2. 搭配
Day 1
- It's been specially noticable with the increase in heavy traffic while they've been building the new hospital building. #[while=when]
- But is's the overall rise in the volume of traffic of all kinds that's concerning us. #[overall rise, of all kinds 各种各样的]
- To date there's not been any increase in traffic accident.[to date 到目前为止]
- carry out a survey
- lack of visibility
- fumes[烟雾] from trucks and lorries[卡车]
- this is not the top of the list and nor ....
- keep proposal within budget
- with the help of representatives from the police force
Day 2
- they can be covered by the Council(cover 负责)
- It's no good(没有好处) introducing new regulations if we don't have a way of making sure that everyone obeys them.
- police force
- have a set of traffic lights in the high street at the junction with station road[junction 交叉路口]
- regulate the flow of (连读成flower) traffic
- it should helping things there[有所帮助]
- by the entrance to the school
- on the bend just to the north of the school[在学校北面的拐弯处]
- the present arrangement
- get on an extra half-meter on the bend
- the restriction on loading and unloading for the supermarket[restriction 限制; loading 装]
- keep to the existing arrangements with the supermarket
Day 3
- germination [发芽]
- pratically evreything we do is going to feed into that[事实上,我们做的每件事都会影响他]
- there is an optional module on sth.
- dissertation module[论文]
- I thought for this experiment we could look at the relationship betweem
- need quite a bit longer
- make it a good one to choose
- have a word with the tutor
- go ahead with it [继续]
- the assignment's only 10 percent of our final mark
- include the references to the recent findings on genetially-modified[转基因] seeds
- about seed that lies in the ground for ages and only germinate after a fire
- be done in a lot of detail
- article with the illustrations of early stages
- diagram[图表]
Day 4(4/1)
Day 5(4/2)
Day 6(4/3)
真题 13 part1 研究题型 - but /still/also/.../连词的确重要
- 选择题很多依靠排除法(由连词可推测出)
- 存在近义词转换
- Map题先看主干。
- cycling club
- find out about jointing the club
- secretary 秘书
- are you interested in membership for yourself?[你对成为会员感兴趣么]
- be up to that standard
- be more interested in just joining a group
- Recreational membership[娱乐的,消遣的]
- in that case you would be better with sth[更适合]
- paid quarterly
- upgrade it later to the full membership
- go with sth[选择]
- kit[装备]
- be made to order by a company[由公司订做的]
- put in an order [下单]
- rides [骑行] I can do
- as well as[连读 la]
- general level of fitness
- novices[新手]
- reckon觉得,计算
- when are the sessions for that level
Day 7[C13- Test 1 Section 4] - in evolutionary terms[从进化角度来看]
- urban environments represent huge upheavals[represent: 代表,回忆,提出异议;upheavals: 剧变,隆起]
- perch on ledges[栖息在暗礁上;perch on 连读perchang]
- cliffs[悬崖,峭壁]
- in fact, we're now finding that the early immigrants were just the start of a more general movement of animals into cities, and of adaptation by these animals to city life. and one thing the researches
are finding
,especially interesting,is
the speedwith which
they were doing this. We are not talking aout gradual evolution here. Let me tell you about someof
studiesthat have been
carried out in this area - speciment[标本] of urbanised[使 城市化] small mammals
- gopher[打地洞,非常热心的人,勤杂工,囊鼠]
- kept in[连读captain,hahah]
- and she looked at spicemens that have been collected over the last hundreds of years, which is very shot time in
and she found taht during that time these smallmammals
had been experiencd a jumpin
[连读jumpin] brain size when compared to ruralmammals
now we can be sure this meansthey're
more intellegient.
