Who set this ancient quarrel new abroach?
Speak, nephew, were you by when it began?
abroach: (桶)钻了洞的,开了口的
by: present
Here were the servants of your adversary,
And yours, close fighting ere I did approach:
adversary: 对手
yours:your servants
close fighting: 近距离打斗
ere: before
I drew to part them: in the instant came
The fiery Tybalt, with his sword prepared,
Which, as he breathed defiance to my ears,
He swung about his head and cut the winds,
Who nothing hurt withal hiss'd him in scorn:
which 指代的是 his sword. He swung about his head 是which 引导的定语从句,所以这句应该是: The fiery Tybalt, with is sword prepared, which he swung about his head and cut the winds, as he breathed definace to my ears. 他一边对我出言不逊,一边把剑在头顶上乱挥。
who 指前面的”the winds“,the winds并不伤人(hurt nothing),但是却像在嘲笑他而hiss‘d(发嘘声)
While we were interchanging thrusts and blows,
Came more and more and fought on part and part,
Till the prince came, who parted either part.
more and more: reinforcement to both side(两边的援军)
fought on part and part:reinforcements fought on one side and the other
O, where is Romeo? saw you him to-day?
Right glad I am he was not at this fray.
Madam, an hour before the worshipp'd sun
Peered forth the golden window of the east,
forth: from forth
A troubled mind drave me to walk abroad;
Where, underneath the grove of sycamore
grove: 树丛
sycamore: 小无花果树,枫树的一种
That westward rooteth from the city's side,
that rooteth westward from the city's side: that grows on the west side of the city
So early walking did I see your son:
So early did I see your son walking
Towards him I made, but he was ware of me
And stole into the covert of the wood:
covert: 隐藏处 shelter, hiding place
I, measuring his affections by my own,
Which then most sought where most might not be found,
being one too many by my weary self,
Pursued my humour not pursuing his,
And gladly shunn'd who gladly fled from me.
which : 指my own affections
humour: mood,心情
我以我自己的心情丈量他的心情,我当时也想找一个没人的地方,觉得我自己一个人都嫌多(too many by weary self),所以就只pursued我自己的心情,不pursuing 他的心情了,谁要是想躲着我,我也正好乐得躲开(shun)他了。