7.3 数据转换
还有一个重要操作就是 过滤、清理、以及其他的转换工作。
7.3.1 移除重复数据
In [27]: data=DataFrame({'k1':['one']*3+['two']*4,'k2':[1,1,2,3,3,4,4]})
In [28]: data
k1 k2
0 one 1
1 one 1
2 one 2
3 two 3
4 two 3
5 two 4
6 two 4
In [29]: data.duplicated()
0 False
1 True
2 False
3 False
4 True
5 False
6 True
dtype: bool
In [31]: data.drop_duplicates()
k1 k2
0 one 1
2 one 2
3 two 3
5 two 4
In [32]: data['v1']=range(7)
In [33]: data
k1 k2 v1
0 one 1 0
1 one 1 1
2 one 2 2
3 two 3 3
4 two 3 4
5 two 4 5
6 two 4 6
In [35]: data.drop_duplicates(['k1'])
k1 k2 v1
0 one 1 0
3 two 3 3
In [36]: data.drop_duplicates(['k1','k2'])
k1 k2 v1
0 one 1 0
2 one 2 2
3 two 3 3
5 two 4 5
duplicated和drop_duplicates 默认保留的的是第一个出现的值的组合,传入的take_last=True就可以保留最后一个。
In [37]: data.drop_duplicates(['k1','k2'],take_last=True)
__main__:1: FutureWarning: the take_last=True keyword is deprecated, use keep='last' instead
k1 k2 v1
1 one 1 1
2 one 2 2
4 two 3 4
6 two 4 6
7.3.2 利用函数或映射进行数据转换
In [2]: import numpy as np
...: import pandas as pd
...: from pandas import Series,DataFrame
In [3]: data = DataFrame({'food':['bacon','pulled pork','bacon','Pastrami','corned beef','Bacon','pastrami',
...:? ? 'honey ham','nova lox'],'ounces':[4,3,12,6,7.5,8,3,5,6]})
In [4]: data
food? ounces
0? ? ? ? bacon? ? 4.0
1? pulled pork? ? 3.0
2? ? ? ? bacon? ? 12.0
3? ? Pastrami? ? 6.0
4? corned beef? ? 7.5
5? ? ? ? Bacon? ? 8.0
6? ? pastrami? ? 3.0
7? ? honey ham? ? 5.0
8? ? nova lox? ? 6.0
In [5]: meat_to_animal = {
...:? ? 'bacon':'pig',
...:? ? 'pulled pork':'pig',
...:? ? 'pastrami':'cow',
...:? ? 'corned beef':'cow',
...:? ? 'honey ham':'pig',
...:? ? 'nova lox':'salmon'
...: }
In [8]: data['animal']=data['food'].map(str.lower).map(meat_to_animal)
In [9]: data
food? ounces? animal
0? ? ? ? bacon? ? 4.0? ? pig
1? pulled pork? ? 3.0? ? pig
2? ? ? ? bacon? ? 12.0? ? pig
3? ? Pastrami? ? 6.0? ? cow
4? corned beef? ? 7.5? ? cow
5? ? ? ? Bacon? ? 8.0? ? pig
6? ? pastrami? ? 3.0? ? cow
7? ? honey ham? ? 5.0? ? pig
8? ? nova lox? ? 6.0? salmon
In [10]: data['food'].map(str.lower)
0? ? ? ? ? bacon
1? ? pulled pork
2? ? ? ? ? bacon
3? ? ? pastrami
4? ? corned beef
5? ? ? ? ? bacon
6? ? ? pastrami
7? ? ? honey ham
8? ? ? nova lox
Name: food, dtype: object
In [11]: data['food'].map(lambda x:meat_to_animal[x.lower()])
0? ? ? pig
1? ? ? pig
2? ? ? pig
3? ? ? cow
4? ? ? cow
5? ? ? pig
6? ? ? cow
7? ? ? pig
8? ? salmon
Name: food, dtype: object
In [12]: lambda x:meat_to_animal[x.lower()]
Out[12]: >
在python中,对匿名函数提供了有限支持?;故且詍ap()函数为例,计算 f(x)=x2 时,除了定义一个f(x)的函数外,还可以直接传入匿名函数:
>>> map(lambda x:x*x,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
lambda x:x*x
def f(x):
return x*x
7.3.3 替换值
In [13]: data=Series([1.,-999.,2.,-999.,-1000.,3.])