but since the size of other parts of the body didn't change, it does suggest that something cognitive[认知的kagnitive] was going on. and she thinks the changemight reflect
cognitive demans of adjusting[连读ofa] of city life having to look in different places to find food for example and coping witha whole new set of dangeres
... who done some experiments with balckbirds living in urban and rural areas and she's been lookingnot at
[解剖to读的很轻] but at their behavior she has found that the urbal blackbireds tend to be quiet bold they prepare toface
up to a lot of threats that would frighten away their contry counterparts but there are one type of situation that does not frighten bb and that's anything new -anything that they havn't experienced before and if you think about it that's quiet sensible for b living in the city.[好痛苦。。。]
Day 8 9 10
Day 11
Hello, everyone. thank you for coming this meeting. So this meeting is for newstaff
and staff whohaven't
been invlovedwith
volunteering projects yet. So basically, the idea is that we allow our staff to give up some their work time to help onvarious
charity project to benefit the local community. We've been doing this for last five years and it has been very successful. Particiments doesn'tnecessarily
involve a huge time commitment
.The company wouldpay for 8 hour of your time
[支付8个小时的工资]. That can be used over one or two daysall at[听成or]
once or spread over several months throughout the year. There are some staff who enjoy volunteering so much, they're also give up their own free time for several hours a week. It's complectely up to you. Obviously, many peoplewill have
family commitmentsand aren't
as available as other members of staff.Feedback
from staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Because they felt they were doing something really useful. Nearly everyone agree that volunteering made them feel moremotivated at
work. They also likebuilding relationship
with peolple in local community and feltvalueable by
them. One or two people also said it was a good thingshave on
their CVs. One particular successful project last year was getting working project. Thiswas aimed at
helping unemployed people get back to work. Our staff were able to help them imporve telphone skills such as writing down messages and speekingwith confidence
topotential cunstomers
, which they've found taht quiet difficualt. This is sth many employers look for injob[发音张嘴] applicants
. something we all do without even thinking everyday in work. we got an exciting new project starting this year. Up until mow, we havemainly focus on
projectsto do with[与...相关]
educational and training. And we'll continue with our reading project in schools and our work with local charities. But we've also agreed to help out on aconservation[保护,保守,保存]
project in Redfern Park. so if any of youfancy being
outside and getting your hand dirty,this is project for you
. I also want tomention
theannual Digital[前重后轻,注意发音] Inclusion[融合]Day
, which is coming up next month. the aim of this is to help the older to keep up with technology. This year,instead[注意发音同inside]
of hosting the event in our own training facility[ 设施;设备;容易;灵巧;才能,天赋], we're using UCTsuit[swit注意发音]
at hill collegeas
it can hold far more people. We’ve invited over 60 people from the Silver Age Community Centre totake part
, we will need lot of volunteers to help this event. if you're interested in taking apart, please go the volunteering section of our website, and fill with relevant forms. we won't be providing for any training for this. But you'll bepaired with[一对]
an experience volunteer if you've never done this before. by the way don't forget to tell your manager of any volunteering activities you want to do. 【Continuing...】
Day 12[C13-Test 2- Section 1]
you have inside introduction for every show. what side for me and explain what you said regard of dirty job and manual labor[体力劳动者]. I explore the country and looking for people who're not free to get dirty hard wroking men and women who do the kind of job that make civilize life possible for rest of us. Now get ready get dirty. That's the mission state for the show. We're finding people who are doing the work that most of usgo out of our way to avoid
. I spend a day with themas an apprentice[新手,novice]
and try to keep up with them andhave a few laughs
. The success of show I believe is the resaultto unlining[强调,在...画下划线] thems about work that we constantly come back to[我认为,《show》的成功是对我们不断回归的工作主题的一种回应]
.not just because of the exploding toilet and misadventures[不幸,灾难的事] in animal husbandry[饲养,务农,家政]
. You introduce the audience to job unseen even unknown for millions of american, leading nice cleansuburban[郊区的] lives
. At the same time, you highlight the skills, dignity ,humor of people who did in their job. Is it intensional[内涵的,紧张的] that you have those dual themes? - it was very
. the showstarted as a small segment
on a local showin
sanfransisco. I was able to experiment[尝试,做实验] quite a bit with what audience response to befor every I took program to network. I learn form doing the smaller profiles that there was a real mix between interest what audience have in their job itself and people who are performing in the job. there is no dignity work alone. You cann't doing a show about work that hightlight good part of it unless you also include a show about people that hightlight good parts of them. - How many dirty job have you done since the show has been on? we are on the forth season on the show. and what we begin the intension was to do 12 program 12 jobs. I ran out of my ideas around 50 and ever since we've turn our program of the show over the viewers. Most ideas coming from people who actually view the show. I heard you said on the program once. as my grandfather said, never trust fellows with clean shoes.
Day 13[continuing] - my grandfather
is the reason 'dirty job is on the air'
. he has seven-grade education but was one of fellow born hard-wired with innate with understanding of construction and technical trails. He built my first car . He build the house I was born without blueprint. By the time he was 50, he was master plumer, master eletrition, a break-layer a stone mason[ai泥瓦匠]. As the baseline of his brain, he just know how staff workmechanically[机械地,物理上地]
and technically. I didn'tget that gense
. - You've been an actor, a singer, a TV programmer all pretty clean jobs. When you're the age to decide what to be when you grow up, did you make a concious choice to get a clean job? I made a deliberate choice when I was 18 years old. My grandfather live right next door of us. He was as a present in my life as my dad. I couldn't do all the things like my father do. I had appreciation and respect for the kind of work what he did. But I decided to go as far as I could, and try to find sth came easily to me as construction came to him. You've set down a show that some of happiest people you ever met go home everyday smelling bad because they work with stuff like sewage[suvage污水,下水道] and garbage. Are you saying that workers you ever met in dirty jobs are generally happier people than you ever met in cleaner professions? It's genelization, but all was stand by. Happiness is tough subject thing to find. After a couple of hundred of experience, the things I find is the balance of life of people I've met. People in dirty jobs have a balance in their lives that I don't see in my friends who are
actuarial[保险精算的] accountants and
[sand连读] investment bankers.好痛苦....
