1 JECFA认定番茄红素为A类营养素并为50多个国家和地区作为营养着色双重作用的食品添加剂。
JECFA是联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织的一个联合专家委员会,全称是Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food and Additives 。
2 欧洲认证为新颖食品?!驹谝桓龅胤娇吹剑姑挥胁榈匠龃Α?/p>
3 美国FDA认定为GRAS产品
Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) is an American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designation that a chemical or substance added to food is considered safe by experts, and so is exempted from the usual Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) food additive tolerance requirements.[1] The concept of food additives being "generally recognized as safe" was first described in the Food Additives Amendment of 1958, and all additives introduced after this time had to be evaluated by new standards.
4 目前还未能获得美国“FDA”的认证。FDA目前认为番茄红素可能是减少前列腺癌、高血压和心脏的风险的抗氧剂中的一种或者在上述过程中起综合作用,但是未承认番茄红素有抗癌作用,理由是研究不足。