Chapter 4 , Part II
Midori 邀请 主人公Watanabe去他家吃饭,并谈起自己的曾经生活的过往。
Midori为其准备Kansai 风格菜肴,而自己的厨艺全来自于食谱的自学。
So then one day - I was in the fifth year of school - I decided I was going to cook for the family and do it right. I went to the big Kinokuniya in Shinjuku and bought the biggest, handsomest cookbook I could find, and I mastered it from cover to cover: how to choose a cutting board, how to sharpen knives, how to bone a fish, how to shave fresh bonito flakes, everything.
母亲厌恶做饭,从小每次都是去饭馆吃炸丸子之类的食物,Midori深感厌恶便像学厨艺有所改变。但爸妈觉得现有的已经很好了没必要改变,中等阶级不甚宽裕的家庭甚至不愿意花钱让Midori 购买烹饪餐具,出于自己喜欢Midori用自己的零花钱去买这些烹饪必需品。其中一顿甚是心酸:
I saved up my allowance and bought real professional knives and pots and strainers and stuff. Here's a 15-year-old girl pinching pennies to buy strainers and whetstones and tempura pots when all the other girls at school are getting huge allowances and buying beautiful dresses and shoes.
Midori 爱情观
并不渴望完美的爱情,但希望有一人真心愿意为自己做所有的事包容自己的自私。Midori说,当自己想吃Strawberry sweetbreads,他便停下所有的事情为自己去买,当气喘嘘嘘回来跑回来,自己无理取闹扔出窗外说我不想吃了。于此之后她便愿意付出他应该得到的那份爱。Midori说:
"to me, that's what love is. Not that anyone can understand me, though. For a certain kind of person, love begins from something tiny or silly. From something like that or it doesn't begin at all."
Midori 对待死亡
The shadow of death slowly, slowly eats away at the region of life, and before you know it everything's dark and you can't see, and the people around you think of you as more dead than alive. I hate that. I couldn't stand it.