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17 Test 2
Part A[2 hs] - We have news that Quantum will no longer to be seen on television on ABC television. Can you tell the official reason why?
- Quantum will be seen on the ABC in the next year. The remaining of program of this series will go to the air[
on the air广播
] and will be still made in fact. I think the series will continue untilabout May
. I'd like to think that the viewer will continue to watch ituntil that point
rather than [读then
]thing it's unfair. Quantum hasbeen around[露面,来访]
now about 16 years. It's presented itself in variousguises[伪装,外观]
over years. It had morereinvention
[重塑,再造]s than most television programs could ever imagine. Butthere comes
a time in any program's life when it has reach itsuse-by[在...前使用] date
. and in my feeling, and the feelings of others with ABC science, is that could wellbe titled of
[名为] program Quanrum. That holding back[隐瞒,退缩,抑制] moreinnovative[革新的,创新的vative[发音好轻]]
and relevant of science program on ABC television. We are going to rest for a while as a title and hopely build up new and more intersting, more exciting , and more dynamic[mic发音很轻] style of science program in the place. -
will it be out sourced?
[被外包出去] - I mean this is be a bit of
. that's going around at this moment. We also commission[委任,使服役] program from independent producer. The program that we follow on Quantumat its
timeslot is serious on stress. I think it's 6 part of series which was part ofcontestable
[争论的,可竞争的] process. We have opportunity for both independent and in hourse producers to bid for those contestable programs. It's part of ourtransparent[透明的]
process of programs choices so that's fairness. That program wasselected[特别轻]
by former commissioning editor and i can only imagine it because it was the best program that wassubmitted
. We are alsoin process of
developing andnegotiating[谈判,交涉,转让]
some quite significientoutup[输出]
deals, which means we make program for distribution agencies as well as ourselves. - what will happen to in-house people、
- we are hoping there would be more in-house production rather than less. What really we have to do is we can't continue to make Quantum and spend most of budget on Quantum and still make new and more exciting programs. I mean we need to
redirect[使改方向;重新寄送] that money
andreallocate[重新分配,再指派] those funds
so that we canfreshen up[使焕然一新]
the science late for ABC. I mean weare absolutely committed to
[致力于,委身于] science program on ABC television. - Will there be any
job lost from
Quantum production unit? - we are hoping to get up some news programs in near future so some of these people may be able to redeployed. There are some very talented
that we'd like to talk aboult moving into development unit.
Day 18 continuing Part A - listeners wonder that if we can be sure taht outsourced science program will be completely acurate and
or not have any sort of input[任何投入] from acorporate[公司的,法人的]
source in any way. - we have very strong editorial policies and guidelines that are to be followed. Any program made by independent producer outside ABC is match a ABC
producer who is there represent[代表,描绘] those policies issues. - so ABC's
to science is not deminished - Not only is it deminished, it's actually stronger. taht's where we'd like to think we are heading. The managing director has attempt to get more government funding so we can actually
Part B. I - when did you first realize that you'd be able to make career
out of[由于;缺乏;自…离开;用…(材料)]
following your passion? - being a naturalist is the only thing I ever interest. I start out collecting birds' eggs ,keeping snak and other creatures. But is wasn't until i went to university in the early 1950's that i discover you can
turn a boyhood[童年,少年时代] pasttime into a profession.
I spent a long months out with graduate students learning and just being in the wildness[野蛮,原始,荒凉,野外]. So i stay with it. - have you ever frighten by a animal?
- fear is mostly
. if you do sth careless, like geting too close to tiger or to a bear and frightending the animal so they become aggressive. you response in best possible way and you know in most instances, the animal give you the benifit of the doubt[注意发音].it's only afterward[在那之后] that
you shake your head and say how stupid you are. - your efforts have helped gain protection for many wildlife
across the world. how have you manage that? - natural history is all basic conservation because you need knowledge. I go out for collecting information on wild life the people, teh condition of habitat[注意发音,后扬且轻],. and i give it to the government the department concerned and make suggestions. tehn i try to follow up, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. one of the real mistakes in the
conservation[保存,?; movement
in last few years is thetendency
tosee nature simply as natural resources
. the conservation without moral value can'tsustain[维持,支撑,忍受]
itself unless we reach people through beauty, ethics, spiritual values or whatever. we are not going to keep our wildness ares[连读好像serious]
Part B. II - welocom to our show. you know audiences are interest in comparing two versions of kingkong. the original kingkong didn't exactly take scientific approach to
gorilla[大猩猩] behaviors.Why go to such length[话费这么长时间] to get it right this time
? - i don't think film maker in 1933 were out of understand gorilla. in the sence, kong was just monster to them. the difference is just our film is not a monster movie.
early on
[在早期,经营,从事下去]we deciside we didn't want Disney-filed-humanized[人性化的] version of kong. my jobas
actor was to observe as much as i could and bring these observation tocharacter
Day 19 Part B continuing && Part C - waht the original get wrong?
