9.4 周日的课程主题: Five Rhythms in CI 五种节奏里的接触即兴
Join us for a second Sunday of CI classes with Andy!
课程 Class: 晚上6.30-8pm
舞酱 Jam: 晚上8-9.30pm
Gabrielle Roth的五种节奏是一种自由形式的舞蹈,鼓励舞者通过五种不同节奏(流畅、断续、混乱、抒情、静止)的动作来表达/体验自身和自身的情感??紊衔颐腔嵬ü哟ゼ葱颂剿髡馕逯纸谧唷?每种节奏的接触舞蹈是怎样的?每种节奏对我们来说意味什么?哪种节奏你最认同?每种节奏中如何互动?没有音乐伴随的时候,和舞伴用一种不同的节奏跳舞会怎样?课程将在动态的静止与脉轮冥想圈中结束。
Gabrielle Roth's 5 Rhythms Dance is a free-form dance that encourages dancers to express/experience themselves and their emotions through movement in five different rhythms, which are: flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness.? In this class, we will explore the five rhythms through CI.? What does CI dance feel like in each rhythm?? What do each rhythm mean to us?? Which rhythm(s) do you identify with the most?? How do we interact in each rhythm?? What happens when there's no music, and we dance with partner(s) with a different rhythm?? We will end the class with moving stillness and a chakra meditation circle.