. As jobs put it, these "causes" are hard to see when it's growing, you have to have faith, you have to persevere, and then you realize that all these things are going to come to fruition.
biological 亲生的
adoption 收养
intuition 直觉力
And 17 years later, I did go to college. After
six months. Icouldn,t see the value in it. I had no idea
what I wanted to do with my life, and no idea of how
college was going to help me figure it out, and here
I was, spending all the money my parents had saved
their entire life. So I decided to drop outand trust that
it would all work out OK.
视听说听力练习的时候? 感觉有几个特别难 快的地方还是什么都听不到 只知道一闪而过?
要多背单词 坚持在手机上背单词 and坚持每日上新
听力的话紧跟老师的步伐 上课认真练习 慢慢来? 如果没有听到 老师放字幕的时候认真听
听力感觉有一点进步了呢 单词也背会了不少最近
7 下周努力的方向
单词方面所背 明天百词斩15个四级单词
听力方面多看美剧 慢慢进步 上课跟紧老师的节奏 听力多加练习 下来可以练习视听说