- in the 1933, kong walks around on two feet,
beating his chest with clenched[紧握的] fists[拳头]
. actually, garilla walk on hisknuckles[指关节,压关节]
and feet andcup their hands
to beat their chests when they are angry.also in original, kong goes aroundchewing
people's heads off. now we know gorilla's diet is vegetation. - so the new kong is a vegan[素食主义] wimp[懦弱的人]?
- that's
made very clear[这一点很清楚]
when youobserve their nature
. they charge and performe other displays thatare terrifying by[本身就是被动]
design. but they don't attack until they feel threatened. - what
makes gorilla's watching such a profound experience
- there are sth about seeing this totally peaceful society has its order and seems to work perfectly and
were it not for[若不是...的话]
interference from humans. it's like sitting around withchill[寒冷,寒意]-out load hippies.
so they just have sth to eat,crush[迷恋,压榨] out[发音轻张嘴]
for a bit and then have a little walk. you're suppose tokeep a 7 meters exclusion[排除] zone
so that they don'tcatch disease
.but grilla go where they want to, so they go all around you. it's absolutely thrilling.
- Canadians love to shop.
there seems to be a growing gap
between wh.at the consumer are looking for and waht the retailers are delivering. How are conadian retailers meeting consumers' expectations? - recent surverys show that consumers are somewhat disappointed with retailers' offering in north america.
there are too much sameness in product offering and shopping experience
. the new customer who is 25 or younger has grown up with laptop at school, high-speed internet and gaming. tehy expect to be able toseamlessly shop multi-channel
in the store, on the web or over the phone. right now, these channel are very isolate. tehy are not connected as well as they could be.some retailors are rising to the challenge[奋起迎接挑战], and some are being left behind
. - if the retailor is following behind, what should do to catch up?
- sort out what type retailor tobe. retailor has two options in marketplace, either they have to be extremely efficient and focus on the price or they have fantastic customers experience that spcialize the customers' need.
The middle is no place to be.
- customers ger
when theyrevisit
a store and nobody knows them. how can they get morerecognition[识别,认出]
? - there is new way of retail program taht emphasis customers' centricity. that's wher, you as a consumer, provide your
personal profile[个人档案]
to a retailor. at a clothing store, for instance, a sail person could acceess youpurchase history[连读的时候,h不发音]
and color preference on a hand held device. you experience build on previous purchase. consumers want more personise help. they want to buy waht exactly they need. is thsi the freshen product, is this mostcurrent fashion
.more and more building loyalty has less to do[有多少事去做] with giving out[给出,用尽] rewards, and more to do with the experience
Part C - at the begining of book, you give the quote by the ecologist, Gattett Hardin. people are the core element in all technology. did the desiner tend to forget that?
- well it is often be fogotten not just designers but engineers. And I think that story in teh book tend to speak that point. make examples of instance which teh engineers and designer don't incorporate the human factor into the design of the systems or product.
- with technology become more
, do you think human error is increasing, or it's just becoming noticable? -
i think it's proabably a case of both
. the system is more complicated and it's also more noticable becauseas things[连读的时候,as s不发音]
become sophisticated, one individual has more power to disrupt the system whether it's a nuclear power plan or aircraft with 555 people on board. the opportunity foramplifying[放大,扩大]
consequence error are increasing all the time. - instead of user error, you perfer to use the term "design-induced error". Is it ever appropriate to blame users?