In [14]: data
0? ? ? 1.0
1? ? -999.0
2? ? ? 2.0
3? ? -999.0
4? -1000.0
5? ? ? 3.0
dtype: float64
In [15]: data.replace(-999,np.nan)
0? ? ? 1.0
1? ? ? NaN
2? ? ? 2.0
3? ? ? NaN
4? -1000.0
5? ? ? 3.0
dtype: float64
In [16]: data.replace([-999,-1000],np.nan)
0? ? 1.0
1? ? NaN
2? ? 2.0
3? ? NaN
4? ? NaN
5? ? 3.0
dtype: float64
In [17]: data.replace([-999,-1000],[np.nan,0])
0? ? 1.0
1? ? NaN
2? ? 2.0
3? ? NaN
4? ? 0.0
5? ? 3.0
dtype: float64
In [18]: data.replace({-999:np.nan,-1000:0})
0? ? 1.0
1? ? NaN
2? ? 2.0
3? ? NaN
4? ? 0.0
5? ? 3.0
dtype: float64
7.3.4 重命名轴索引
In [19]: data = DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape((3,4)),index = ['Ohio','Colorado','New York'],
...:? ? columns = ['one','two','three','four'])
In [20]: data
one? two? three? four
Ohio? ? ? ? 0? ? 1? ? ? 2? ? 3
Colorado? ? 4? ? 5? ? ? 6? ? 7
New York? ? 8? ? 9? ? 10? ? 11
In [21]: data.index.map(str.upper)
Out[21]: array(['OHIO', 'COLORADO', 'NEW YORK'], dtype=object)
In [22]: data.index=data.index.map(str.upper)
In [23]: data
one? two? three? four
OHIO? ? ? ? 0? ? 1? ? ? 2? ? 3
COLORADO? ? 4? ? 5? ? ? 6? ? 7
NEW YORK? ? 8? ? 9? ? 10? ? 11
In [24]: data.rename(index=str.title,columns=str.upper)
Ohio? ? ? ? 0? ? 1? ? ? 2? ? 3
Colorado? ? 4? ? 5? ? ? 6? ? 7
New York? ? 8? ? 9? ? 10? ? 11
In [25]: index=str.title
In [26]: index
In [27]: data.rename(index={'OHIO':'INDIANA'},columns={'three':'peekaboo'})
one? two? peekaboo? four
INDIANA? ? 0? ? 1? ? ? ? 2? ? 3
COLORADO? ? 4? ? 5? ? ? ? 6? ? 7
NEW YORK? ? 8? ? 9? ? ? ? 10? ? 11
rename可以实现:复制DataFrame并对其进行索引和列标签进行赋值。对希望修改的数据集,传入参数inplace=True 即可。
In [28]: _=data.rename(index={'OHIO':'INDIANA'},inplace=True)
In [29]: data
one? two? three? four
INDIANA? ? 0? ? 1? ? ? 2? ? 3
COLORADO? ? 4? ? 5? ? ? 6? ? 7
NEW YORK? ? 8? ? 9? ? 10? ? 11
In [30]: _
one? two? three? four
INDIANA? ? 0? ? 1? ? ? 2? ? 3
COLORADO? ? 4? ? 5? ? ? 6? ? 7
NEW YORK? ? 8? ? 9? ? 10? ? 11
7.3.5 离散化和面元划分
In [31]: ages = [20,22,25,27,21,23,37,31,61,45,41,32]
In [32]: bins=[18,25,35,60,100]
In [33]: cats=pd.cut(ages,bins)
#返回了一个特殊的Categories 对象,看做是一组表示面元名称的字符串。
In [34]: cats
[(18, 25], (18, 25], (18, 25], (25, 35], (18, 25], ..., (25, 35], (60, 100], (35, 60], (35, 60], (25, 35]]
Length: 12
