- 安装完Xcode15之后,ios17模拟器一直下载失败解决办法(感谢大佬的分享)
下载iOS 17 Simulator Runtime就可以 - 手机运行报错: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.
我的比较离谱, 关闭VPN重新运行就行了 - Xcode15.3 HandyJSON运行报错
这个是HandJSON与Swift底层不兼容导致, 目前看还没又合适的解决方案,只有先退到15.2, 等HandyJSON更新, 或者直接切换至Swift自带的Codable实现
pod 'HandyJSON', :git => 'https://github.com/Miles-Matheson/HandyJSON.git' - iOS17.4 Attacking弹窗不显示
这个好像是iOS17.4的bug, 我在审核的时候因为这个问题被拒. 遇到被拒问题的同学, 可以参考下这个回复(把在其他设备上正常弹窗的录屏添加到附件里面)
Hello, it seems to be a bug on iOS 17.4. After calling AppTrackingTransparency as usual, the permission popup does not appear. I've also seen similar issues raised on forums. You can find the link here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/746432
Attached are screenshots and a screencast of my testing on a device running 16.1.2, where the permission popup appears as expected. You can also test it on other devices to see if it behaves normally.