3.为什么会有意识出现?(《泛意识论》之3)Why does consciousness emerge? (PanConsciousism Part 3)
意识是一种涌现,也就是说,意识不是一系列对象本身,而是一系列对象共同构成的一种涌现,所以,相对于已有的对象而言,意识是新生的对象。Consciousness is an emergence, meaning that it is not a series of objects itself, but an emergence formed by a series of objects. Therefore, compared to existing objects, consciousness is a newly formed object.? 这就有点像是无中生有了。It's like something out of clear ground.
也许你会说,不是有物质不灭定律吗,怎么会无中生有呢?Now, you might say, isn't there a law of the conservation of matter? How can something come out of clear ground??
先不说物质不灭定律本身如何,首先,意识不是物质,跟物质不灭定律无关,不受其限制。First of all, consciousness is not matter and is not subject to the law of conservation of matter.
我们知道,一堆木材,可以加工成桌椅板凳,桌椅板凳作为一堆木材的新构造,确实是无中生有的。虽然木材尊从物质不灭定律,但桌椅板凳确是可有可无的,同样,意识也是同样的情况。We know that a pile of wood can be processed into tables, chairs, and stools. These items may seem to have appeared out of thin air, and have never appeared before the making process, even though the wood follows the law of the conservation of matter. Similarly, consciousness is the same situation.
但是,为什么会有意识存在?But why does consciousness exist?
我们看看桌椅板凳为什么会出现?因为人类需要这些东西,这些东西提供了服务于人的功能,所以人类造出这些东西,它们是人类的工具。Let's take a look at why tables, chairs, and stools exist. It's because humans need these things. They serve a purpose for humans, so humans create them as tools.
同样的,意识也具有功能,它们的功能对于人类而言是不可或缺的,如果没有意识的功能,人类将不成为人类。In the same way, consciousness also serves a purpose. Its functions are indispensable for humans. Without the functions of consciousness, humans wouldn't be humans.
为什么意识对于人类是不可或缺的?因为人类是多细胞动物,人体内有冲过万亿的细胞,每一个细胞虽然被禁锢在人体内,但它们本身也是独立的生命体。Why is consciousness indispensable for humans? Because humans are multicellular organisms and there are trillions of cells in our bodies. Each cell is confined within the body, but they are all individual living beings.
为什么多细胞生命需要意识?Why do multicellular organisms need consciousness?
这里需要做一些思维实验。Let's do a thought experiment.
先看单细胞的情况。First, let's look at the case of a single cell.?
单细胞只有一个决策中心,遇到好吃的,就靠近,遇到危险就躲避,这是很自然的。A single cell only has one decision-making center. When it comes across something good to eat, it moves closer. When faced with danger, it avoids it. This is natural.
但有时候躲避不及,就会战斗,如果世界上只有单细胞生命,二个单细胞战斗,通常是实力相当,两败俱伤。于是有的细胞就会演化出更强大的形态。这时候,就有二个细胞结合在一起构成更大的生命体。双细胞出现了。But sometimes, it can't avoid the danger and has to fight. If single-cell organisms were the only life forms on earth, when two cells fight, the result is usually both getting hurt. So, some found a way to get stronger. That's when two cells combine to form a larger organism. Hence,the two-celled organism appears.
双细胞力量比单细胞强大,但它们内部是不是出现了二个决策中心?如果遇到对手,一个细胞想要躲避,另一个想冲上去战斗,怎么办?二个细胞怎么达成一致?The two-celled organism is stronger than a single cell, but does it now have two decision-making centers? If it encounters an opponent and one cell wants to avoid it while the other wants to fight, how can they reach an agreement?
这时候,就需要一个共有的决策中心,这个共有的决策中心,就是双细胞结构涌现出来的意识。This is when they need a shared decision-making center, which is the consciousness that emerges from the two-celled structure.
多细胞更需要所有细胞共有的决策中心,也就是多细胞生命体更会有一个共有意识。Multicellular organisms need a shared decision-making center even more. That is why multicellular organisms are more eager to have a shared consciousness.
回顾一下前面说的,意识是存在构造的整体涌现,双细胞构成的构造整体涌现出来的就是双细胞的意识,多细胞构造整体涌现出来的就是多细胞的意识。人体万亿细胞整体涌现出来的就是万亿细胞人体的意识。对于多细胞的宏观生命体而言,意识是宏观生命体涌现出来的整体决策中心,这个中心决定了宏观生命体的整体行为。To summarize, consciousness is an emerging whole formed by a structure. The consciousness of a two-celled structure is the emerging whole of the two cells, and the consciousness of a multicellular structure is the emerging whole of all cells. For a macroscopic organism, consciousness is the whole decision-making center formed by the structure of the whole of all cells, determining the behaviors of the entire organism with trillions of cells in it .