You've?been watching too much TV.
Everybody?takes a different path in life, and nobody cares about your spite.
The Lin?tianjiao you've seen is the one she shows the world.
Did you?ever ask yourself if she was happy?
I don't?have any big dreams or goals like you.
My dream?is to be a house wife and live a normal life.
I think,?being a good wife and a good mother is just as valid as testing into a good?school.
Living?out a false life.虚伪的人生
Some people aren't fit to live together.可能有些人就是不适合生活在一起。
Be good to your mom form now on.以后对你妈好点。
No matter what happens, I want you to be happy.不管怎么样,我都希望你开心。
All day and all night I fought time to cram facts into my brain.我没日没夜争分夺秒地和时间竞赛。
The only thing I cared about was getting into the best college,我眼中的目标只有考上中国最好的大学
and becoming the student everyone thought I was.成为别人眼中最优秀的学生。
"Three Good" student三好学生
Before, I thought success meant freedom以前我以为成功了才能自由。
But then, someone told me true freedom comes from facing yourself.可是后来有一个人告诉我,要真正地面对自我才能自由。
I want to be someone brave enough to be honest.我想做一个表里如一的人。
“hey jude”
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.不要把全世界都放在自己的肩上。
Just go do what you want to do.去做你喜欢的事吧。
We learn the skies to learn more about ourselves.认识宇宙才能够更好地认识我们自己。
That' the significance of astronomy.这就是天文探索的意义。
I think, even though the universe is huge,our world is pretty small.宇宙那么大,地球这么小。
We'll see each other again.我们总会遇见的。
When we graduated, we were together.毕业时,我们在一起
Let's hope we're still together in the future.希望未来我们还能再相遇
With a?happy family, it will be good.