黑苹果升级安装失败,提示An Error Occurred While Generating Kernel Cache,重启后,无法进入系统,一直卡在Opencore引导开机选项界面,选择任何一项,确定后都没有用,还是会返回该界面,想进入Recovery模式也不行。对比升级前后Opencore引导开机选项的不同,就是升级失败后,会一直有一个MacOS Installer选项在,意思就是要你升级安装,升级不成功,此选项一直在,并导致无法进入系统。
Quick Fixes
1、Boot into Safe Mode.?
Shut down your Mac, and wait 10 seconds. Then restart the device, and immediately press and hold the Shift key. Release it when the login window appears on the screen. Wait for one minute and then boot up your Mac normally, and check for updates again.
2、Create a new admin user account.?
If your current admin account got corrupted, create a new user profile with admin rights and check if you can install the latest update.
3、Reset SMC and NVRAM.?
Reset your system settings, and check if the error is gone. For step-by-step instructions, go to Apple’s support pages:
How to reset the SMC of your Mac
Reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac.
第三招,重置SMC和NVRAM,诶,熟悉的味道来了,对不对?这个我之前的文章里有说,黑苹果的很多问题都可以通过重置系统及NVRAM来解决,因为进不了系统,我本身慌得一匹,把这茬给忘了。这第三招在opencore里最好使了,在开机引导选项里选择Reset NVRAM, 就会重启电脑,不放心,连放两大招,在开机引导选项里再次选项Reset System,又是开机重启,这会又来到了开机引导选项,仔细一看,嗯~ MacOS Installer选项不见了,选择系统选项,跑一长串代码后,比平时要长,可能是修复了某些错误,然后就可以顺利开机进系统了。