- i use the term
as it's commonly used in the filed
. design induce the error. the story that i've selected for the book focus on the users'interface[界面]
. i try to select the story where there is a deficiency system or the actual interface that the operators could done better. - i ask because in several stories seeming to be ad
**Day 20 **
Day 21: 真题三
- 听力多同义词转换
- 阅读理解
1.现象--引出key --key的缺点或者原因--展望和方法?!?br> 2.看题提取关键词,判断是否关联
Part c
when people say taht I wentinvented
Dono's message surverys/service
or DMS that raise money for charity. it's easy to getthe
wrong idea. thetexting
technology is already there.it was just my idea to use in a new way. premilar/'premium[额外费用,奖金,高价的] rate' short message service or test messageing are used to [buy a new donate]/buying a ring tones[电话铃声]
orvoting by a text
. My idea is to use new same tool to getCzechs
to give money to charity. because of s0me historical reasons, we didn't have much of acharitable
tradition here. but last year, through sending DMSs, Czechs donated about 920,000 pounds to dozens of different non-profit groups. as for as i know, Czechs is probably the only county in Europe you can send text message as a way of giving to charity. 7 years ageo, when i was working at a non-profit orgnization, concerned with cooperate social responsibility. I attended a confrencebudapest on
africa. i wanted to visit a particular seminar[注意发音], but it was full when i arrive. so i went to another room, not knowing the topic. it was a seminar on individual giving, and i almost left. at that time, there was almost no donating by individuals in my country. we in non-profit sector has been focused on rasing money from instiutional founds . but we had almost no experience with individual giving. and most of us though it could never work here. as it turned out. just in one hour, the seminar completely changed my thinking. the seminar leader, a american, asked us, in the last two months, how many of you supported the charity alsost no one raise their hand. then he ask why nobody had made a donation. no one had a answeer.he turned a sheet[薄片(的),覆盖,成片流动的] on a flip[弹,无礼的,轻率的,投掷] chart[海报]
. it shows 85%people said didn't donate for charity, because they were never asked. this got me think of a way to make it really simple for Czeches to make donations. i wondered if we could collect donations via text message which is quick easy and new technology that young people would use. so i started to dicuss this with main wireless providers in Czechs REPUBLIC. they agree to set up a single number to which people can send sms to make donation to variety of charities. the big and small. the mobile operators ralize this is a win-win sitiation and agree to take money only for operating costs. we set a very modestamount[注意发音,maiont不是mont]
which anyone can give. the program reallytook off
in 2004, when the terrible storm hit the high tatra mountains in solvakia, which isfavorite holiday destination
for czechs. trees weretoppled[倾倒,推翻]
everywhere, and czechs really want to help. some tv progarm started puting out the name of group that was doing revovery work and explain how people can donate them via dms. suddenly, people discover dms. in the end, teh czechs collect far more money than slovas. when the program started, i guessed it could work if one minllion dms could be sent every year. that would mean one for every 10 people in czechs republic. last year czechs send 1.5 million dms, so it's a big success. now we are talking with groups in other Europe countries about setting up similar programs. my formal education has been in teaching training. in 1990's, i was involved in groups taht were working to modernate czechs school and teaching mechanism\method
. fro a time, i work at a education ministry, where i was in charge of european structural funds. over the past ten years, i 've beenoverseeing
[监督,偷看;overlook忽略,不计较] people and budget. and i realise they need to get a proper training in management. so last yeat ienrolled
[注册,登记] anexecutive
[总经理,经营的行政的] mba program. one of the most satisfiying moments for me was when afriend who
[连读do] had a pub told me a group of men who were come in. they were sitting at their table, drinking the bear, talking about their wives and footable. all of sudden, someone siad,, let's go we'll have a cigarette andsend some
[连读sensome] dms. 5 or 6 guys stood up and went outside smoke their cigarettes. and then, just likehokey[虚情假意的] match
, theydid a coundown
andhit send
on their phoneall at once[突然]
they were sending dms to helpvictms of
asian tsunami. i was really moved when i heard the story.
Day 22: 真题三
整理。 - intake of ...的摄入量
- soluble 可溶的,可解决的
- instructions 指令;说明
- power station 发电站;[电] 发电厂
- wasteland 荒地,不毛之地;未开垦地,荒漠;(精神或文化上的)贫乏
- fertilizer [肥料] 肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者
- prominence 突出;显著;突出物;卓越
- crop up 突然出现
- few appear more often 很少有更频繁的出现
- resemble[类似,像vt] each other so strongly that they could be sibling[兄弟姐妹]
-be divided equally between male and female - be similar in appearance and personality
- appear more similar
- result in itself[结果本身]
- end up being reflected[vt. 反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省 vi. 反射,映现;深思] physically[最终在身体上得到反映]
- be reflected in faces
- incident[n. 事件,事变;插曲 adj. [光] 入射的;附带的;易发生的,伴随而来的]
- child abuse 虐待儿童
- miscarriage n. [妇产] 流产;失败;误送
- people appear to be more selfless when involved with[相处,涉及,与...有关联] genetically similar parters.
- rip[裂口,撕,裂] song
- ciminal copyright infringement[侵犯,违反]
- an unauthorized act
- lawsuits[诉讼,法律诉讼;控诉]
- enjoy music in a more detached[分离,分离的] state
- psychotropic[治疗精神病的] prescription[药方] drugs
- caught humming their favorite song
- violate copyright law
- make it a felony[重罪] crime to circumvent[包围,规避] copyright protection technologies
- recall召回 retrospect 回忆
- absurdity n. 荒谬;谬论;荒谬的言行
- prescription pills 处方药丸
- necessity n. 需要;必然性;必需品
- royalty n. 皇室;版税;王权;专利税
- what category does this essay fall into?
