- Apache APISIX?: Dashboard Playground,可以在线体验。
- 温铭 APISIX: 点赞文 APISIX网关在虎符网络的实践 可看。
- 罗泽轩 Nginx + Lua
- LuaJIT: FFI 库直接调用 C 函数。Foreign function interface。
- 360:Apache APISIX 在基础运维平台项目中的实践
- 为什么 Apache APISIX 选择 NGINX+Lua 技术栈?
- Kong VS apisix
- Etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data for distributed systems.
- The Raft Consensus Algorithm
- Nginx + etcd
etcd:a daemon that runs across all computers in a cluster and provides a dynamic configuration registry, allowing various configuration data to be easily and reliably shared between the cluster members.
- 王院生 Why Apache APISIX?
- 后端架构演变史:容器编排、服务网格 Service Mesh
- ASF: Apache Software Foundation.
- PMC:Project Management committees
- contributor -> committer -> PMC
- 孵化项目(incoming project,incubating project,podling)PPMC:Podling Project Management Committee。
- ALC: Apache Local Community.