







连接 connect
调用 call
停止 close
创建流 createStream



    |  Field Name    |  Type   |           Description                 |
    +--------------- +---------+---------------------------------------+
    | Command Name   | String  | Name of the command. Set to "connect".|
    | Transaction ID | Number  | Always set to 1.                      |
    | Command Object | Object  | Command information object which has  |
    |                |         | the name-value pairs.                 |
    | Optional User  | Object  | Any optional information              |
    | Arguments      |         |                                       |


   | Property  |  Type  |        Description          | Example Value  |
   |   app     | String | The Server application name |    testapp     |
   |           |        | the client is connected to. |                |
   | flashver  | String | Flash Player version. It is |    FMSc/1.0    |
   |           |        | the same string as returned |                |
   |           |        | by the ApplicationScript    |                |
   |           |        | getversion () function.     |                |
   |  swfUrl   | String | URL of the source SWF file  | file://C:/     |
   |           |        | making the connection.      | FlvPlayer.swf  |
   |  tcUrl    | String | URL of the Server.          | rtmp://local   |
   |           |        | It has the following format.| host:1935/test |
   |           |        | protocol://servername:port/ | app/instance1  |
   |           |        | appName/appInstance         |                |
   |  fpad     | Boolean| True if proxy is being used.| true or false  |
   |audioCodecs| Number | Indicates what audio codecs | SUPPORT_SND    |
   |           |        | the client supports.        | _MP3           |
   |videoCodecs| Number | Indicates what video codecs | SUPPORT_VID    |
   |           |        | are supported.              | _SORENSON      |
   |videoFunct-| Number | Indicates what special video| SUPPORT_VID    |
   |ion        |        | functions are supported.    | _CLIENT_SEEK   |
   |  pageUrl  | String | URL of the web page from    | http://        |
   |           |        | where the SWF file was      | somehost/      |
   |           |        | loaded.                     | sample.html    |
   | object    | Number | AMF encoding method.        |     AMF3       |
   | Encoding  |        |                             |                |


    |      Codec Flag      |          Usage             |     Value    |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_NONE    | Raw sound, no compression  |    0x0001    |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_ADPCM   | ADPCM compression          |    0x0002    |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_MP3     | mp3 compression            |    0x0004    |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_INTEL   | Not used                   |    0x0008    |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_UNUSED  | Not used                   |    0x0010    |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_NELLY8  | NellyMoser at 8-kHz        |    0x0020    |
    |                      | compression                |              |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_NELLY   | NellyMoser compression     |    0x0040    |
    |                      | (5, 11, 22, and 44 kHz)    |              |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_G711A   | G711A sound compression    |    0x0080    |
    |                      | (Flash Media Server only)  |              |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_G711U   | G711U sound compression    |    0x0100    |
    |                      | (Flash Media Server only)  |              |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_NELLY16 | NellyMouser at 16-kHz      |    0x0200    |
    |                      | compression                |              |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_AAC     | Advanced audio coding      |    0x0400    |
    |                      | (AAC) codec                |              |
    |  SUPPORT_SND_SPEEX   | Speex Audio                |    0x0800    |
    | SUPPORT_SND_ALL      | All RTMP-supported audio   |    0x0FFF    |
    |                      | codecs                     |              |


    |      Codec Flag      |            Usage           |    Value     |
    |  SUPPORT_VID_UNUSED  | Obsolete value             |    0x0001    |
    |  SUPPORT_VID_JPEG    | Obsolete value             |    0x0002    |
    | SUPPORT_VID_SORENSON | Sorenson Flash video       |    0x0004    |
    | SUPPORT_VID_HOMEBREW | V1 screen sharing          |    0x0008    |
    | SUPPORT_VID_VP6 (On2)| On2 video (Flash 8+)       |    0x0010    |
    | SUPPORT_VID_VP6ALPHA | On2 video with alpha       |    0x0020    |
    | (On2 with alpha      | channel                    |              |
    | channel)             |                            |              |
    | SUPPORT_VID_HOMEBREWV| Screen sharing version 2   |    0x0040    |
    | (screensharing v2)   | (Flash 8+)                 |              |
    | SUPPORT_VID_H264     | H264 video                 |    0x0080    |
    | SUPPORT_VID_ALL      | All RTMP-supported video   |    0x00FF    |
    |                      | codecs                     |              |


    |    Function Flag     |           Usage            |     Value    |
    | SUPPORT_VID_CLIENT   | Indicates that the client  |       1      |
    | _SEEK                | can perform frame-accurate |              |
    |                      | seeks.                     |              |


    |    Encoding Type     |           Usage            |    Value     |
    |        AMF0          | AMF0 object encoding       |      0       |
    |                      | supported by Flash 6 and   |              |
    |                      | later                      |              |
    |        AMF3          | AMF3 encoding from         |      3       |
    |                      | Flash 9 (AS3)              |              |


