1. 源码下载及解压
? ? Hadoop官网:https://hadoop.apache.org/release/2.7.0.html,Download src? ? ? ??
下载完成后将hadoop-2.7.0-src.tar.gz 解压到/opt/目录,
本机环境:jdk 和maven已经安装好,跳过
2. 环境准备
? ?安装findbugs:brew install findbugs,安装完成查看版本:spotbugs -version
? ? 安装autoconf:brew install autoconf
? ? 安装automake:brew install automake
? ? 安装libtool: brew install libtool , brew link libtool
? ? 安装Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format),必须是2.5.0:brew search protobuf,发现没有这个版本,那么我们编译安装,安装完成查看版本:protoc --version
? ? 下载安装包:https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases?after=v3.0.0-alpha-1,找到对应的版本? ??
? ? 下载完成后解压:sudo tar -xzvf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz -C /opt/
????进入目录:cd protobuf-2.5.0
? ? 执行安装配置命令:? ??
????????./autogen.sh & ./configure \?
? ? ? ? make \
????????make install
? ? ?最后验证是否安装成功:protoc --version
安装cmake: brew install cmake
安装zlib: brew install zlib
安装openssl:brew install openssl
注意安装snappy之前,需要先安装cmake,pkg-config,因为snappy是依赖cmake和pkg-config的,如果已经安装了snappy,可以重新install,brew reinstall snappy
????brew install cmake
????brew install pkg-config
安装snappy成功后,查看:brew info snappy
安装jansson:brew install jansson
3. 编译hadoop
? ? 进入源码目录:cd /opt/hadoop-2.7.0-src/
? ? 执行编译命令:mvn package -Pdist,native -DskipTests -Dtar
? ??mvn clean package -Pdist,native -DskipTests -Dtar -Drequire.snappy -Dsnappy.lib=/usr/local/Cellar/snappy/1.1.7_1/lib? -Dbundle.snappy -Drequire.openssl
说明:支持snappy(若不需要支持snappy,把这些选项去除即可):Drequire.snappy -Dsnappy.lib=/usr/local/Cellar/snappy/1.1.7_1/lib -Dbundle.snappy
? ? ? ? 1)No such file or directory:一般就是权限的问题,切换到root再执行看看?;蛘吣憧梢越哪柯既ㄏ辳udo chown -R chriszhao:staff /opt/hadoop-2.7.0-src/* (chriszhao:改成你自己的用户名)
? ? ? ? 2)hadoop-pipes: An Ant BuildException has occured: exec returned: 1:???
? ? ? ? ? ? 查看build-main.xml
? ? ? ? 执行: cmake?/opt/hadoop-2.7.0-src/hadoop-tools/hadoop-pipes/src/ -DJVM_ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64,发现如下错误:
? ? ? ? Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the System variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR), suggesting that not found openssl suggested that the need to add environment variables
? ? ? ? 然后修改~/.zshrc, 之后再次执行以上cmake 命令,如果没错就再尝试编译
? ??????export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
????????export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
????????export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig"
????????export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
? ? ? ? export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/bin:$PATH"
4. 编译完成后
? ? 想要的结果包在hadoop-dist/target/下