? ? ? ?美酒:各种酒水,网红推荐。设有不同价位的栏目以及适合人群。
? ? ? ?护肤:包括界面,面部护理,防晒,眼部护理,护肤套装,还开设了小视频,让你的肌肤如丝般光滑。
? ? ? ?面膜:有各种部位及不同功能的面膜?;褂惺褂檬悠到坛碳词故堑谝淮问褂靡膊挥没?,面膜的功能各式各样,补水的,保湿的,美白的,让皮肤变光滑的。
? ? ? ?保健品:美体瘦身,美容养颜,营养滋补,调理肠胃,安神助眠。睡得好才有一个健康有活力的早晨,一天的开始。
? ? ? ?彩妆:面部各个部位的装扮,让凤姐变凌志玲,让凌志玲变凤姐,让郭德纲变凌志颖,让凌志颖变郭德纲。
? ? ? ?个护:有身体各个部位的护理视频,让你的身体时刻保持年轻,有活力,步入中年要护理,年轻更加要护理。
3.阅读一篇以上internet content provider 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
The term Internet service provider, or ISP, has been around for years, and obviously refers to the company who gives you Internet access, such as AT&T; or Comcast. As the Internet becomes more rooted in the world and broadband and connections increase, companies that deliver content online have started to surface and the term Internet content provider has sprung up with it. ICPs have taken advantages of new Internet technologies such as DSL and cable connections as well as TV and set-top boxes that connect to the Internet to provide information and entertainment.
cable connections:电缆连接