The English book I wanna share with u today is Grimm's Fairy Tales. You may wonder why I wanna share it when u? hear the name of the book. Some people may think it's just? children's stories cause? fairy tales are? a little bit childish and pure invention in their mind .Once I had same idea with them. But until I read the book again, and got a deep knowledge of it, I found that this book is not only? full of philosophy and imagination, but also once warms thousands of people'? heats.
First of all, let’s know more about the background of this book together!
Grimm Fairy Tales is a German folk literature collected and? written by brothers Jacob and William Green .There are about 200 tales in the book. Most of them derived from folklore, including the most famous fairy tales such as Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Hood and The Frog Prince.But Germany at that time was the most disastrous nation-state in Europe.Since the "thirty years war",Germany had become the main battlefield , its politics and economy fell apart, although nominally with the "holy Roman empire", it was divided into more than 360 large and small principality and some free cities. The development of? economy was nearly stopped. Thousands of people? died of diseases and poverty.
Have u ever thought what the war can bring to the humanbeing ?Some may say resourses like oil or natural gas.Some others will say justice or freedom .But in my mind the war only bring us loss, just like the war between Russia and Ukraine now, no matter who wins the war, the local people lost their homes and even their lives .I think? Grimm's fairy tales which written in such a bad circumstance shows the best kindness in the world and reveals the evil of people of their dark side.It guides the people in the war to make the right ethical choices and form the correct view of good and evil. The perfect ending of the story constructs a hopeful and ideal utopia for the displaced people in reality.In fairy tales, although false, evil, ugly often coexist with truth, good, beauty in the world, and conflict with each other, but the final outcome is basically positive.
接下来跟着我一起看看书中的内容吧! 《格林童话》蕴涵着深刻的道德主题,用富有象征意义的形象来影射善与恶,将生动有趣的故事来表达善恶观。善良的人终究会有好的结果,所谓"善有善报"就是这个道理。《格林童话》中《灰姑娘》这则故事中的主人公灰姑娘,尽管受尽了,继母与姐姐们的欺负与侮辱,但依旧心地善良,最终获得了幸福?!缎√焓购托场分械男常淙徊桓辉?,心却很善,把挣到的钱救济穷人,结果小天使们为他创造了奇迹,他的生意越做越红火。在《勇敢的小裁缝》故事中,小裁缝在森林打败了危害不法的巨人,独角兽,野猪,赢得了荣誉与半个江山 然而,并不是所有的人都是善良的,恶毒的人总会遭到惩罚,《白雪公主》中的王后就是很好的例子。她千方百计,不择手段地伤害白雪公主,末了却被那颗妒忌心活活气死。妇孺皆知的大灰狼,想吃小山羊,不但没有得逞,还白白搭上了性命,正是应验了那句"恶有恶报
Now let's read some stories of the book together!
Grimm's Fairy Tales contains profound moral themes, using symbolic images to reflect good and evil, and expressing vivid and interesting stories to express good and evil.Good people will eventually have good results.? In the story of Cinderella, despite being bullied and insulted by her stepmother and sisters,Cinderella? is still kind-hearted and finally gets happiness. In the story of The little angel and the Shoemaker? although the shoemaker? is not rich,? but his he has a rich heart.He earned the money to help the poor.So the little angels created a miracle for him, which made his business get more and more prosperous at last .In the story of The Little Brave Tailor, the little tailor defeated the harmful giant. The unicorn and the wild boar? got the fame in the forest. However, not all people are kind, the vicious people are always punished in the end. Just like the Queen in Snow White is a good example.She tried to hurt Snow White by any means for her jealous heart.But she took the consequence which bcome the most ugly old lady at last. The well-known Wolf wanted to eat the little goat, not only did not succeed, but also lost its life in vain, which fulfilled the sentence "evil is evil".
Now we are living in a richful and peaceful society, we dont have to suffer from poverty or dieases, but lots of people seemed loses the courage to seek for happiness and dreams.Their lives are surrounded by work,houses or debts. Life is too short, that's why we should try to make ourselves happy, meaningful and being a kind peple.This book cant change who you are, but can help u get rid of the noisy circumstance around u and make you quiet and peace.So no matter how old are u, or? what? awful things? u are just encountering, please dont be upset or complain about.U may try to read a fairy tail or some other books u may interested in.I think having a rich heart can defeat any hard in our life.