? ? ? ? 爱,与嫉妒,是否与生俱来?
? ? ? ? 或许悲剧,有时比喜剧更具感染力,它能让你对一个问题耿耿于怀。故事的结局,能让一个人,沉入孤独的忧郁。
? ? ? ? 看完歌剧《奥赛罗》,难以释怀。
? ? ? ? 剧初,伊阿古的笑声,在黑暗中回响,猖狂,肆虐的笑声,毁灭一切幸福的笑声,操控全局,阴谋得逞的冷笑呵!
? ? ? ? “奥赛罗万岁!”人们在码头,望着凯旋的威尼斯船只,欢呼,庆祝。奥赛罗,人们心中的英雄,赫赫于战场。同时,他收获了自己的爱情。苔丝狄梦娜,善良,美丽,纯洁的姑娘,深爱着她的丈夫——奥赛罗。
? ? ? ? 然而,另一边,伊阿古,“忠诚”的旗官,嫉妒着刚被提拔的卡西奥。他挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说卡西奥与苔丝狄梦娜偷偷相爱。愤怒中的奥赛罗急切地寻找着罪证,而他的妻子,对此,竟一无所知。残酷的拷问使苔丝狄梦娜万分不解,却从未怀疑过丈夫对自己的爱。伊阿古怎会就此罢休,他伪造出苔丝狄梦娜与卡西奥的定情信物。奥赛罗内心的嫉妒与信任对抗着。他愿意相信妻子,却又不敢相信;他不愿相信伊阿古的话,却似乎不得不相信。他被自己击得崩溃!
? ? ? ? 伊阿古无情的教唆下,奥赛罗在深夜,亲吻伤心透顶的苔丝狄梦娜,然后亲手掐死了她。然而,他错了。艾米莉亚急匆匆地告诉他伊阿古的阴谋,但是,她晚到了一步。
? ? ? 面对妻子的尸体,善良的,纯洁的,百合花般的妻子的尸体,奥赛罗的心,已是千疮百孔。他接受不了这一切,而唯有死亡,能让他给自己赎罪。在生命的最后,奥赛罗挣扎着亲吻了苔丝狄梦娜,又一次,最后一次。
? ? ? 灯起,离场,多少人,在剧中,找到了自己的影子?
? ? ? 奥赛罗,征服千军万马,攻克无数沙场,只是,他输给了自己,输给了嫉妒,这一强大的敌人。嫉妒的火焰,能将人性,烧得粉碎。面对苔丝狄梦娜,面对她无辜的恐惧的眼睛,作为奥赛罗,伟大的将军啊,你难道没有一丝的犹豫吗?难道没有一点的心乱吗?难道没有一毫的醒悟吗?是什么让你相信了邪恶?又是什么让怀疑完全地吞噬了善良?你从英雄变成了罪犯,你从勇敢神勇的将军,变成了不分是非,冷酷无情的魔鬼!我不明白,你怎敢直视那双纯洁的眼睛,步步的责问,更应责问的是自己的内心!两败俱伤,绝不是应有的结局!
? ? ? ? “他为荣光而生,我为爱他而生;我为爱他而生,为爱他而死!”她唱着戚戚的《杨柳之歌》。苔丝狄梦娜早就预感到了自己的死亡,但是,她至死也不曾改变坚贞的爱?!拔宜篮?,请将婚纱裹在我身上埋葬?!闭饣蛐硎鞘兰渥盍钊诵耐吹囊胖霭桑】墒巧屏颊?,为何总是受害者呢?最后一夜,她将百合花,洒满纯白的床,她知道,这是自己的灵床。
? ? ? ? 其实,这部剧本来名为《伊阿古》,只是伊阿古是悲剧的操控者,奥赛罗才是悲剧的执行者。“忠诚”的伊阿古,这个名字,让人情不自禁地冷笑。他信仰邪恶之神,他相信正义的人是虚伪的,呵,荒谬的信仰?。〔煌诒鸬亩袢?,伊阿古的邪恶,在于他似乎享受邪恶。他看不惯一切的美好,他又有足够的坦然去伪装。从头至尾,操控全局,阴谋的得逞,让他狂傲地欣喜。有人说,奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的爱情是悬崖边的爱情,而我想,正是伊阿古,将这玻璃般美好却易碎的爱情,狠狠地摔入悬崖,却不费吹灰之力。
? ? ? ? 人性,是那么复杂。有人,处于至善至美的极端,有人,处于混沌淤泥的深处,然这两种,皆少之又少。太多人,如奥赛罗般,行走于两者之间。冲动与嫉妒,能使世界惨绝人寰。面对爱情,奥赛罗他错了,但面对友情,甚至亲情,有多少人,踏上了悲怆的路?从信任,到怀疑,到嫉妒,到冲动,一切落幕时,却是浑浑噩噩不清楚。这样的人,是否比彻底的恶人,更令人觉得可悲呢?
