survival Survival
(0 = No; 1 = Yes)
pclass Passenger Class
(1 = 1st; 2 = 2nd; 3 = 3rd)
name Name
sex Sex
age Age
sibsp Number of Siblings/Spouses Aboard
parch Number of Parents/Children Aboard
ticket Ticket Number
fare Passenger Fare
cabin Cabin
embarked Port of Embarkation
(C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton)
import numpy as np
from sklearn import tree
import pandas as pd
cmd >> python -m pip install xx.whl >> 安装成功。
步骤 1 导入并观察数据
train_url = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/course/Kaggle/train.csv"
train = pd.read_csv(train_url)
test_url = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/course/Kaggle/test.csv"
test = pd.read_csv(test_url)
#Print the `head` of the train and test dataframes
PassengerId Pclass Age SibSp Parch Fare
count 418.000000 418.000000 332.000000 418.000000 418.000000 417.000000
mean 1100.500000 2.265550 30.272590 0.447368 0.392344 35.627188
std 120.810458 0.841838 14.181209 0.896760 0.981429 55.907576
min 892.000000 1.000000 0.170000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 996.250000 1.000000 21.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.895800
50% 1100.500000 3.000000 27.000000 0.000000 0.000000 14.454200
75% 1204.750000 3.000000 39.000000 1.000000 0.000000 31.500000
max 1309.000000 3.000000 76.000000 8.000000 9.000000 512.329200
步骤2 分析特征值性别和目标标签的关系
# Passengers that survived vs passengers that passed away
# As proportions
print(train["Survived"].value_counts(normalize = True))
# Males that survived vs males that passed away
print(train["Survived"][train["Sex"] == 'male'].value_counts())
# Females that survived vs Females that passed away
print(train["Survived"][train["Sex"] == 'female'].value_counts())
# Normalized male survival
print(train["Survived"][train["Sex"] == 'male'].value_counts(normalize = True))
# Normalized female survival
print(train["Survived"][train["Sex"] == 'female'].value_counts(normalize = True))
<script.py> output:
0 549
1 342
Name: Survived, dtype: int64
0 0.616162
1 0.383838
Name: Survived, dtype: float64
0 468
1 109
Name: Survived, dtype: int64
1 233
0 81
Name: Survived, dtype: int64
0 0.811092
1 0.188908
Name: Survived, dtype: float64
1 0.742038
0 0.257962
Name: Survived, dtype: float64
步骤3 分析特征值年龄和目标标签幸存的关系
# Create the column Child and assign to 'NaN'
train["Child"] = float('NaN')
# Assign 1 to passengers under 18, 0 to those 18 or older. Print the new column.
train["Child"][train["Age"] < 18] = 1
train["Child"][train["Age"] >= 18] = 0
# Print normalized Survival Rates for passengers under 18
print(train["Survived"][train["Child"] == 1].value_counts(normalize = True))
# Print normalized Survival Rates for passengers 18 or older
print(train["Survived"][train["Child"] == 0].value_counts(normalize = True))
1 0.539823
0 0.460177
Name: Survived, dtype: float64
0 0.618968
1 0.381032
Name: Survived, dtype: float64
步骤4 数据清洗和数据格式转换
# Convert the male and female groups to integer form
train["Sex"][train["Sex"] == "male"] = 0
train["Sex"][train["Sex"] == "female"] = 1
# Impute the Embarked variable
train["Embarked"] = train["Embarked"].fillna("S")
# Convert the Embarked classes to integer form
train["Embarked"][train["Embarked"] == 'S'] = 0
train["Embarked"][train["Embarked"] == 'C'] = 1
train["Embarked"][train["Embarked"] == 'Q'] = 2
- 让性别转换成0和1变量
- 对缺损的年龄字段进行均值填充
- 把Embarked变量进行格式转换成离散数值变量
步骤5 决策树建模以及训练模型
# Import the Numpy library
import numpy as np
# Import 'tree' from scikit-learn library
from sklearn import tree
# Print the train data to see the available features
# Create the target and features numpy arrays: target, features_one
target = train["Survived"].values
features_one = train[["Pclass", "Sex", "Age", "Fare"]].values
# Fit your first decision tree: my_tree_one
my_tree_one = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
my_tree_one = my_tree_one.fit(features_one, target)
# Look at the importance and score of the included features
print(my_tree_one.score(features_one, target))
[ 0.12545743 0.31274009 0.23086653 0.33093596]
步骤6 利用训练模型预测测试数据
# Impute the missing value with the median
test.Fare[152] = test.Fare.median()
