建筑环境工程Built Environment 属于土木工程吗?
Priscilla NO.52篇文章
瓦大的水技术专业:Programme of Water Technology
Water Technologies in Global Context?(5EC): This course introduces students to the demand for water process innovation in an international context. In order to achieve this goal, first students are presented with the current global challenges. State of the art technologies for the production of drinking water and treatment of wastewater are introduced in this course. Main characteristics of these technologies are presented such as influent quality requirements, energy demands, land use, chemical use among others. Furthermore, students are introduced to the scientific research in an active way.
Chemical Reactor Design?(5EC): Students acquire a critical understanding of the characteristics of chemical reactors and conversion processes and the ability to set up a reactor design by means of making and using mathematical models.
Colloid Chemistry?(5EC): This course provides relevant knowledge and understanding of scientific and technological aspects of (mainly) physico-chemical interactions between (bio)colloids and their effects on water treatment processes.
Multi-component mass transfer in membrane processes?(5EC): This course provides a theoretical framework to describe multi-component mass transport and several applications to molecular separations problems, based on adsorption, absorption and membrane separations by means of computer simulation.
Bioreactor Design?(5EC): This course provides students with knowledge of the characteristics of applied bioreactors in (waste) water engineering and with a design approach for bioreactors by means of making and using mathematical models.
Biological Water Treatment and recovery technology?(5EC): This course deals with the most important pollutants and resources in municipal and industrial wastewaters, microbiological technologies to remove and/or recover these pollutants and resources from the wastewater or convert them into energy, illustrated by design cases and by performing a lab-scale practical.
Computational Methods in Water technology?(5EC): Water and waste water treatment processes and their reactor networks have to be optimised to run as sustainable as possible. To achieve this, computer models and simulations are made and improved. In this course the focus is on the mathematical performing of dynamic process simulations.
Business Case Design project?(10EC): . In this course, students develop a business case (including a new process design) for a specific water project with the circular economy concept as its starting point. Students work in groups on the business case and write individually a brief review for the involved stakeholders.
而以TUD为代表的水管理分支(注意这不是一个专业,是分支,而瓦大的是一个专业)这是分支下属的重点领域(TUD是分层很细化的, 因为PS里面第四个问题需要回答你做研究想尝试的不超过3个领域,所以要选出自己感兴趣的三个领域)
二。扫盲辨别部分-Contruction Engineering究竟是不是土木工程?
在屯特的土木工程专业分支下面有一个Construction Engineering
但是这个分支在TUD和TUE当中根本不是土木专业,这一点一定要留心,人家是单独的建筑工程专业,两者申请有相似点,但是土木是个分支非常细的工科(感觉工科分支最多的就是土木和EE了),而是否能够申请仍然要看你选择的分支下,你的专业课是否满足对方课程的先修课,你的本科课程衔接度和你的研究项目,实习的经历和对方的Reserach interest或者programme
TUD:?MSc Construction Management and Engineering
TUE:?Construction Management and Engineering
·?Process management
·?Project management
·?Collaborative design & engineering
·?Legal & governance
三。今日重点-Built Environment/building engineering(TUD, TUE, UCL)建筑环境,建筑工程专业/分支
暖通是建筑的一个组成部分。在学科分类中的全称为供热供燃气通风及空调工程,包括:采暖、通风、空气调节这三个方面。学生的知识和系统: 1.较系统地掌握本专业领域必需的技术基础理论知识。主要包括:热质交换原理和设备、流体力学与流体输配管网、燃气供配输送、工程热力学、建筑环境学、计算机、电工与电子学和机械设计基础等; 2.较系统地掌握建筑环境工程、建筑设备工程的专业基本理论知识。
TUD分支?Track: Building Engineering
TUD这个分支不是一个单独的专业,而是一个分支,所以先修课的要求要满足General Civil Engineering的要求,如下:
In order to make a useful contribution to the construction and the design of buildings, you as a civil engineer must have knowledge that includes the following fields:
constructional solutions
structural and installation engineering
materials properties
building physics
finishing techniques
building organisation
正如上面解释到TUD的水管理,Built Environment自己还是有具体的领域:一个是技术物理,一个是结构设计
第二个分支要和建筑师做一定的区别,特别强调是structural designers,也是属于工程师类。These ‘designing engineers’ act as a bridge between architects and the structural experts who focus on verification of standards, dimensioning and detailing.
