Nor were the Targaryens themselves exempt. The king was attacked thrice, and would have fallen on two of those occasions but for his guards. Queen Visenya was set upon one night in King's Landing. Two of her escorts were slain before Visenya herself cut down the last attacker with Dark Sister.
The most infamous act of that bloody age occurred in 12AC, when Wyl of Wyl, the Widow-lover, arrived uninvited at the wedding of Her Jon Cafferen, heir to Fawnton, to Alys Oakheart, daughter to the Lord of Old Oak. Admitted through a postern gate by a treacherous servant, the Wyl attackers slew Lord Oakheart and most of the wedding guests, then made the bride look on as they gelded her husband. Afterward they took turns raping Lady Alys and her handmaids, then carried them off and sold them to a Myrish slaver.
最邪恶的流血事件发生在公元12世纪,在幼鹿屯的卡伏伦家族与古橡城城主的女儿亚历斯·奥克赫特的婚礼上,妇女爱好者维尔城的维尔领主不请自来。 通过一个背叛的仆人从后门进入,维尔的袭击军杀死了奥克赫特勋爵以及婚礼上大部分的客人,之后让新娘看着他们阉割她的丈夫。后来他们轮流强奸亚历斯夫人和她的侍女,后来带她们离开,把她们卖给了密尔的奴隶主。
By then Dorne was a smoking desert, beset by famine, plague, and blight. "A blasted land," traders from the Free Cities called it. Yet House Martell still remained Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken, as their words avowed. One Dornish knight, brought before Queen Visenya as a captive, insisted that Meria Martell would sooner see her people dead than slaves to House Targaryen. Visenya replied that she and her brother would be glad to oblige the princess.
Age and ill health finally did what dragons and armies could not. In 13AC, Meria Martell, the Yellow Toad of Dorne, died abed (whilst having intimate relations with a stallion, her enemies insisted). Her son humor succeeded her as Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne. Sixty years old, his health already failing, the new Dornish prince had no appetite for further slaughter. He began his reign by sending a delegation to King's Landing, to return the skull of the dragon Meraxes and offer King Aegon terms of peace. His own heir, his daughter Meria, led the embassy.
Prince Nymor's peace proposals encountered strong opposition in King's Landing. Queen Visenya was hard set against them. "No peace without submission," she declared, and her friends on the king's council echoed her words. Orys Baratheon, who had grown bent and bitter in his later years, argued for sending Princess Meria back to her father less a hand. Lord Oakheart sent a raven, suggesting that the Dornish girl be sold into "the meanest brothel in King's Landing, till every beggar in the city has had his pleasure of her." Aegon Targaryen dismissed all such proposals; Princess Meria had come as an envoy under a banner of peace and would suffer no harm under his roof, he vowed.?
exempt:vt 豁免,免除
slay: vt 杀死
infamous :adj 声名狼籍的,邪恶的
postern:n 后面的,后门
treacherous:adj 奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的
geld :vt 阉割
handmaids: n 侍女
famine:n 饥荒
plague: n 瘟疫
blasted:adj 被诅咒的
oblige:vt 帮忙
stallion: n 种马,成年公马
humor:vt 顺应,迎合
appetite:n 嗜好,食欲
slaughter:n 杀戮
proposals:n 建议书
encountered:vt 遭遇,遇到
meanest:adj 最刻薄的,最吝啬的
brothel:n 妓院
beggar: n 乞丐
dismissed:vt 开除,解散,拒绝