?在应用程序窗口中,单击Help(帮助)菜单,然后选择Contents and Index(目录和索引)。
你可以通过拖动帮助窗口的外边缘来调整窗口大小。在帮助窗口里,你可以通过拖动Table of Contents(目录表格)分隔来调整大小。
若要隐藏Table of Contents(目录表),点击Hide(隐藏)按钮。
在Table of Contents(目录表)中,你可以通过点击下面的选项来找到一个帮助主题:
?Contents(目录) – 帮助中包括的主题列表。你可以通过双击书本
?Index(索引) -与主题相关且按字母顺序排列的关键字。键入列表中要搜索的关键字。双击关键字进入话题。
?Search(搜索) - 帮助文档中的文字完整列表。
?Favorites(收藏夹) - 帮助主题中你最常引用的列表。使用Add按钮将当前显示的主题添加到收藏夹。
2.选择Print the selected heading and all subtopics(打印选定标题及全部次标题)选项,然后单击OK(确定)按钮。当前书中的所有帮助主题都将打印。
5在Options标签中,选中Print all linked documents(打印所有链接文档)复选框,然后单击Print按钮。当前主题及所有链接主题都将被打印。
Here are some tips about using Help in your application.
Opening Help
You have the following options to open the online Help:
·From the application window, click the Help menu, and then select Contents and Index.
·From a dialog box, press F1 or click the Helpbutton for dialog level Help.
Adjusting the Window
You can drag the outside edge of the Help window to adjust the size. Inside the Help window, you can drag the Table of Contents divider to adjust the size.
Scrolling through a Topic
When a Help topic extends beyond what you can see in the Help window, you can use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to move through the topic.
Hiding the Table of Contents
To hide the Table of Contents, click the Hide button. To view the Table of Contents, click the Showbutton.
Finding a Help Topic
In the Table of Contents, you can click one of the following tabs to find a Help topic:
·Contents – A list of the topics included in Help. You can double-click a book icon to open a list of topics. You can click a page icon to open a topic.
·Index – An alphabetical list of the keywords attached to the topics. Type a keyword to search the list. Double-clicking a keyword takes you to the topic.
·Search – A complete list of the words in the Help document.
·Favorites – A list of the Help topics that you most often reference. Use the Add button to add the currently displayed topic as a favorite.
Printing a Topic
Click the Print button.
Right-click a topic, and then select Print… from the context menu.
Printing all the Topics within a Book
1.Select a topic within the book you want to print, and then click Print button. The Print Topics dialog box is displayed.
2.Select the option for Print the selected heading and all subtopics, and then click the OK button. All Help topics within the current book are printed.
Printing all the Topics Linked to the Current Topic
1.Display the topic you want to print.
2.Right-click in the topic. A context menu is displayed with Print... as one of the menu options.
3.In the context menu, click Print... The Print dialog box is displayed.
4.In the Print dialog box, click the Options tab.
5.In the Options tab, select the check box for Print all linked documents, and then click the Print button. The current topic and all linked topics are printed.
Linking to a Topic
When a word is linked to a topic, the word appears in blue underlined text. You can click the word to display the related topic.
To go back to the topic you jumped from, click the Back button on the Help toolbar.
Viewing Topics You Recently Visited
You can use the Back button to move to the previously viewed topic.
You can use the Forward button to return to topic that was displayed when you
clicked the Back button.
Viewing Topics According to a Browse Sequence
If the Help file has an ordered browse sequence for topic display, you can use the Next
and Previous buttons to display topics according to the sequence.
Help Graphics that Link to a Topic
If you pass the cursor over a graphic in the Help file, and the cursor changes to a pointing hand icon, then you can click the area to display a Help topic related
to the graphic.