    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | _result or _error; indicates whether   |
    |              |          | the response is result or error.       |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID is 1 for connect        |
    | ID           |          | responses                              |
    |              |          |                                        |
    | Properties   |  Object  | Name-value pairs that describe the     |
    |              |          | properties(fmsver etc.) of the         |
    |              |          | connection.                            |
    | Information  |  Object  | Name-value pairs that describe the     |
    |              |          | response from|the server. ’code’,      |
    |              |          | ’level’, ’description’ are names of few|
    |              |          | among such information.                |
       +--------------+                              +-------------+
       |    Client    |             |                |    Server   |
       +------+-------+             |                +------+------+
              |              Handshaking done               |
              |                     |                       |
              |                     |                       |
              |                     |                       |
              |                     |                       |
              |----------- Command Message(connect) ------->|
              |                                             |
              |<------- Window Acknowledgement Size --------|
              |                                             |
              |<----------- Set Peer Bandwidth -------------|
              |                                             |
              |-------- Window Acknowledgement Size ------->|
              |                                             |
              |<------ User Control Message(StreamBegin) ---|
              |                                             |
              |<------------ Command Message ---------------|
              |       (_result- connect response)           |
              |                                             |
                    Message flow in the connect command





    |Field Name    |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Procedure    |  String  | Name of the remote procedure that is   |
    | Name         |          | called.                                |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | If a response is expected we give a    |
    |              |          | transaction Id. Else we pass a value of|
    | ID           |          | 0                                      |
    | Command      |  Object  | If there exists any command info this  |
    | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |
    | Optional     |  Object  | Any optional arguments to be provided  |
    | Arguments    |          |                                        |


    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command.                   |
    |              |          |                                        |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | ID of the command, to which the        |
    | ID           |          | response belongs.
    | Command      |  Object  | If there exists any command info this  |
    | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |
    | Response     | Object   | Response from the method that was      |
    |              |          | called.                                |




    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command. Set to            |
    |              |          | "createStream".                        |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID of the command.         |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Object  | If there exists any command info this  |
    | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |


    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | _result or _error; indicates whether   |
    |              |          | the response is result or error.       |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | ID of the command that response belongs|
    | ID           |          | to.                                    |
    | Command      |  Object  | If there exists any command info this  |
    | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |
    | Stream       |  Number  | The return value is either a stream ID |
    | ID           |          | or an error information object.        |




播放 play
播放2 play2
删除流 deleteStream
关闭流 closeStream
接收音频 receiveAudio
接收视频 receiveVideo
发布 publish
定位 seek
暂停 pause


    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | The command name "onStatus".           |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0\.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Null    | There is no command object for         |
    | Object       |          | onStatus messages.                     |
    | Info Object  | Object   | An AMF object having at least the      |
    |              |          | following three properties: "level"    |
    |              |          | (String): the level for this message,  |
    |              |          | one of "warning", "status", or "error";|
    |              |          | "code" (String): the message code, for |
    |              |          | example "NetStream.Play.Start"; and    |
    |              |          | "description" (String): a human-       |
    |              |          | readable description of the message.   |
    |              |          | The Info object MAY contain other      |
    |              |          | properties as appropriate to the code. |
               Format of NetStream status message commands.



   | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                 |
   | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command. Set to "play".     |
   | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.                |
   | ID           |          |                                         |
   | Command      |   Null   | Command information does not exist.     |
   | Object       |          | Set to null type.                       |
   | Stream Name  |  String  | Name of the stream to play.             |
   |              |          | To play video (FLV) files, specify the  |
   |              |          | name of the stream without a file       |
   |              |          | extension (for example, "sample"). To   |
   |              |          | play back MP3 or ID3 tags, you must     |
   |              |          | precede the stream name with mp3:       |
   |              |          | (for example, "mp3:sample". To play     |
   |              |          | H.264/AAC files, you must precede the   |
   |              |          | stream name with mp4: and specify the   |
   |              |          | file extension. For example, to play the|
   |              |          | file sample.m4v,specify "mp4:sample.m4v"|
   |              |          |                                         |
   | Start        |  Number  | An optional parameter that specifies    |
   |              |          | the start time in seconds. The default  |
   |              |          | value is -2, which means the subscriber |
   |              |          | first tries to play the live stream     |
   |              |          | specified in the Stream Name field. If a|
   |              |          | live stream of that name is not found,it|
   |              |          | plays the recorded stream of the same   |
   |              |          | name. If there is no recorded stream    |
   |              |          | with that name, the subscriber waits for|
   |              |          | a new live stream with that name and    |
   |              |          | plays it when available. If you pass -1 |
   |              |          | in the Start field, only the live stream|
   |              |          | specified in the Stream Name field is   |
   |              |          | played. If you pass 0 or a positive     |
   |              |          | number in the Start field, a recorded   |
   |              |          | stream specified in the Stream Name     |
   |              |          | field is played beginning from the time |
   |              |          | specified in the Start field. If no     |
   |              |          | recorded stream is found, the next item |
   |              |          | in the playlist is played.              |
   | Duration     |  Number  | An optional parameter that specifies the|
   |              |          | duration of playback in seconds. The    |
   |              |          | default value is -1. The -1 value means |
   |              |          | a live stream is played until it is no  |
   |              |          | longer available or a recorded stream is|
   |              |          | played until it ends. If you pass 0, it |
   |              |          | plays the single frame since the time   |
   |              |          | specified in the Start field from the   |
   |              |          | beginning of a recorded stream. It is   |
   |              |          | assumed that the value specified in     |
   |              |          | the Start field is equal to or greater  |
   |              |          | than 0. If you pass a positive number,  |
   |              |          | it plays a live stream for              |
   |              |          | the time period specified in the        |
   |              |          | Duration field. After that it becomes   |
   |              |          | available or plays a recorded stream    |
   |              |          | for the time specified in the Duration  |
   |              |          | field. (If a stream ends before the     |
   |              |          | time specified in the Duration field,   |
   |              |          | playback ends when the stream ends.)    |
   |              |          | If you pass a negative number other     |
   |              |          | than -1 in the Duration field, it       |
   |              |          | interprets the value as if it were -1.  |
   | Reset        | Boolean  | An optional Boolean value or number     |
   |              |          | that specifies whether to flush any     |
   |              |          | previous playlist.                      |
             +-------------+                            +----------+
             | Play Client |             |              |   Server |
             +------+------+             |              +-----+----+
                    |        Handshaking and Application       |
                    |             connect done                 |
                    |                    |                     |
                    |                    |                     |
                    |                    |                     |
                    |                    |                     |
           ---+---- |------Command Message(createStream) ----->|
        Create|     |                                          |
        Stream|     |                                          |
           ---+---- |<---------- Command Message --------------|
                    |     (_result- createStream response)     |
                    |                                          |
           ---+---- |------ Command Message (play) ----------->|
              |     |                                          |
              |     |<------------  SetChunkSize --------------|
              |     |                                          |
              |     |<---- User Control (StreamIsRecorded) ----|
         Play |     |                                          |
              |     |<---- User Control (StreamBegin) ---------|
              |     |                                          |
              |     |<--Command Message(onStatus-play reset) --|
              |     |                                          |
              |     |<--Command Message(onStatus-play start) --|
              |     |                                          |
              |     |<-------------Audio Message---------------|
              |     |                                          |
              |     |<-------------Video Message---------------|
              |     |                    |                     |
                 Keep receiving audio and video stream till finishes
                     Message flow in the play command

如果客户端已经成功发送了播放命令,那么服务器发送两条onStatus命令给客户端,命令的内容为NetStream.Play.Start 和 NetStream.Play.Reset。服务器只有在客户端发送了设置有重置标签的播放命令后,才能发送NetStream.Play.Reset命令。如果服务器找不到客户端请求播放的流,那么发送NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound命令给客户端。



    The command structure from the client to the server is as follows:
    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to "play2".   |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |   Null   | Command information does not exist.    |
    | Object       |          | Set to null type.                      |
    | Parameters   |  Object  | An AMF encoded object whose properties |
    |              |          | are the public properties described    |
    |              |          | for the flash.net.NetStreamPlayOptions |
    |              |          | ActionScript object.                   |