staire review[复习回顾检阅] humour - evade antibiotics[抗生素]
- sidestep[台阶]
- grain[粮食,成为谷粒]
- stem rust杆锈
- tail off变小,缩小,吞吞吐吐
- derisory adj. 嘲弄的;嘲笑的
- complacency n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意
- volatile n. 挥发物;有翅的动物 adj. [化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的;爆炸性的;反复无常的
- heed 注意,留心
- brink n. (峭壁的)边缘
- hedge fund 避险基金;套?;?;对冲基金
- collapse is particularly notable
- carry on 继续 参与
- akin adj. 类似的;同类的;同族的
- dissembling 掩饰,掩盖;假装 vi. 隐藏,掩饰
- comply vi. 遵守;顺从,遵从;答应
- deviate vi. 脱离;越轨 vt. 使偏离
- spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的
- inherent flaw[使裂缝,缺点] 固有缺陷
- self-absorbed adj. 自私的;专心于自己的事务或利益的;固执己见
- optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的
- wastebasket n. 废纸篓 vt. 把…放入废纸篓
- upheaval n. 剧变;隆起;举起
- unprecedented adj. 空前的;无前例的
- rouse themselves against
唤醒自己对。。。 -
mechanism are progressing swiftly
[adv. 很快地;敏捷地;即刻] - excel in[擅长] combinztion of interior[室内] flexibility and roominess[广阔,宽敞]
- fold[折叠] rear[后面,培养,暴跳] seat
**Day 24 真题四 **
Day 25 真题四
听力 part I
thank you for inviting me to share my thought with you. as you can imagine, being the president of NEA is a demanding job and in many way, it's an important job. but for 25 years, i had a job that was moredemanding
and more important. my first year of classroom, i wasn't a member of local teacher's union in Danbury Connecticut. i didn't see the need, but very quickly,the going got tough
. in colleage, i didn't take a single geopraphy course. and my first assignmetn is to teach you guest geography. i admited, in first yeat, i was not a very good teacher. and i was not the onlyone. i remember the another poorly prepared first year teacher said to me, bob , ifound myself spending
a lot of timein the bathroom
Day 262728真题四 Part I, continuing
it's only in the school where i know what i am doing. not only was I totallyon my own
[靠自己]. i realize my colleages were mostlyin the same predicament
[困境,窘境].professionally isolated, powerless, vioceless in the large affairs of the school.[在学校的重大事务中,职业孤立、无能为力、毫无生气]
.soi did the rational[大嘴ai] thing[做了合理的事]
i join the local teacher union.my point is this-- i didn'tgo into[从事] teaching
i became a union ativist in order to become a better teacher in order toadvance my professoion
in order togive teacher advice in making their school more effective places for teaching and learning
. teaching may in fact be the world second oldest profession. butas a practical matter[作为一个实际的问题]
,teaching is still very much in its infancy[初期,婴儿期]
. especially when compared to fullyarticulated
[读音:额ticulated. v. 铰接(articulate的过去分词);明确地表达;使相互连贯adj. 铰接式的;清晰的;组织缜密的;有关节的,] professions such as law and medicine. we have yet too trulyprofessionalized the craft[n. 工艺;手艺;太空船 vt. 精巧地制作] of treaching
.people go into teaching for the mostnoble
[n. 贵族adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的 vt. 抓?。淮禲 and unselfish motivation. they can make a difference in life of children in the life of our students. so we get up everyday , go to work in make-shift classroom. wereconcile[vt. 使一致;使和解;调停,调解;使顺从]
ourself toinadequte paychecks
[n. 付薪水的支票,薪水] and to too little respect. in the cafeteria, we deal with insanitary[adj. 不卫生的;有害健康的] pizza a day. we
put up with[忍受]administrator who talk to us if we were 6 year old and and the 6 years old who talk us as if we were administrators. teachers deserve the best. but instead,
we confront a system, a status quote in public educationthat
utterly failed to support us in our work.
by and large[大体来说,总的来说],
the undergraduated experience of most the new teachers does not adequately prepare for the shock and challenges of the real world in the classroom.the vast majority[多数,成年] of most teacher nationwide[adj. 全国范围的;全国性的 adv. 在全国] receive no mentoring[指导], whatsoever[无论什么].
no induction[n. [电磁] 感应;归纳法;感应现象;入门培训,入职仪式,就职;诱导] process
worthy[读音worsy] the[读they] name and for
veteran[n. 老兵;老手;富有经验的人;老运动员 adj. 经验丰富的;老兵的] teachers. the teachers' picture are not much brighter. in most school districts[n. 区域;地方;行政区], the professional development is a joke. in-service workshps, Satan撒旦] gate sessions[会议,会期] usually at the end of a long day of teaching are mostly disservice[n. 伤害;帮倒忙的行为;不亲切的行为;虐待]. so i am not
in a least bit surprisedthat
some 50% of teachersleave the profession within first 5 years. what surprises me,
given the systematic neglect, is that
50% stayso we have responsibility to work together collaboratively to transform the experience fo young people who are
seeking a career as teachers`.
