Lesson 8 The best and the worst
Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!
/?o?/ /?s?nd?rz/ /h?z/ /e?/ /mo?st/ /?bjut?f?l/ /?gɑrd?n/ /?n/ /?a??r/ /ta?n/. /?n?rli/ /??vri?bɑdi/ /??nt?rz/ /f?r/ /e?/ /?na?s?st/ /?gɑrd?n/ /?kɑmp??t???n/ /i?/ /j?r/, /b?t/ /?o?/ /w?nz/ /??v?ri/ /ta?m/. /b?l/ /fr?θs/ /?gɑrd?n/ /?z/ /?lɑr??r/ /e?n/ /?o?z/. /b?l/ /w?rks/ /?hɑrd?r/ /e?n/ /?o?/ /?nd/ /gro?z/ /m?r/ /?fla??rz/ /?nd/ /?v??t?b?lz/, /b?t/ /?o?z/ /?gɑrd?n/ /?z/ /m?r/ /??ntr?st??/. /hi/ /h?z/ /me?d/ /nit/ /p?ez/ /?nd/ /h?z/ /b?lt/ /?/ /?w?d?n/ /br??/ /?o?v?r/ /?/ /pul/. /a?/ /la?k/ /?gɑrd?nz/ /tu/, /b?t/ /a?/ /d?/ /nɑt/ /la?k/ /hɑrd/ /w?rk/. /??v?ri/ /j?r/ /a?/ /??nt?r/ /f?r/ /e?/ /?gɑrd?n/ /?kɑmp??t???n/ /tu/, /?nd/ /a?/ /??l?we?z/ /w?n/ /?/ /?l?t?l/ /pra?z/ /f?r/ /e?/ /w?rst/ /?gɑrd?n/ /?n/ /e?/ /ta?n/!
1.朗读(L0) :Frith's/fr?θs/,paths/p?ez/,注意词末发音。
- 其他:Sanders ->sand ->stand
- 晚上哄小朋友睡哄得精疲力尽,真的是麻烦。
- 今天没那么多时间感想,就这样吧。加油~
- 看见S群里的发飙,惊觉自己确实太放水,警醒!
- 每天抄音标,对一些常用词的音标已了然于心,也算小收获吧。
- 时间管理!小朋友睡后闹,那就在她睡前就完成,时间不都是挤出来的嘛。优化流程也是提升。
- 在带老公一起读时考他词汇,又印证了S的朗读也能增加词汇量的观点。总之朗读也好音标也好。都是为自己而努力,放水也是糊弄自己,何必呢?多思考,把所思记下来,才能有进步的可能。加油~