# Extract the features from the test set: Pclass, Sex, Age, and Fare.
test_features = test[["Pclass", "Sex", "Age", "Fare"]].values
# Make your prediction using the test set and print them.
my_prediction = my_tree_one.predict(test_features)
步骤7 把预测结果导出到csv
# Create a data frame with two columns: PassengerId & Survived. Survived contains your predictions
PassengerId =np.array(test["PassengerId"]).astype(int)
my_solution = pd.DataFrame(my_prediction, PassengerId, columns = ["Survived"])
# Check that your data frame has 418 entries
# Write your solution to a csv file with the name my_solution.csv
my_solution.to_csv("my_solution_one.csv", index_label = ["PassengerId"])
# Create a new array with the added features: features_two
features_two = train[["Pclass","Age","Sex","Fare", "SibSp", "Parch", "Embarked"]].values
#Control overfitting by setting "max_depth" to 10 and "min_samples_split" to 5 : my_tree_two
max_depth = 10
min_samples_split = 5
my_tree_two = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = 10, min_samples_split = 5, random_state = 1)
my_tree_two = my_tree_two.fit(features_two, target)
#Print the score of the new decison tree
print(my_tree_two.score(features_two, target))
Maybe we can improve the overfit model by making a less complex model? In DecisionTreeRegressor
, the depth of our model is defined by two parameters: - the max_depth
parameter determines when the splitting up of the decision tree stops. - the min_samples_split
parameter monitors the amount of observations in a bucket. If a certain threshold is not reached (e.g minimum 10 passengers) no further splitting can be done.
**max_features: **选择最适属性时划分的特征不能超过此值。
max_depth: (default=None)设置树的最大深度,默认为None,这样建树时,会使每一个叶节点只有一个类别,或是达到min_samples_split。
**max_leaf_nodes: **(default=None)叶子树的最大样本数。
Data Science is an art that benefits from a human element. Enter feature engineering: creatively engineering your own features by combining the different existing variables.
While feature engineering is a discipline in itself, too broad to be covered here in detail, you will have a look at a simple example by creating your own new predictive attribute: family_size
# Create train_two with the newly defined feature
train_two = train.copy()
train_two["family_size"] = train_two["SibSp"] + train_two["Parch"] + 1
# Create a new feature set and add the new feature
features_three = train_two[["Pclass", "Sex", "Age", "Fare", "SibSp", "Parch", "family_size"]].values
# Define the tree classifier, then fit the model
my_tree_three = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
my_tree_three = my_tree_three.fit(features_three,target)
# Print the score of this decision tree
print(my_tree_three.score(features_three, target))
A detailed study of Random Forests would take this tutorial a bit too far. However, since it's an often used machine learning technique, gaining a general understanding in Python won't hurt.
In layman's terms, the Random Forest technique handles the overfitting problem you faced with decision trees. It grows multiple (very deep) classification trees using the training set. At the time of prediction, each tree is used to come up with a prediction and every outcome is counted as a vote. For example, if you have trained 3 trees with 2 saying a passenger in the test set will survive and 1 says he will not, the passenger will be classified as a survivor. This approach of overtraining trees, but having the majority's vote count as the actual classification decision, avoids overfitting.
a. 在数据集上表现良好,两个随机性的引入,使得随机森林不容易陷入过拟合
b. 在当前的很多数据集上,相对其他算法有着很大的优势,两个随机性的引入,使得随机森林具有很好的抗噪声能力
c. 它能够处理很高维度(feature很多)的数据,并且不用做特征选择,对数据集的适应能力强:既能处理离散型数据,也能处理连续型数据,数据集无需规范化
d. 可生成一个Proximities=(pij)矩阵,用于度量样本之间的相似性: pij=aij/N, aij表示样本i和j出现在随机森林中同一个叶子结点的次数,N随机森林中树的颗数
e. 在创建随机森林的时候,对generlization error使用的是无偏估计
f. 训练速度快,可以得到变量重要性排序(两种:基于OOB误分率的增加量和基于分裂时的GINI下降量
g. 在训练过程中,能够检测到feature间的互相影响
h. 容易做成并行化方法
i. 实现比较简单
# Import the `RandomForestClassifier`
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# We want the Pclass, Age, Sex, Fare,SibSp, Parch, and Embarked variables
features_forest = train[["Pclass", "Age", "Sex", "Fare", "SibSp", "Parch", "Embarked"]].values
# Building and fitting my_forest
forest = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth = 10, min_samples_split=2, n_estimators = 100, random_state = 1)
my_forest = forest.fit(features_forest, target)
# Print the score of the fitted random forest
print(my_forest.score(features_forest, target))
# Compute predictions on our test set features then print the length of the prediction vector
test_features = test[["Pclass", "Age", "Sex", "Fare", "SibSp", "Parch", "Embarked"]].values
pred_forest = my_forest.predict(test_features)