6? 在当前打上第6个书签

ToggleBookmark7? control shift 7? Other->Toggle Bookmark 7? 在当前打上第7个书签

ToggleBookmark8? control shift 8? Other->Toggle Bookmark 8? 在当前打上第8个书签

ToggleBookmark9? control shift 9? Other->Toggle Bookmark 9? 在当前打上第9个书签

PasteMultiple? command shift V|control shift INSERT? ? ? 粘贴多行

PopupHector? command alt shift H

QuickChangeScheme? control BACK_QUOTE

Console.History.Browse? command alt E? 展示console中的历史

Refactor菜单 重构部分

ChangeTypeSignature? command shift F6? ? ? 类型迁移

ChangeSignature? command F6? Refactor->Change Signature? 修改方法

CopyElement? F5? Refactor->Copy? 拷贝,比如拷贝一个类

IntroduceConstant? command alt C? Refactor->Extract->Constant? 重构,抽出一个constant

IntroduceField? command alt F? Refactor->Extract->Field? 把方法中的一个变量抽成一个类变量

ExtractMethod? command alt M? Refactor->Extract->Method? 重构,代码抽成方法

IntroduceParameter? command alt P? Refactor->Extract->Parameter? 重构,把某个值重构成方法的参数

IntroduceVariable? command alt V? Refactor->Extract->Variable? 自动引入变量

Inline? command alt N? Refactor->Inline? 内联,把方法的内容放入到调用者中 也就是减少一个方法

Move? F6? Refactor->Move? 移动方法或者类

RenameElement? shift F6? Refactor->Rename? 重构,命名元素(变量名,方法名)

SafeDelete? command DELETE? Refactor->Safe Delete? 重构,安全删除元素(变量,方法等)

Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction? control T


CompileDirty? command F9? Build->Make Project? 编译工程

Compile? command shift F9? Build->Compile? 编译当前文件


Debug? control D? Run->Debug? 调试上一次调试过的程序

DebugClass? control shift F9|control shift D? 调试类

ChooseDebugConfiguration? control alt D? Run->Debug...? 选择哪一个程序或方法来调试

EvaluateExpression? alt F8? Run->Evaluate Expression? 调试,表达式估值

ForceRunToCursor? command alt F9? Run->Force Run to Curosr? 在调试中,强制让程序运行到光标所在处

ForceStepInto? alt shift F7? Run->Force Step Into? debug时,强制进入

ForceStepOver? alt shift F8? Run->Force Step Over? debug时,强制Step Over

QuickEvaluateExpression? command alt F8? Run->Quick Evaluate Expression? 调试,快速表达式估值

Resume? command alt R? Run->Resume? 调试,继续,放过本断点直到下一个断点

Run? control R? Run->Run? 运行上一次运行的程序

RunToCursor? alt F9? Run->Run to Cursor? 在调试中,让程序运行到光标所在处

ChooseRunConfiguration? control alt R? Run->Run...? 选择哪一个程序或方法来运行

RunClass? control shift F10|control shift R? Run->Run...? 运行某个方法

ShowExecutionPoint? alt F10? Run->Show Execution Point? 回到断点处

SmartStepInto? shift F7? Run->Smart Step Into? debug时,可以选择哪个方法step into

StepInto? F7? Run->Step Into? 调试 进入方法

StepOut? shift F8? Run->Step Out? 跳过本方法

StepOver? F8? Run->Step Over? 调试时,跳过某个方法

Stop? command F2? Run->Stop? 停止程序运行

ToggleLineBreakpoint? command F8? Run->Toggle Line Breakpoint? 打断点

ViewBreakpoints? command shift F8? Run->View Breakpoints? 列出所有断点

Version Control System

Vcs.ShowMessageHistory? command E? Version Control System->Commit Message History

GotoChangedFile? command O? Version Control System->Diff->Go To Changed File

NextDiff? F7? Version Control System->Diff->Next Difference? 比较两个文件时,下一个不同的地方

Diff.ShowDiff? command D? Version Control System->Diff->Show Diff

Diff.ShowSettingsPopup? command shift D? Version Control System->Diff->Show Setting Popup

VcsShowNextChangeMarker? shift control alt DOWN? Version Control System->Next Change