           +--------------+                          +-------------+
           | Play2 Client |              |           |    Server   |
           +--------+-----+              |           +------+------+
                    |      Handshaking and Application      |
                    |               connect done            |
                    |                    |                  |
                    |                    |                  |
                    |                    |                  |
                    |                    |                  |
           ---+---- |---- Command Message(createStream) --->|
       Create |     |                                       |
       Stream |     |                                       |
           ---+---- |<---- Command Message (_result) -------|
                    |                                       |
           ---+---- |------ Command Message (play) -------->|
              |     |                                       |
              |     |<------------ SetChunkSize ------------|
              |     |                                       |
              |     |<--- UserControl (StreamIsRecorded)----|
         Play |     |                                       |
              |     |<------- UserControl (StreamBegin)-----|
              |     |                                       |
              |     |<--Command Message(onStatus-playstart)-|
              |     |                                       |
              |     |<---------- Audio Message -------------|
              |     |                                       |
              |     |<---------- Video Message -------------|
              |     |                                       |
                    |                                       |
           ---+---- |-------- Command Message(play2) ------>|
              |     |                                       |
              |     |<------- Audio Message (new rate) -----|
        Play2 |     |                                       |
              |     |<------- Video Message (new rate) -----|
              |     |                    |                  |
              |     |                    |                  |
              |  Keep receiving audio and video stream till finishes
                     Message flow in the play2 command



    The command structure from the client to the server is as follows:
    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to            |
    |              |          | "deleteStream".                        |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Null    | Command information object does not    |
    | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
    | Stream ID    |  Number  | The ID of the stream that is destroyed |
    |              |          | on the server.                         |




    The command structure from the client to the server is as follows:
    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to            |
    |              |          | "receiveAudio".                        |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Null    | Command information object does not    |
    | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
    | Bool Flag    |  Boolean | true or false to indicate whether to   |
    |              |          | receive audio or not.                  |





    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to            |
    |              |          | "receiveVideo".                        |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Null    | Command information object does not    |
    | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
    | Bool Flag    |  Boolean | true or false to indicate whether to   |
    |              |          | receive video or not.                  |





    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to "publish". |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Null    | Command information object does not    |
    | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
    | Publishing   |  String  | Name with which the stream is          |
    | Name         |          | published.                             |
    | Publishing   |  String  | Type of publishing. Set to "live",     |
    | Type         |          | "record", or "append".                 |
    |              |          | record: The stream is published and the|
    |              |          | data is recorded to a new file.The file|
    |              |          | is stored on the server in a           |
    |              |          | subdirectory within the directory that |
    |              |          | contains the server application. If the|
    |              |          | file already exists, it is overwritten.|
    |              |          | append: The stream is published and the|
    |              |          | data is appended to a file. If no file |
    |              |          | is found, it is created.               |
    |              |          | live: Live data is published without   |
    |              |          | recording it in a file.                |





    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to "seek".    |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
    | ID           |          |                                        |
    | Command      |  Null    | There is no command information object |
    | Object       |          | for this command. Set to null type.    |
    | milliSeconds |  Number  | Number of milliseconds to seek into    |
    |              |          | the playlist.                          |





    | Field Name   |   Type   |             Description                |
    | Command Name |  String  | Name of the command, set to "pause".   |
    | Transaction  |  Number  | There is no transaction ID for this    |
    | ID           |          | command. Set to 0.                     |
    | Command      |  Null    | Command information object does not    |
    | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
    |Pause/Unpause |  Boolean | true or false, to indicate pausing or  |
    | Flag         |          | resuming play                          |
    | milliSeconds |  Number  | Number of milliseconds at which the    |
    |              |          | the stream is paused or play resumed.  |
    |              |          | This is the current stream time at the |
    |              |          | Client when stream was paused. When the|
    |              |          | playback is resumed, the server will   |
    |              |          | only send messages with timestamps     |
    |              |          | greater than this value.               |






