?When do you feel working happily and motivated?
1. Feel valued by the leader,have decision-making space
? ? 被領導重視,有一定決策空間
2. Feel the content you are working on is very meaningful and hopeful
? ? 工作內容有意義
3. Feel skill/vision growth in your career development
? ? 職業發展上感覺有進步
4. Get physical reward and spirit reward
? ? 獲得物質和精神獎勵(正反饋)
5. The ability of colleagues/leaders and the work atmosphere is recogonized by you
? ? ? 認可同事/老闆能力,且認可工作環境
For leaders, how do you motivate specific subordinate?
1. Respect their personality and acknowledge their motivations for the work
? ? ? 尊重個人特質並了解她們工作動機
2. Timely positive and negative feedback and reward
? ? 及時的正向反饋和負向反饋,和相應的獎勵
3. Allocate valuable work to the person who wants to grow and really has the potential and ability to hold the work
? ? 分配有意義有價值的工作給到有潛力且有同事的人,讓她們感受到成長。
4. Power them, give them some space to make final decisions
? ? 賦權,給予一定的決策空間
5. Solve their problems and give some support ,let them feel safe that somebody will support them and have growth.
? ? 解決他們工作問題並給予支持,讓他們感覺到支持和安全感