? Chpater 3 unravels the reason why people in modern society, especially millennials, have the feeling of insecure, anxious and self-aggrandizing. Though it is only a point by the author, I think it’s a tad reasonable.
? 读这章尤其是后半段时,我的代入感变得非常强。虽然文章论点只是作者的一家之言,但我觉得这种分析确实有其道理。现代社会,尤其是互联网飞速发展的今天,我们的身边充斥着大量有用无用的信息。一些鸡汤鸡血类内容对我们的引导,比如要有一个美好的形体;一些年纪轻轻就站在公众面前或者聚光灯下的celebrities,让我们汲汲于“出名要趁早”…我也不例外。有这样的想法,也经常有那些“焦虑感、不安感、紧迫感”的困扰。
? “中枪”以后我陷入恐慌。难道进取和自律是不对的吗?难道我应该接受我自己目前的样子,安于现状吗?我不愿意这么做,但同时对他的观点又无法反驳。直到后来看到他说的“it’s the realization-that you and your problems are actually not privileged in their severity or pain”,“people who become great at something because they understand that they are not already great-they are mediocre, they are average-and that they could be so much better.”才放下心来,觉得自己也找到了迷途的出路。作者并不是让我们不思进取,而是在追求进取的过程中,调整心态,不要把上进心变成影响心情和降低效率的阻碍。
? 诚然,一些坏情绪对人的状态影响真的蛮大的。比如说我这两天看书进度很慢,就有点恐慌。但是恐慌只会让你看书时更难集中注意力。更好的做法是:塌下心来,分析读书速度变慢的原因,再去针对性的解决它。
Unravel;If something such as a plan or system unravels, it breaks up or begins to fail. 崩溃、失败 与fall apart 意思相近
Eg:Having suffered from a series of unfair treatments, the man unraveled and committed suicide.
Tad:You can use a tad in expressions such as a tad big or a tad small when you mean that it is slightly too big or slightly too small. [PHR adj/adv] [Informal]
Eg: I think the institute is a tad exceptional when she told me she can get the tests up to 90 percent.
Mindset:If you refer to someone's mind-set, you mean their general attitudes and the way they typically think about things.
Eg: if I find the guy whose mindset is similar to me, I will crave talking with him.