修改记录 | 修改时间 |
新建 | 2021.01.09 |
public class I18nBaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) {
//切换多语言,然后将新生成的 context 覆盖给 attachBaseContext()
Context context = MultiLanguageUtils.changeContextLocale(newBase);
Androidx(appcompat:1.2.0) 中对attachBaseContext()
public class I18nBaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) {
//切换多语言,然后将新生成的 context 覆盖给 attachBaseContext()
Context context = MultiLanguageUtils.changeContextLocale(newBase);
//兼容appcompat 1.2.0后切换语言失效问题
final Configuration configuration = context.getResources().getConfiguration();
final ContextThemeWrapper wrappedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(context,
R.style.Base_Theme_AppCompat_Empty) {
public void applyOverrideConfiguration(Configuration overrideConfiguration) {
if (overrideConfiguration != null) {
最近项目升级为 Androidx,发现之前的多语言切换失效了。经过一点点排除方式排查,发现是由于升到 Androidx 后项目引入了 androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0
多语言切换原理:修改 context 的 Locale 配置,将新生成的 context 设置给 attachBaseContext 实现配置的替换。
先来看下 androidx 下的 AppCompatActivity# attachBaseContext() 源码
protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) {
哦~ 有个代理类处理了传入的 context,看下这个代理类 getDelegate()
* @return The {@link AppCompatDelegate} being used by this Activity.
public AppCompatDelegate getDelegate() {
if (mDelegate == null) {
mDelegate = AppCompatDelegate.create(this, this); //代理对象是通过 AppCompatDelegate create出来的,那继续往下看
return mDelegate;
// 这里直接看 AppCompatDelegateImpl 类,该类是 AppCompatDelegate 类的实现类
public Context attachBaseContext2(@NonNull final Context baseContext) {
* 这段逻辑是:如果传入的 context 是经过 ContextThemeWrapper 封装的,则直接使用该 context 配置进行覆盖
// If the base context is a ContextThemeWrapper (thus not an Application context)
// and nobody's touched its Resources yet, we can shortcut and directly apply our
// override configuration.
if (sCanApplyOverrideConfiguration
&& baseContext instanceof android.view.ContextThemeWrapper) {
final Configuration config = createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight(
baseContext, modeToApply, null);
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Attempting to apply config to base context: %s",
try {
(android.view.ContextThemeWrapper) baseContext, config);
return baseContext;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to apply configuration to base context", e);
// ......
* 下面这段逻辑是:通过 packageManger 获取配置,然后和传入的 context 配置进行对比,覆盖修改过的配置。
* 这里有个关键因素,通过 packageManager 获取的配置与 context 的配置进行 diff 更新,并将 diff 结果赋值给新建的 configration。这就会导致,当这一次切换成功后,杀死进程下次启动时,由于 packageManager 配置的语言 与 context 配置的语言一致,而直接跳过,并没有给新建的 configration进行赋值。最终导致多语言切换失效。同理,从 ActivityA 设置了多语言,然后重启 ActivityA,再从ActivityA 跳转到 ActivityB,此时ActivityB 多语言并没有生效。
// We can't trust the application resources returned from the base context, since they
// may have been altered by the caller, so instead we'll obtain them directly from the
// Package Manager.
final Configuration appConfig;
try {
appConfig = baseContext.getPackageManager().getResourcesForApplication(
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Application failed to obtain resources from itself", e);
// The caller may have directly modified the base configuration, so we'll defensively
// re-structure their changes as a configuration overlay and merge them with our own
// night mode changes. Diffing against the application configuration reveals any changes.
final Configuration baseConfig = baseContext.getResources().getConfiguration();
final Configuration configOverlay;
if (!appConfig.equals(baseConfig)) {
configOverlay = generateConfigDelta(appConfig, baseConfig); //这里是关键
if (DEBUG) {
"Application config (" + appConfig + ") does not match base config ("
+ baseConfig + "), using base overlay: " + configOverlay);
} else {
configOverlay = null;
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Application config (" + appConfig + ") matches base context "
+ "config, using empty base overlay");
final Configuration config = createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight(
baseContext, modeToApply, configOverlay);
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Applying night mode using ContextThemeWrapper and "
+ "applyOverrideConfiguration(). Config: %s", config.toString()));
// Next, we'll wrap the base context to ensure any method overrides or themes are left
// intact. Since ThemeOverlay.AppCompat theme is empty, we'll get the base context's theme.
final ContextThemeWrapper wrappedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(baseContext,
// ......
return super.attachBaseContext2(wrappedContext);
private static Configuration generateConfigDelta(@NonNull Configuration base,
@Nullable Configuration change) {
final Configuration delta = new Configuration();
delta.fontScale = 0;
//这里可以看到,如果两个配置相等,则直接跳过了,并没有给新创建的 delta 的 locale 赋值。
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {
ConfigurationImplApi24.generateConfigDelta_locale(base, change, delta);
} else {
if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(base.locale, change.locale)) {
delta.locale = change.locale;
AppCompatActivity# attachBaseContext()
方法在 Androidx 进行了包装,具体实现在AppCompatDelegateImpl# attachBaseContext2()
- 传入的 context 是经过 ContextThemeWrapper 封装的,则直接使用该 context 配置(包含语言)进行覆盖
- 传入的 context 未经过 ContextThemeWrapper 封装,则从 PackageManger 中获取配置(包含语言),然后和传入的 context 配置(包含语言)进行对比,并新创建了一个 configration 对象,如果两者有对比不同的配置则赋值给这个 configration,如果相同则跳过,最后将这个新建的 configration 作为最终配置结果进行覆盖。
而多语言问题就出现在 [2] 这套逻辑上,如果 PackageManager 与 传入的 context 某个配置项一致时就不会给新建的 configration 赋值该配置项。这就会导致当这一次切换成功后,杀死进程下次启动时,由于 packageManager 配置的语言 与 context 配置的语言一致,而直接跳过,并没有给新建的 configration进行赋值,最终表现就是多语言失效。