TUE的Sustainable Energy Technology可持续能源技术专业
Master's Program Sustainable Energy Technology
Electrical power systems
Application in built environment
Energy & society
Sources, fuels & storage
UCL:Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering MSc 建筑环境专业:建筑设计和工程
Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering MSc
Core modules
The Built Environment: The Energy Context
Health, Comfort and Wellbeing in Buildings
Building Solar Design
Natural and Mechanical Ventilation of Buildings
Efficient Building Service Systems
Methods of Environmental Analysis
Optional modules
Advanced Building Simulation
Low Energy Housing Retrofit
Post Occupancy Evaluation of Buildings
Multi-objective Design Optimisation
Introduction to System Dynamics Modelling
Indoor Air Quality in Buildings
Building Acoustics
Light, Lighting and Vision in Buildings
Industrial Symbiosis
Smart Energy Systems Implementation
Energy Systems Modelling
而UCL这个是单独的一个专业,并且适合我们刚才说到的三个专业背景的学生申请,但是它在UCL是单独于土木工程的存在,而UCL的土木在这里:Civil Engineering MSc
UCL 土木的课程会更加综合一些:
Core modules
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Advanced Structures
Roads and Underground Infrastructure
Project Management (Professional Development Module)
Optional modules
Students choose?four?from the following:
Advance Research Writing
Advanced Civil Engineering Materials
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Advanced Structural Analysis
Applied Building Information Modelling
Building Engineering Physics
Data analysis
Design and Analysis of Structural Systems
Engineering & International Development
Engineering Study of Rail Systems and Infrastructure
Environmental Systems
Financial Aspects of Project Engineering and Contracting
Finite Element Modelling and Numerical Methods
GIS Principles & Technology
Infrastructure business case
Introduction to Seismic Design of Structures
Natural and Environmental Disasters
Offshore and Coastal Engineering
Planning, Policies & Organization of the Railways within the UK
Principles & Practices of Surveying
建筑环境可以是单独的一个专业,也可以是土木旗下的分支,广泛来讲,其实是土木广泛分支下面的领域,就正如Embedded System其实是EE的分支,但是在很多学校也单开了专业。但是也有学校的土木工程专业完全没有建筑环境的分支,比如屯特。所以选择学校的时候一定要:
4.1?仔细看自己的成绩单和对方课程设置和分支的相关性,尤其重视Core courses,如果核心课程没有修过没有关系,因为对方是硕士层面的课程,但是如果你的本科课程连基本的一致性都没有,那就算了;
4.2?仔细看项目的分支和自己的研究方向Research Interest和academic interest是不是一致,比如TUD或者TUE这样的学校,分支非常细,如果你所做的实习,项目,课内作业,研究活动都于此分支里面的任何内容不沾边,请果断换学校;
4.3 仔细看能否申请要同时注意学校academic qualification或者diploma requirement一栏的要求,每个学校都会有要求具体专业项目需要的学生背景,如果要求必须是related major,那换专业的就需要判断是否related 了,工程类互相换仍然需要满足工程通识性课程,但是理科转过来如果对方要求相关工程背景,就不现实了。但是UCL为代表的学校换专业还是比较可以的,虽然录取非常重视名校和GPA,但是英国对于转专业相对欧洲来说好很多;
4.4 仔细看课程设置来判断项目和项目的差别,今天讲了这么多的分支和专业,感觉混乱不堪一头雾水,那是因为不同的专业看起来差不多,自己的本科专业又是基础课比较多,申请哪个呢?仍然要看项目的课程设置来决定项目之间的差别究竟在哪里。不要看到建筑环境工程,建筑两个字,以为是建筑系。。。。。。那就。。。。。?!鞍舭舻牧恕眫
2018/2/22 大年初七(同学们该收收心回来读书了~~)