Part C - what fist
led you to
the Galapagos Island? - i grew up near ..., i was fascinated by the Galapagos since learning about them at school. the significient sp visit there left an impressure on me. i intend to travel after university and applied to be a naturlist guy for a englishman who ran
yacht[ /j?t/游艇] cruises[crus额s游览]
aroud the islands. after much persistant, i got a job. back then the island is very remote. a five hour flight of mainland of ... - why did you decide to found a company?
- after working for more than a year in the .., i
backpacked[vt. 挑运;把…放入背包 vi. 背负简便行李旅行;挑运;n.] the length and breadth[n. 宽度,幅度;宽宏]
[长途跋涉] of sourth america. taking photograph and exploring wildness area. back in england, i found difficult to set into regular work, so ended up as freelance tour leadere and photographer. i returned to .. to research tourism and decided to establish my own company.in 1995, i returned to .. to research tourism and decide to restart my own company - and what make your company unique?
- i was one of pioneers[n. 先锋;拓荒者(pioneer的复数)v. 当先锋;为…开路(pioneer的三单形式)]. we used locally[adv. 局部地;在本地] owned boates and environmentally sound[健全的,听起来] lodges[n. 小屋;胜地旅舍(lodge的复数)v. 让…临时住宿;容纳;租住(lodge的三单形式)]
from the start
[从一开始]. we onlytake samll groups[接受小的团体 ]
and only have low impact philosophy. as well as british leaders, we employ the best local guides. wecontributed to local conservation orgnization
andoffer clients membership[offer sb sth]
of HJ conservation trust. - what measures do you take to minimize your tourism effects on the environment
- people think taht taking tourism to wild regions is destructive.however it is the tourism that helps protect ... and the Amazon(/??m?.zɑ?n/), provided it's done in an environmentally sound way. tourist have to adhere to strict national park rules. there are limits on tourists members and licensed operators that have been imposed by the national park authorities.
tourism is only the sustainale way of generating an income for the inhabitants.
the prolem is the local population is growing rapidly and politiciansare more worried about
vote than immigratians. - what do you think
are currently[adv. 当前一般] the biggest threats[sraits] to
the ... - illegal fishing and introduced[v.介绍,引进;adj. 引进的] organism[有机体,生物]. fishing is
in the marine[n.adj.船舶的,海生的] reserve[存储,预定], but this is ignored by sea-cucumber[黄瓜], shark-fin[鱼翅] and long line industrial fishmen. fishing authorities havegiven in to[让步,屈服于]
the fishing lobby[游说v,大厅] andsaddly it's the thin end of the wedge[小看大的开端][可悲的是这只是个开始]
. each year they demand more and get it. the other threat isthe introduction of non-native plants and animals
[引进]. i noticedover the past 20 years on
a inhabited island.native plants have been eclipses[n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色 vt. 使黯然失色;形成蚀] by introduced ones.
- how do you think tourism can
benefited endangered areas
, such as .. - tourism is[touris mis读音] by far the less of all evils[到目前为止,这是所有罪恶中较轻的一个]. and compared to fishing and logging, provided it's controled, 'it can be a positive force.' every tourism who goes there is a protential
forconservation[n. 保存,保持;?;
and contributed directly or indirectly topreservation[n. 保存,保留]
. our tour leaders make tour passengers aware of the resposibilities of visiting the island. and make sure that theytake home a sense of wonder of the place[带着对这个地方的好奇心回家]
. we hope that many can continue to support our conservation partners. - what type of epople
sign up[签约雇用,签约参加] for your expeditions[n. 探险(expedition的复数)
;远征]? do you haveany typical[tipical] client
? - we don't really call them expeditions, more like "soft adventures". generally, at our escorted[n. 陪同;护航舰;护卫队;护送者
vt. 护送;陪同;为…护航] trip, clients are mature, middle-age to retire. they like nature, botany[植物学], bird watching and local culture.out trip `can attract[c额na ttrack] folk[发音fo] from all walks of life, but usually those who respect the nature. the accessibility[n. 易接近;可亲;可以得到] of once remote places has meant that now, there is a class of tourists who just wants to tick[滴答,除掉] places off on a list. i'd rather they go elsewhere. - how do you select your trip?
is the key. almost popular trips go to the jungle of amazone headwaters. the cloud forest and hitgh andes and then finished with a .. cruise[vi.n. 巡航,巡游;漫游]. in a couple of weeks, we can see various kind of birds--not mention orchids[n. [园艺] 兰花,淡紫色;称赞], butterflies and theodd mamanl
and that before we even get to .. - so do you have any plan to expand the company further?
- a timely question. beacause we now
offer tours elsewhere
inLatin america
. we give our compay a new name , select Latin america, the idea is to select partners in each country to pick the best wild life in cultural destinations. - thank you very much to being with us.