VcsShowPrevChangeMarker? shift control alt UP? Version Control System->Previous Change

VcsHistory.ShowAllAffected? command ctrl A? Version Control System->Show All Affected Files? 貌似与qq的截屏键冲突了

Vcs.QuickListPopupAction? ctrl V? Version Control System->Vcs Operations Popup? 打开vcs的菜单

PreviousDiff? shift F7? Version Control Systems->Diff->Previous Difference? 上一个不同的地方

ShelveChanges.UnshelveWithDialog? command shift U? Version Control Systems->Shelve->Unshelve Changes

ToggleTemporaryLineBreakpoint? command shift alt F8? 加一个临时的行断点


CompareTwoFiles? command D? View->Compare With? 选择一个文件与当前文件进行比较

EditorContextInfo? control shift Q? View->Context Info? 显示当前编辑文件的信息 也就是类信息

ShowErrorDescription? command F1? View->Error Description? 显示错误信息

ExternalJavaDoc? shift F1? View->External Documentation? 不知道

ParameterInfo? command P? View->Parameter Info? 显示某个方法的参数信息

QuickJavaDoc? F1? View->Quick Documentation? 选中某个方法或变量后,打开文档

RecentChangedFiles? command shift E? View->Recent Changed Files? 最近修改过的文件列表

RecentFiles? command E? View->Recent Files? 最近打开的文件列表

EditSource? F4? View->Show source? 进入源码,进入方法的定义

ToggleFullScreen? command control F? View->Toggle Full Screen Mode? 全屏或者退出全屏

QuickImplementations? command Y? 查看方法的实现


CloseActiveTab? control shift F4? Window->Active Tool Window->Close Active Tab? 关闭活跃的Tab

HideActiveWindow? shift ESCAPE? Window->Active Tool Window->Hide Active Tool Window? 隐藏打开的工具栏 也比较有用

HideAllWindows? command shift F12? Window->Active Tool Window->Hide All Tool Windows? 隐藏所有工具栏

JumpToLastWindow? F12? Window->Active Tool Window->Jump to Last Tool Window? 回到上一个工具窗

MaximizeToolWindow? command shift QUOTE? Window->Active Tool Window->Maximize Tool Window? 最大化工具栏,在看调试信息的时候,还是比较有用

ResizeToolWindowDown? command shift DOWN? Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Down? 工具栏下边框往下移动

ResizeToolWindowLeft? command shift LEFT? Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Left? 工具栏左边框往左移动

ResizeToolWindowRight? command shift RIGHT? Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Right? 工具栏右边框往右移动

ResizeToolWindowUp? command shift UP? Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Up? 工具栏上边框往上移动

PreviousTab? command shift OPEN_BRACKET? Window->Editor Tab->Select Previous Tab? editor 的前一个tab tab切换

CloseContent? command W? Window->Editor Tabs->Close? 关闭窗口

PrevSplitter? alt shift TAB? Window->Editor Tabs->Goto Previous Splitter

NextTab? command shift CLOSE_BRACKET? Window->Editor Tabs->Select Next Tab? 在同一行中调到行尾

NextEditorTab? control shift RIGHT? Window->Editor Tabs->Select Next Tab

MinimizeCurrentWindow? command M? Window->Minimize? 最小化窗口

NextProjectWindow? command BACK_QUOTE? Window->Next Project Window? 切换到上一个工程

PreviousProjectWindow? command shift BACK_QUOTE? Window->Previous Project Window? 切换到下一个工程

RestoreDefaultLayout? shift F12? Window->Restore Default Layout? 恢复默认布局,这个还是比较常用

ZoomCurrentWindow? command control EQUALS? Window->Zoom? 放大或缩小当前窗口

  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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  • 序言:滨河连续发生了三起死亡事件,死亡现场离奇诡异,居然都是意外死亡,警方通过查阅死者的电脑和手机,发现死者居然都...
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  • 文/潘晓璐 我一进店门,熙熙楼的掌柜王于贵愁眉苦脸地迎上来,“玉大人,你说我怎么就摊上这事?!?“怎么了?”我有些...
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  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
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  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
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  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
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  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
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  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
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  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
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  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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