Categories (4, object): [(18, 25] < (25, 35] < (35, 60] < (60, 100]]
In [37]: pd.value_counts(cats)
(18, 25] 5
(35, 60] 3
(25, 35] 3
(60, 100] 1
dtype: int64
In [39]: cats=pd.cut(ages,bins,right=False)
In [40]: cats
[[18, 25), [18, 25), [25, 35), [25, 35), [18, 25), ..., [25, 35), [60, 100), [35, 60), [35, 60), [25, 35)]
Length: 12
Categories (4, object): [[18, 25) < [25, 35) < [35, 60) < [60, 100)]
In [41]: group_names=['Youth','YoungAdult','MidddleAged','Senior']
In [42]: pd.cut(ages,bins,labels=group_names)
[Youth, Youth, Youth, YoungAdult, Youth, ..., YoungAdult, Senior, MidddleAged, MidddleAged, YoungAdult]
Length: 12
Categories (4, object): [Youth < YoungAdult < MidddleAged < Senior]
In [43]: data=np.random.rand(20)
In [44]: data
array([ 0.18052819, 0.30816514, 0.12574293, ..., 0.69175506,
0.46870553, 0.56315958])
In [45]: pd.cut(data,4,precision=3)
[(0.0834, 0.304], (0.304, 0.523], (0.0834, 0.304], (0.523, 0.742], (0.304, 0.523], ..., (0.0834, 0.304], (0.304, 0.523], (0.523, 0.742], (0.304, 0.523], (0.523, 0.742]]
Length: 20
Categories (4, object): [(0.0834, 0.304] < (0.304, 0.523] < (0.523, 0.742] < (0.742, 0.961]]
In [46]: pd.cut(data,4,precision=2)
[(0.083, 0.3], (0.3, 0.52], (0.083, 0.3], (0.52, 0.74], (0.3, 0.52], ..., (0.083, 0.3], (0.3, 0.52], (0.52, 0.74], (0.3, 0.52], (0.52, 0.74]]
Length: 20
Categories (4, object): [(0.083, 0.3] < (0.3, 0.52] < (0.52, 0.74] < (0.74, 0.96]]
In [47]: data=np.random.randn(100)
In [48]: cats=pd.cut(data,4)
In [49]: cats
[(-0.824, 0.467], (-0.824, 0.467], (-0.824, 0.467], (-2.121, -0.824], (-0.824, 0.467], ..., (-0.824, 0.467], (-0.824, 0.467], (-0.824, 0.467], (-2.121, -0.824], (-2.121, -0.824]]
Length: 100
Categories (4, object): [(-2.121, -0.824] < (-0.824, 0.467] < (0.467, 1.759] < (1.759, 3.0507]]
In [50]: cats=pd.cut(data,4,precision=2)
In [51]: cats
[(-0.82, 0.47], (-0.82, 0.47], (-0.82, 0.47], (-2.12, -0.82], (-0.82, 0.47], ..., (-0.82, 0.47], (-0.82, 0.47], (-0.82, 0.47], (-2.12, -0.82], (-2.12, -0.82]]
Length: 100
Categories (4, object): [(-2.12, -0.82] < (-0.82, 0.47] < (0.47, 1.76] < (1.76, 3.051]]
In [53]: pd.value_counts(cats)
(-0.82, 0.47] 50
(0.47, 1.76] 24
(-2.12, -0.82] 21
(1.76, 3.051] 5
dtype: int64
In [54]: pd.qcut(data,[0,0.1,0.5,0.9,1.])