Test V
Part B 第三段
- in your second book, you wrote about feelings after accident. have you except things now?
- i don't get any angry, because it wouldn't do any good. i experience frustration sometimes, such as i has crisis like i just did
- what happend
- i had 3 bad
life-threatening infections[传染病]
this year. this most recently was blood infection caused by thescraping[n. 刮削下的碎屑;刮擦声;抹去v. 刮,擦(scrape的现在分词) adj. 刮擦的;吝啬的] of skin on my left hip[n. 臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁adj. 熟悉内情的;非常时尚的]
taht i probably picked up one day when i was on the exercise bike. it seemed benign but developed more and more seriously. then a lot of major organs shut down. we are trying to figure out what's going on. before that Igot a server infection
in New Orleans just a few days beforeshooting the movie
i am frustrated, it was not feat, come on,let's nor fall apart[我们不要分崩离析]
, i've comes too far. so sometimes i get jealous/envious of people who take ability to move as granted. - do you get afraid? how could you not?
- it's proven fact that you can control panic by applying rational processes. in a all my day, flighting, sailing,riding,
every now and again i get myself into a jam[时常陷入困境]
. on a chrimesis day in 1985, i was flying over the green montian in vermont.big cloud, snow andwarning light went on
. i looked out and sawoil all over the wing
. i new i had to shut down the engine and fly to Boston on the other.you're hoping it doesn't develop a problem too
,but the chance of muti-engine failure is very, very remote
. literally, you use brain to stop panic. i have a lot of training in the area for my life before the injury.
Part C - what make you such optimistic
- working in the rockerfeller university here in new york, i am overwhelmed[adj. 受宠若惊的,使不知所措] every week by what people are learning.
genetics offer the most dramitic example
, but in material science, so many filedsit's almost as astonishing[adj. 惊人的;令人惊讶的].
modern science is very young, even if you go back to Galileo, large-scale orgnized research is less than 100 years old. butchance to do things much better is enormous
. take energy,it's big cause for governmental concern
. if you look the whole systemfrom mining fuel to powering my desk lamp
, right now it's about 5% efficient. another 95% of energy in the fuelget wasted along the way
. we can't jump quickly 50%. But we have centuries of opportunity ahead of us. Whether you look out the transport, energy and food system, they all look juvenil[adj. 青少年的;幼稚的]e to me. i mean that in oppositive sence, they have great potential. - you begin your career as environment scientist, do you think envionmentalists are part of problem or part of solution now?
- the greens themselves are a part of a dynamic ecology, raising the alarms.functionally, they are earth sensing instrument. they are absolutely necessaty. i started my career at mid-1970 in marine[ 海运业;舰队;水兵;(海军)士兵或军官,adj. 船舶的;海生的;] population. and then 1977, i became one of the first people to work all time on gloabl warming.i felt that my main job was raisint the alarm.but after 7 or 8 years, i though if i'd have long career in environment, i would like to provide solutions. so i spend 5 years as director of program at a national academy of engineer. engineers have different way of thinking from the greens. they laike machines that at work. they do enormous important environmental work. a problem is that the two gorupd don't talk too much each other. greens are not good at taking a long view. they see the forest is diapearing or a mission is rising and they
see disaster looming[n. 上现蜃景;庞视;幽影 v. 逼近;隐约可见(loom的ing形式)adj. 隐隐约约的;正在逼近的]
but ihave an enthusiasm for
history, especially the history technoology. my father ishistorian[n. 历史学家]
of 19th centuryindustrial revolution[工业革命,产业革命]
in britain. historyis very powerful at
showing thatthings fall as well as rise', including technology. in fact,
history of technology is largely the history of substitution` - for example
- the density of horses a century ago was a environmental disastrous[adj. 灾难性的;损失惨重的;悲伤的].
their replacement by automobiles had a huge environment benifit
. but of course, every system has it's fallout. cars were dangerous, if they stay as dangerous as they were in 1930s, the automobile system can not grow. they needed headlights[n. 头灯,车头灯;前大灯] and windshield[n. 挡风玻璃] and seat belt. then orther prolems grow, like urban air polution. so we developed catalytic[催化剂] converter. andas polution gets worse
, there are hybrid vehicles and hydrogen[氢] fuel cells. they may allow the world with, say, two billion cars compare with 600milion we have right now .it's not so much that there are limits to growth
in the famous phrase. but rather than any technology, like any empire,contains the seeds of its end
.instead of thetechnology growing exponentially
and destroy everything around it, some other technology will generallytake over
that is superior.at one billion of people in the world, there might have been alternative way to living. but at 6.4 billion and with 4 or 5 billion who dont have much but one more, youhave no choice but to get better at providing the services that people want
i dont think my green collegehave enouth faith in their own scientific and technology peers[同行]