            +--------------------+                     +-----------+
            |  Publisher Client  |        |            |    Server |
            +----------+---------+        |            +-----+-----+
                       |           Handshaking Done          |
                       |                  |                  |
                       |                  |                  |
              ---+---- |----- Command Message(connect) ----->|
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |<----- Window Acknowledge Size ------|
         Connect |     |                                     |
                 |     |<-------Set Peer BandWidth ----------|
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |------ Window Acknowledge Size ----->|
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |<------User Control(StreamBegin)-----|
                 |     |                                     |
              ---+---- |<---------Command Message -----------|
                       |   (_result- connect response)       |
                       |                                     |
              ---+---- |--- Command Message(createStream)--->|
          Create |     |                                     |
          Stream |     |                                     |
              ---+---- |<------- Command Message ------------|
                       | (_result- createStream response)    |
                       |                                     |
              ---+---- |---- Command Message(publish) ------>|
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |<------User Control(StreamBegin)-----|
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |-----Data Message (Metadata)-------->|
                 |     |                                     |
       Publishing|     |------------ Audio Data ------------>|
         Content |     |                                     |
                 |     |------------ SetChunkSize ---------->|
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |<----------Command Message ----------|
                 |     |      (_result- publish result)      |
                 |     |                                     |
                 |     |------------- Video Data ----------->|
                 |     |                  |                  |
                 |     |                  |                  |
                       |    Until the stream is complete     |
                       |                  |                  |
                 Message flow in publishing a video stream



                     +----------+                       +----------+
                     |  Client  |           |           |  Server  |
                     +-----+----+           |           +-----+----+
                           |   Handshaking and Application    |
                           |          connect done            |
                           |                |                 |
                           |                |                 |
                           |                |                 |
                           |                |                 |
       Create and ---+---- |---- Shared Object Event(Use)---->|
       connect       |     |                                  |
       Shared Object |     |                                  |
                  ---+---- |<---- Shared Object Event---------|
                           |       (UseSuccess,Clear)         |
                           |                                  |
                  ---+---- |------ Shared Object Event ------>|
       Shared object |     |         (RequestChange)          |
       Set Property  |     |                                  |
                  ---+---- |<------ Shared Object Event ------|
                           |            (Success)             |
                           |                                  |
                  ---+---- |------- Shared Object Event ----->|
        Shared object|     |           (SendMessage)          |
        Message      |     |                                  |
        Broadcast ---+---- |<------- Shared Object Event -----|
                           |           (SendMessage)          |
                                            |                 |
                                            |                 |
                      Shared object message broadcast



              +------------------+                       +---------+
              | Publisher Client |         |             |   FMS   |
              +---------+--------+         |             +----+----+
                        |     Handshaking and Application     |
                        |            connect done             |
                        |                  |                  |
                        |                  |                  |
                ---+--- |---Command Messsage(createStream) -->|
            Create |    |                                     |
            Stream |    |                                     |
                ---+--- |<---------Command Message------------|
                        |   (_result - command response)      |
                        |                                     |
                ---+--- |---- Command Message(publish) ------>|
        Publishing |    |                                     |
          metadata |    |<------ UserControl(StreamBegin)-----|
         from file |    |                                     |
                   |    |-----Data Message (Metadata) ------->|
                        |                                     |
                            Publishing metadata
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  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
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  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
    茶点故事阅读 66,324评论 6 386
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 50,392评论 1 292
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 39,416评论 3 412
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 38,196评论 0 269
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 44,631评论 1 306
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 36,919评论 2 328
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 39,090评论 1 342
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 34,767评论 4 337
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 40,410评论 3 322
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,090评论 0 21
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,328评论 1 267
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 46,952评论 2 365
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 43,979评论 2 351


  • 实时消息协议---流的分块 版权声明: 版权(c)2009 Adobe系统有限公司。全权所有。 摘要: 本备忘录描...
    一个人zy阅读 1,893评论 0 9
  • 个人翻译,转载请注明出处,谢谢! Adobe's Real Time Messaging Protocol 摘要 ...
    SniperPan阅读 2,729评论 1 17
  • Spring Cloud为开发人员提供了快速构建分布式系统中一些常见模式的工具(例如配置管理,服务发现,断路器,智...
    卡卡罗2017阅读 134,644评论 18 139
  • 1、通过CocoaPods安装项目名称项目信息 AFNetworking网络请求组件 FMDB本地数据库组件 SD...
    阳明先生_X自主阅读 15,975评论 3 119
  • RTMP协议是Real Time Message Protocol(实时信息传输协议)的缩写,它是由Adobe公司...
    iOS小肖阅读 3,483评论 0 4