[(-1.239, -0.171], (-1.239, -0.171], (-0.171, 1.399], (-1.239, -0.171], (-0.171, 1.399], ..., (-1.239, -0.171], (-0.171, 1.399], (-1.239, -0.171], [-2.116, -1.239], (-1.239, -0.171]]
Length: 100
Categories (4, object): [[-2.116, -1.239] < (-1.239, -0.171] < (-0.171, 1.399] < (1.399, 3.0507]]
In [55]: df=pd.qcut(data,[0,0.1,0.5,0.9,1.])
In [56]: pd.value_counts(df)
(-0.171, 1.399] 40
(-1.239, -0.171] 40
(1.399, 3.0507] 10
[-2.116, -1.239] 10
dtype: int64
7.3.6 检测和过滤异常值
In [58]: np.random.seed(12345)
In [59]: data=DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000,4))
In [60]: data
0? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ? 3
0? -0.204708? 0.478943 -0.519439 -0.555730
1? ? 1.965781? 1.393406? 0.092908? 0.281746
2? ? 0.769023? 1.246435? 1.007189 -1.296221
3? ? 0.274992? 0.228913? 1.352917? 0.886429
4? -2.001637 -0.371843? 1.669025 -0.438570
..? ? ? ? ...? ? ? ...? ? ? ...? ? ? ...
995? 1.089085? 0.251232 -1.451985? 1.653126
996 -0.478509 -0.010663 -1.060881 -1.502870
997 -1.946267? 1.013592? 0.037333? 0.133304
998 -1.293122 -0.322542 -0.782960 -0.303340
999? 0.089987? 0.292291? 1.177706? 0.882755
[1000 rows x 4 columns]
In [61]: data.describe()
0? ? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ? ? ? 3
count? 1000.000000? 1000.000000? 1000.000000? 1000.000000
mean? ? -0.067684? ? 0.067924? ? 0.025598? ? -0.002298
std? ? ? 0.998035? ? 0.992106? ? 1.006835? ? 0.996794
min? ? ? -3.428254? ? -3.548824? ? -3.184377? ? -3.745356
25%? ? ? -0.774890? ? -0.591841? ? -0.641675? ? -0.644144
50%? ? ? -0.116401? ? 0.101143? ? 0.002073? ? -0.013611
75%? ? ? 0.616366? ? 0.780282? ? 0.680391? ? 0.654328
max? ? ? 3.366626? ? 2.653656? ? 3.260383? ? 3.927528
In [62]: col=data[3]
In [63]: col[np.abs(col)>3]
97? ? 3.927528
305? -3.399312
400? -3.745356
Name: 3, dtype: float64
In [65]: data[(np.abs(data)>3).any(1)]
0? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ? 3
5? -0.539741? 0.476985? 3.248944 -1.021228
97? -0.774363? 0.552936? 0.106061? 3.927528
102 -0.655054 -0.565230? 3.176873? 0.959533
305 -2.315555? 0.457246 -0.025907 -3.399312
324? 0.050188? 1.951312? 3.260383? 0.963301
400? 0.146326? 0.508391 -0.196713 -3.745356
499 -0.293333 -0.242459 -3.056990? 1.918403
523 -3.428254 -0.296336 -0.439938 -0.867165
586? 0.275144? 1.179227 -3.184377? 1.369891
808 -0.362528 -3.548824? 1.553205 -2.186301
900? 3.366626 -2.372214? 0.851010? 1.332846
#np.sign 这个ufunc返回的是一个由1和-1组成的数组,表示原始值的符号
In [66]: data[(np.abs(data)>3)]=np.sign(data)*3
In [67]: data.describe()
0? ? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ? ? ? 3
count? 1000.000000? 1000.000000? 1000.000000? 1000.000000
mean? ? -0.067623? ? 0.068473? ? 0.025153? ? -0.002081
std? ? ? 0.995485? ? 0.990253? ? 1.003977? ? 0.989736
min? ? ? -3.000000? ? -3.000000? ? -3.000000? ? -3.000000
25%? ? ? -0.774890? ? -0.591841? ? -0.641675? ? -0.644144
50%? ? ? -0.116401? ? 0.101143? ? 0.002073? ? -0.013611
75%? ? ? 0.616366? ? 0.780282? ? 0.680391? ? 0.654328
max? ? ? 3.000000? ? 2.653656? ? 3.000000? ? 3.000000
7.3.7 排列(permutation)和随机采样
In [68]: df=DataFrame(np.arange(5*4).reshape(5,4))
In [69]: sampler=(np.random.permutation(5))
In [70]: df
0? 1? 2? 3
0? 0? 1? 2? 3
1? 4? 5? 6? 7
2? 8? 9? 10? 11
3? 12? 13? 14? 15
4? 16? 17? 18? 19
In [71]: sampler
Out[71]: array([1, 0, 2, 3, 4])
In [73]: df.take(sampler)
0? 1? 2? 3
1? 4? 5? 6? 7
0? 0? 1? 2? 3
2? 8? 9? 10? 11
3? 12? 13? 14? 15
4? 16? 17? 18? 19
In [75]: df.take(np.random.permutation(len(df)[:3]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
In [76]: len(df)
Out[76]: 5
In [77]: len(df)[:3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
In [85]: df.take(np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(df))[:3]))
0? 1? 2? 3
1? 4? 5? 6? 7
0? 0? 1? 2? 3
2? 8? 9? 10? 11
In [87]: np.arange(len(df))[:3]
Out[87]: array([0, 1, 2])
#In [89]: bag=np.array([5,7,-1,6,4])
In [91]: sampler=np.random.randint(0,len(bag),size=10)
In [92]: sampler
Out[92]: array([4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4])
In [95]: sampler=np.random.randint(0,5,size=10)