? ? ? 这世间或许由不得感性主宰,因为感性需要理性的支撑,如此,愿能把悲剧改写为喜剧。
? ? ? Two Faces
? ? ? ? ? ? —The tragedy of Othello
? ? ? Love and jealousy, do we born with these? Maybe sometimes,tragedy is more attractive than comedy, because it can make you keep thinking about one question.The ending of the story, can make a person fall into the lonely sadness, difficult to get out of it.
? ? ? ? ? After watching the opera Othello,there’s something that I can’t forget. At the beginning of the opera, Lago’s laughter appeared in the darkness.The proud, raging laughter, broke all romantic dreams, controlling everything, it’s sneer!
? ? ? ? ? “Long live Othello!”shouted people who are standing on the wharf, looking at the ships of Venice,they cheered and celebrated.Othello,the hero in people’s mind, gained success.At the same time, he married his wife Desdemona,a kind ,beautiful ,pure girl, who loved her husband Othello deeply.
? ? ? ? ? ? However,on the other side, Lago ,was jealous of the newly promoted person Casio.So,he stirred up the relationship between Othello and Desdemona.He said to Othello that Casio and Desdemona truly loved each other.With fury in heart,Othello looked for the evidence anxiously.But his wife knew noting about it.The cruel torture puzzled Desdemona,but she never doubted her husband’s love to her.Lago had another evil idea. He forded the bond between Desdemona and Casio.Jealousy and trust clashed in Othello’s heart.He wanted to trust his wife, but had no courage to do it;he didn’t wanted to trust Lago,but it seems that he had to do so.He made himself collapsed!
? ? ? ? ? Under the relentless instigation of Lago,at one night,Othello finally kissed his sorrowful wife, then he strangled her.But,he was wrong!Emelia rushed into the room to tell him Lago’s conspiracy,unfourtunately,she was late.? ?
? ? ? ? ? Facing his dead wife, kind ,pure ,beautiful wife,like a lily flower, the heart of Othello, scarred and battered.No,he couldn’t accept it!There was only one way that can make him feel relax,that was death.At the end of his life, Othello struggled to kiss his wife, once again,for the last time.
? ? ? ? ? Lights were turned on, audiences left the room, how many of them have found themselves in the play??
? ? ? ? Othello,conquered thousands of troops, horses and battle ground,but,he failed to defeat himself.Jealous frame, can burn humanities to smithereens .Staring at Desdemona,staring at her guiltless eyes, have you ever hesitated?Have you ever had a sense of discomposure? Have you ever realized the truth for a while?How could you believe those evil things?How could you consumed by doubts?From a hero to a criminal, from a brave solder to a ruthless monster!I just can’t understand, how could you see the clear eyes without feeling sorry,asking questions coldly step by step, why don’t you ask yourself? Loss at both sides couldn’t be the right end!
? ? ? ? “He was born for glory,I to love him;I to love him and to die.”She sang the song, again and again, with a broken heart.She already had the presentment of death, but ,she never changed her love.“Please wrap the wedding dress around me and bury me after I died.”This may be the saddest testament in the world.Why are good people always victims?At the last night, she put lily flowers on the bed, she knew that it was her bier.
? ? ? ? Actually,at first, the opera was called Lago,but Lago was the master of the tragedy, it was Othello who did the action.“Honest”Lago,this name made me sneer.He believed the devil,treated them as god.What a ridicules belief!The most horrible thing is that he seems to enjoy being evil.He was not used to any good things and had enough confidence to disguise .From the beginning to the end, he controlled everything,he was in a joy.Some people think that the love between Othello and Desdemona was on the edge, while I think Lago was the one who push all the beauty into the cliff,easily.
? ? ? ? ? Humanity,is so complex.Someone,at the top of kindness; someone ,at the bottom of the sludge.In fact, these two kinds of people are not common.Most of us, like Othello,walking from side to side.Impulsiveness and jealousy,can make the world miserable.Facing love, friendship ,and even kinship, how many of us, have walked along the evil road.Start with trust, next doubt, then jealous, finally impulsive, when it all came to an end, it was still unexamined.People like these, are really lamentable.
? ? ? ? ? The world may not be ruled by emotion, for it needs reason to support it.May tragedy be turned into comedy!