- _file:指向磁盘上的索引文件。
- baseOffset:对应日志文件中第一个消息的offset。
- mmap:用来操作索引文件的MappedByteBuffer。
- lock:ReentrantLock对象,在对mmap进行操作时,需要加锁保护。
- _entries:当前索引文件中的索引项个数。
- _maxEntries:当前索引文件中最多能够保存的索引项个数。
- _lastOffset:保存最后一个索引项的offset。
/* initialize the memory mapping for this index */
private[this] var mmap: MappedByteBuffer = {
val newlyCreated = _file.createNewFile()
val raf = new RandomAccessFile(_file, "rw")
try {
/* pre-allocate the file if necessary */
if (newlyCreated) {//对于新创建的的索引文件,进行扩容
if (maxIndexSize < 8)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid max index size: " + maxIndexSize)
raf.setLength(roundToExactMultiple(maxIndexSize, 8))
/* memory-map the file 进行内存映射 */
val len = raf.length()
val idx = raf.getChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, len)
/* set the position in the index for the next entry
* 将新创建的索引文件的positon设置为0,从头开始写文件。
* */
if (newlyCreated)
// if this is a pre-existing index, assume it is all valid and set position to last entry
// 对于原来就存在的索引文件,则将position移动到所有索引项的结束位置,防止数据覆盖
idx.position(roundToExactMultiple(idx.limit, 8))
idx // 返回MappedByteBuffer
} finally {
* Find the largest offset less than or equal to the given targetOffset
* and return a pair holding this offset and its corresponding physical file position.
* @param targetOffset The offset to look up.
* @return The offset found and the corresponding file position for this offset.
* If the target offset is smaller than the least entry in the index (or the index is empty),
* the pair (baseOffset, 0) is returned.
def lookup(targetOffset: Long): OffsetPosition = {
maybeLock(lock) {//window操作要加锁,其他操作不加做
val idx = mmap.duplicate//创建一个副本
val slot = indexSlotFor(idx, targetOffset)//二分查找的具体实现
if(slot == -1)
OffsetPosition(baseOffset, 0)
OffsetPosition(baseOffset + relativeOffset(idx, slot), physical(idx, slot))
// 读取索引项中的相对offset和索引项中的物理地址(position)的功能
* Find the slot in which the largest offset less than or equal to the given
* target offset is stored.
* @param idx The index buffer
* @param targetOffset The offset to look for
* @return The slot found or -1 if the least entry in the index is larger than the target offset or the index is empty
private def indexSlotFor(idx: ByteBuffer, targetOffset: Long): Int = {
// we only store the difference from the base offset so calculate that
val relOffset = targetOffset - baseOffset
// check if the index is empty
if (_entries == 0)
return -1
// check if the target offset is smaller than the least offset
if (relativeOffset(idx, 0) > relOffset)
return -1
// binary search for the entry 标准的二分查找法
var lo = 0
var hi = _entries - 1
while (lo < hi) {
val mid = ceil(hi/2.0 + lo/2.0).toInt
val found = relativeOffset(idx, mid)
if (found == relOffset)
return mid
else if (found < relOffset)
lo = mid
hi = mid - 1