In [96]: sampler
Out[96]: array([1, 2, 0, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2])
In [97]: draws=bag.take(sampler)
In [98]: draws
Out[98]: array([ 7, -1,? 5,? 4,? 4,? 4,? 6,? 4, -1, -1])
7.3.8 计算指标/哑变量
另一种常用于统计建?;蚧餮暗淖环绞剑航掷啾淞浚╟ategorical variable)转换为“哑变量矩阵(dummy matrix)”或“指标矩阵(indicator matrix)”。
In [15]: mnames=['movie_id','title','genres']
In [16]: movies=pd.read_table('F:\pydata-book-master\ch02\movielens\movies.dat',sep='::',header=None,names=mnames)
__main__:1: ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from '\s+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
In [17]: movies[:10]
movie_id? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? title? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? genres
0? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Toy Story (1995)? Animation|Children's|Comedy
1? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jumanji (1995)? Adventure|Children's|Fantasy
2? ? ? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ? Grumpier Old Men (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy|Romance
3? ? ? ? 4? ? ? ? ? ? Waiting to Exhale (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy|Drama
4? ? ? ? 5? Father of the Bride Part II (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy
5? ? ? ? 6? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Heat (1995)? ? ? ? Action|Crime|Thriller
6? ? ? ? 7? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sabrina (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy|Romance
7? ? ? ? 8? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Tom and Huck (1995)? ? ? ? ? Adventure|Children's
8? ? ? ? 9? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sudden Death (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Action
9? ? ? ? 10? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? GoldenEye (1995)? ? Action|Adventure|Thriller
[3873 rows x 3 columns]
In [21]: movies[-5:]
movie_id? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? title? ? ? ? ? genres
3878? ? ? 3948? ? Meet the Parents (2000)? ? ? ? ? Comedy
3879? ? ? 3949? Requiem for a Dream (2000)? ? ? ? ? Drama
3880? ? ? 3950? ? ? ? ? ? Tigerland (2000)? ? ? ? ? Drama
3881? ? ? 3951? ? Two Family House (2000)? ? ? ? ? Drama
3882? ? ? 3952? ? ? Contender, The (2000)? Drama|Thriller
In [22]: genre_iter=(set(x.split('|')) for x in movies.genres)
In [23]: genres=sorted(set.union(*genre_iter))
In [24]: dummies=DataFrame(np.zeros((len(movies),len(genres))),columns=genres)
In [25]: len(movies)
Out[25]: 3883
In [26]: len(genres)
Out[26]: 18
In [27]: for i,gen in enumerate(movies.genres):
...:? ? dummies.ix[i,gen.split('|')]=1
In [28]: movies_windic=movies.join(dummies.add_prefix('Genre_'))
In [29]: movies_windic.ix[0]
movie_id? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
title? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Toy Story (1995)
genres? ? ? ? ? ? ? Animation|Children's|Comedy
Genre_Action? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Adventure? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Animation? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Genre_Children's? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Genre_Comedy? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Genre_Crime? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Documentary? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Drama? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Fantasy? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Film-Noir? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Horror? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Musical? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Mystery? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Romance? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Sci-Fi? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Thriller? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_War? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Genre_Western? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
