? ? 天地万物生于有,有生于无。日月星辰,斗转星移。时间的年轮啪的一声定格在了那一刻,东方乍然出现一片祥云,鸟兽不敢鸣啼,草木不敢生长,万物停滞,大地也为之黯然失色。一道绿光乍现,江浙之地的甬城老王家生下来一位相貌平平的奇女子,名曰“王绿绿”。
? ? 有道是“此女知应天上有,人间难得几回闻”,正常人都是怀胎十月,可是王绿绿却结结实实的在王母肚子里待了足足15个月,所以这奇女子刚生下来就有20斤8两而且一生下来就会走路喊人,邻居们都纷纷说是世间罕见,旷世奇闻,此女将来必成大器。王父见其出生之时,天上乍现绿光,因而给其取名“王绿绿”。随着时间的推移,王绿绿逐渐长大,3岁读小学,7岁读初中,12岁高中毕业,15岁大学毕业,所有文章诗词到她手上都是过目不忘,且倒背如流,同学为之诧异,老师称其亘古至今未有之奇才。
? ? 上帝对所有人都是公平的,当他给你打开一扇门的时候,必定会给你关上一扇窗。从小才华横溢的王绿绿,在颜值方面却是一直相貌平平,与其说是相貌平平,不如说她是燃烧颜值长大的。小时候的她还有一些玩伴,可是因为她卓众出色的才华以及跳级式的学业,在她读书的这段时光里,几乎没有什么同龄人,才华出众的人都是孤独的,在她身上表现得淋漓尽致。专业为分子科学与工程的王绿绿,由于优异的成绩以及出色的研究成果被学校保送到国内顶尖一流学府读研,导师感叹其才华,称其在不久的将来就会超越自己。期间她多次参加国内外的学术研究探讨,大家无一不对这个年纪轻轻相貌平平的奇女子所amazing,这种诧异的目光对王绿绿而言已然是司空见惯,处之泰然。三年之后,也就是18岁那年,她在众人的惊讶与艳羡的目光中博士毕业,成为学校建校以来最年轻的博士,在同学们还在为毕业发愁四处奔波参加各种招聘会的时候,无数国内外知名的企业和研究机构早已向王绿绿抛出了橄榄枝,薪酬一栏上都是空着,王绿绿写多少就是多少,这在我们寻常人眼里这简直就是开挂的人生,扶摇直上九万里,从此走向巅峰。
英文版本:? (网易翻译的,自己稍微做了些更改,大家就当个乐子吧)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? All things were born into being, and into nothing. The sun, the moon and the stars are changing. The annual rings of time snapped and froze at that moment, the east suddenly appeared an auspicious cloud, birds and beasts dare not sing, vegetation dare not grow, all things are stagnant, the earth is also eclipsed. A flash of green light, the land of Jiangsu and Zhejiang yongcheng old Wang gave birth to a homely strange woman, named "Wang Lvlu".
It is said that "this woman should know the heaven, the world is rare to hear a few times", normal people are pregnant, but Wang Lvlv was solid in the queen mother's stomach for 15 months, so this strange woman was just born with 20 pounds 8 two and born will walk to call people, neighbors have said that the world is rare, too strange, this woman will become great in the future. When Wang's father saw her birth, there was a sudden green light in the sky, so he named her Wang LVLV. As the ellapse of time, Wang LVLV is brought up gradually, 3 years old reads primary school, 7 years old reads junior high school, 12 years old high school graduates, 15 years old university graduates, all article poetry is to her hand never forget, and carry on the back like flow, the classmate is surprised, the teacher calls its ancient days up to now do not have the wonder.
God is equal to all men. When he opens a door for you, he always closes a window. Wang LVLV, talented since childhood, has been plain looking in terms of appearance level, rather than plain looking, as she grew up burning appearance level. As a child, she had some playmates, but because of her outstanding talent and grade-jumping style of study, she had few peers during her school years. The talented were lonely, and she represented herself most fully. Wang Lvlv, majoring in molecular Science and Engineering, was recommended by the school to pursue a master's degree in China's top and first-class universities due to her outstanding performance and research achievements. Her tutor praised her talent and said that she would surpass herself in the near future. During this period, she participated in many academic research discussions at home and abroad, and no one was wrong with this young and average-looking amazing woman. This kind of surprised look was quite common to Wang Lvlv and she took it in stride. Three years later, that is, when she was 18 years old, her eyes in surprise and admiration of all doctoral graduate, became the most young doctor, since the school was established in the students also in trouble for graduation on the move to participate in all kinds of job fairs, numerous well-known enterprises and research institutions at home and abroad have already offer an olive branch to the Wanglvlv,gay a bar is empty, Wang lvlv write as much as how many, this is in the eyes of ordinary people this is simply open hanging life, soaring ninety thousand miles, from then on to the peak.