Name: 0, dtype: object
In [30]: movies_windic.head()
movie_id? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? title? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? genres? \
0? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Toy Story (1995)? Animation|Children's|Comedy
1? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jumanji (1995)? Adventure|Children's|Fantasy
2? ? ? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ? Grumpier Old Men (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy|Romance
3? ? ? ? 4? ? ? ? ? ? Waiting to Exhale (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy|Drama
4? ? ? ? 5? Father of the Bride Part II (1995)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Comedy
Genre_Action? Genre_Adventure? Genre_Animation? Genre_Children's? \
0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0
1? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0
2? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
3? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
4? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
Genre_Comedy? Genre_Crime? Genre_Documentary? ? ? ...? ? ? ? Genre_Fantasy? \
0? ? ? ? ? 1.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
1? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0
2? ? ? ? ? 1.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
3? ? ? ? ? 1.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
4? ? ? ? ? 1.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
Genre_Film-Noir? Genre_Horror? Genre_Musical? Genre_Mystery? Genre_Romance? \
0? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
1? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
2? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0
3? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
4? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
Genre_Sci-Fi? Genre_Thriller? Genre_War? Genre_Western
0? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
1? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
2? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
3? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
4? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? 0.0? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0
[5 rows x 21 columns]
In [31]: values=np.random.rand(10)
In [32]: values
array([ 0.06125988,? 0.71829361,? 0.71451639,? 0.31675263,? 0.43739154,
0.48855471,? 0.87401469,? 0.65884824,? 0.88474031,? 0.57315729])
In [33]: bins=[0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1]
In [34]: pd.get_dummies(pd.cut(values,bins))
(0, 0.2]? (0.2, 0.4]? (0.4, 0.6]? (0.6, 0.8]? (0.8, 1]
0? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 0
1? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? 0
2? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? 0
3? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 0
4? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 0
5? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 0
6? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 1
7? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? 0
8? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 1
9? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? ? 0
7.4 字符串操作
7.4.1 字符串对象方法
In [42]: val='a, b, guido'
In [43]: val.split(',')
Out[43]: ['a', ' b', ' guido']
In [44]: pieces=[x.strip() for x in val.split(',')]
In [45]: pieces
Out[45]: ['a', 'b', 'guido']
In [46]: first,second,third=pieces
In [48]: first + '::' + second + '::' +third
Out[48]: 'a::b::guido'
#我们还可以向字符串"::" 的join方法传入一个列表或元组
In [49]: '::'.join(pieces)
Out[49]: 'a::b::guido'
In [50]: 'guido' in val
Out[50]: True
In [51]: val.index(',')
Out[51]: 1
In [52]: val.find(':')
Out[52]: -1
In [53]: val.index(':')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ValueError: substring not found
In [54]: val.count(',')
Out[54]: 2
In [55]: val.replace(',','::')
Out[55]: 'a:: b:: guido'
In [56]: val.replace(',', '')
Out[56]: 'a b guido'